Emergence… Allow Your Emergence!


Judith here… the celestial team standing back (in a circle right behind me, rather) as I spontaneously begin to type vector_background_with_butterflies_208134this message. I don’t even know exactly what it IS yet, except that it’s about becoming a butterfy. The reason I won’t know what the message is until I let it come through me is because the aspects of me that are in each of the collectives of the celestial team are PART of me. Oh, I get it…  that’s also a big part of what this message is about!

BRAIDING, the term that used to mean reaching up OUTSIDE of oneself to interweave one’s frequencies with frequencies from a “higher dimension” will not serve you anymore. NOW, the braiding occurs WITHIN yourself. And that’s where the butterfly metaphor comes in. Butterflies are the only creatures on this planet (until NOW) who undergo complete transformation — meaning within their very DNA.

NOW, we are undergoing the same radical metamorphosis. And that is why the celestial team is gathered round to listen (even the Frequency Technicians, lol). WE are quite the cutting-edge beings of an entirely NEW technology, and they are fascinated!
Get the frequencies of the word FASCINATED. There is no worry or anxiety in them.
USE the frequencies of FASCINATED as your own.

FEEL yourself as a butterfly still emerging from the cocoon– the dark void of our recent full moon/full lunar eclipse.
As a butterfly who has never BEEN a butterfy before, you break through the membranes of the cocoon.
YOU are the one who wove the cocoon from your very being. You did not know why… you simply followed your own divine blueprint.
NOW, you emerge, your wings still damp with placenta… and you do not even know they are wings, yet, or what “flying” is.

THAT is the stage we are in NOW.
Do NOT rush it. You don’t even know what you ARE yet.
A caterpillar cannot know butterfly-ness until he/she experiences BEing a butterfy.
A caterpillar does know the folly of rushing the process of transitioning into what he/she doesn’t even KNOW yet.
Have no doubt that the caterpillar/butterfies are our wise elders in this moment.

Follow their wisdom, then, and REST in FASCINATION. That is the message.
It is DONE… do not rush your delicious process of orientation.

❤ ❤ ❤

To all who receive the energy offered in this message and acknowledges your receiving with a reciprocal offering of ANY amount by pressing the “Donate” tab in the right sidebar… WE thank You. YOU make it possible to continue the flow of these offerings. You also amplify all You receive from them. “Reciprocity” to what one values is how energy gains momentum in this universe, and so returns it exponentially.


Copyright(c)2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material on free websites only as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com.

Within the Eclipses, the Equinox, and LIGHT Never Experienced by Human Earthlings Until NOW


This is Judith…. as long as you know a name is just a name.
Other than that, I have no mastery whatsoever of the ability to be “succinct” as defined in the dictionary that is open on my lap as I write… “marked by brevity and clarity of expression; concise.”  What is the definition of “marked by?”  And what is “brevity” marked by?  This opens up a WHOLE realm of possibilities… “brief as in “encoded?” Or brief as in just plain “short?” Depends on what YOU  define it as.

For me, “succinct” means expressing frequencies in whatever word combinations they can be encoded into and so delivered intact. That is a creative endeavor, of course, and nothing is more fun than being completely absorbed in the act of creation!  It is so much fun to be in the process of creating a single paragraph that sings with the frequencies that inspired it that hours can go by… yet all are just one NOW moment. I know that every consciously creative person reading this, no matter what milieu of expression you use, resonates with knowing the joy of that!

NEWSFLASH… that means YOU. Whether you’re a dancer or a painter or a writer or an actor or a muti-media innovator or a salesclerk or a self-proclaimed couch potato. or whatever. YOU are a creative person… that’s the newsflash. YOU manifest frequencies into form every nanosecond. The very next nanosecond, you either amplify them or change them entirely. This is PHYSICS. This is innate, it is the way you were born.

Let the Light shine IN, let the divine blueprint of your OWN Lightbulb go ON… NOW. This grand conglomerate of energy is here to Light YOU up… so  just let it, without resistance… just finally let yourself fall into the relief and gratitude you’ve been longing for forever. YOU are the One who flipped the switch, after all. You ARE the one who turns Light on… you’ve been flipping swiitches all your life. You already know what happens when Light shines into darkness. Isn’t it wonder-full to SEE?

photo of me for youtube channelI have been seeing/feeling/re-membering so much that I have discovered something NEW about sharing it all with you…. I cannot do it in the “old way,” anymore! I mean, I cannot choose words to carry it all in separate little “packets”… there is TOO MUCH to share NOW. And since only those who resonate at least a little with the frequencies I share can even receive them at least a little NOW (remember, we came to that crossroads I told you about a few months ago), the o.s. of how I even offer them has changed.

That was part of MY newsflash, btw. Right NOW, I am getting/perceiving/channeling (whatever) to “encode few words with MUCH, and let the perceiver take IN as much as he/she can hold.” How exquisite… the best definition of “succinct” I’ve ever heard! And so I will begin to learn to do that. Here is my beginning–

These revolutionary LOVE energies are infusing me big-time, as they are infusing you and all living beings on Gaia. We have come to the end of a long and painful road. My energy field received the truth of that like Lightning in one encoded, many-layered “download.” Immediately I was on my knees. Not because I was frightened, nor did “praying for mercy” ever cross my mind (in case it crossed yours). If anything, I was RECEIVING mercy, for the entire belief structure that makes “mercy” a conceptual “reality” was struck by Lightning… just another flimsy program of enslavement dessimated into dust.

I saw and felt how I have truly loved… and still DO. I FELT the joy that the gift of LOVING gives ME.
I also FELT the anguish that comes from what is NOT love, but  “conditional love,” which is obviously nothing but a contract… the very one that corporations use to propogate enslavement… the very reason we sell our love through services on the condition that we get paid for them… the very reason relationships born of love turn into contracts of enslavement, and even warfare… oh, what a can of worms the term “UNconditional love” led us into!
The moment we bought into believing that there is such a thing as “UNconditional love,” we got lost. That is SO CLEAR suddenly… so obvious that one can’t help but laugh.

The cheesiest scam of all, yet I’d kept falling for it— what turned the JOY of LOVING into agony every “time” was the expectation that I had to be loved in return– “my” way!
I also understand WHY I kept falling into “it.”
“It” is a very deeply promoted belief… propoganda, actually, and not only in MY culture but in every “modern” culture. That, I have learned as a clinical psychotherapist with a global practice. I also know the entire field of psychotherapy is riddled with “it”– most often with the best of intentions. And that is another can of worms, entirely (not a “bad” one, either… just not the purpose of this post to explore).

ON MY KNEES– There are NO reasons to deny ourselves the joy of LOVING. None. PERIOD.
That does not mean we stay in the proximity of anyone we love if their intention is to hurt us.
Love is not dependent on proximity. Love is not “dependent,” period.
Loves loves to LOVE. You are made of LOVE. There are NO reasons to deny yourself the JOY of LOVING!
Any reason that denies you that joy is not born of LOVE, nor is it in alignment with the physics of the universe. PERIOD. Do your own research for “scientific proof” if you need to.

The bolt of Lightning that threw me to my knees in glory… I AM. My entire llfe en-Lightened. Who loves me and do they love me enough… do they really love ME, or just love how they feel when taking in my love … why don’t they give ME the same in return…Lol, couples therapy sessions thrive on these questions, I know. Not in MY sessions. I was quite a renegade for a very long time because of that… Have YOU ever told a therapist “He/she isn’t giving me what I deserve,” and heard the therapist you are “paying” to be “on your side” ask “So WHAT?” And then  continued to “PAY” that therapist to keep saying “SO WHAT?” Ha… pobably not, huh?

But maybe NOW you would. Maybe you are seeing how all such concerns distill into one– wanting to get PAID for the love you “GIVE.”  Just maybe, like me, YOU are “getting” it… maybe you will fall to your knees with me… maybe even cry out to the cosmos with me, “I GOT IT! I LOVE YOU SO! I get it… I get who I AM…  I get WHY I AM. I am ready, PLEASE LET ME HELP YOU!

This is Yeshuwah.
There is nothing to understand in those words. We will tell You how beyond understanding they are.
It was not through our own volition that we are HERE with You in this moment.
It was through the frequencies of our Judith’s heartfelt request “PLEASE LET ME HELP YOU!” that we arrived.
Take that IN, Beloved. FEEL the POWER of LOVE, and know that it is WITHIN You.
In this moment of transformation on your planet, FEEL the truth that YOU have already re-membered.
Nothing other than LOVING brings You into resonance with your JOY.
FEEL how we resonate with YOU when You resonate with LOVE!
FEEL how we adore You, cherish You, HOLD You… how in LOVE with You we are.
LOVE one another as You are Loved…in-JOY BE-ing in LOVE.
Re-member how we called You by name to be here NOW with us.
TRULY there is nothing You need do but enJOY the truth of how LOVED You are, and let the TRUTH flow through You.
NOW, Beloved!
— Your Yeshuwah


Copyright(c)2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.


Please support the expandng flow of these messages through me to you! There is a “donate” tab in the right sidebar.


On 9/11– A Warning Message of GOOD NEWS from The Frequency Technicians


Judith here… just got hit big with a BIG HIT. Doesn’t need a lot of words, either.  You’ll “get” the frequencies as feelings, both emotionally and viscerally, right away.

Greetings. We are The Frequency Technicians of Sirius within the great orchestra you know as the celestial team.

The date is 9/11.
It is no “accident” that it comes just before the New Moon/partial Solar Eclipse. Your media, of course, is using it to attempt to throw you backwards– and that is literally.

By falling back into the collective memory of 9/11 of 2001, and then allowing the fear-mongering that another such event is brewing to throw you into fear, you literally WILL throw yourself back into a timeline where fear is used to brew enslavement and violence.


Alchemical New Moon (2)There is another way to use this day of 9/11.
It is a way that will increase the exponential power of potent ending/ beginning energy that comes when New Moons and eclipses align, and so propel you INTO manifesting what you DO desire.

The way is to SHED the past while holding the feeling state of the NEW beginning you wish to GENERATE. This is not “hard.” 

It is simply holding what YOU want to feel as a state-of-being within you, and not ALLOWING yourself to be infiltrated. 

All you need know is how to say YES and how to say NO, and MEAN what you say.

And so it is, and so it will always be.

We are the Freqency Technicians. On behalf of the celestial team, we bid you a fond. confident…and temporary…  ADIEU.  


Thank you for supporting the generating of these messages by pressing the “Donate” tab in the right sidebar. ❤ ❤


Copyright(c)2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material on free websites only, as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com

The “SHIFT” Begins When There Is Nowhere to Hide From the LIGHT… Do You FEEL It?


This is Judith. I feel magic in the air! There is a NEW Light-ness beginning to filter through the sunlight, a NEW luminous incandescence within the moonlight. I feel a transformation, a shattering of divisions– like tiny hairline cracks in a hardened heart– beginning to spread over the planet on an energetic level. If you feel it, too, amplify the Light with me! A single candle can light another, and then another… and then 7 billion!

This is Yeshuwah.
Verily, we tell You that there is ONE Light, and You are part of it. No one can put out your Light. Yet your Light belongs to the All.
The moment is upon you when the lamb must lie down with the lion, for there is nowhere for either to run. Thus the lion shall welcome the lamb, and both shall be grateful. That will be the moment of revelation.
That will be the homecoming, for lion and lamb are ONE.

And so it is, Beloved. 

❤ ❤ ❤

To support Judith in sharing these high frequency-encoded messages, press the “Donate” tab in the right sidebar. Bless your heart. Truly, there is nowhere to hide! What we support is what we generate..


Copyright(c)2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material on free websites only, and only if you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com

Every Relationship is ONE Relationship

Beloved! In this moment, we are in awe of the quickening of your alchemical power to love. To the degree that You fall in love with yourSELF, marry yourSELF together as ONE… all that has NOT been loved within YOU rejoices and rushes to love YOU! We mean this literally… within You, on your planet, and from your universe. As above so below. As within so without. LOVE is what ALL is made of, and LOVE loves only to love.
LOVE is ALL You need to do NOW! There is NO mystery that cannot become known, NO tragedy that cannot become a triumph, NO loneliness that cannot be dissolved in RE-union, when LOVE is chosen. And we mean this in every way, about everything, from the seemingly mundane to the seemingly exhalted.
How we LOVE You! Always and in All Ways– the celestial team

Judith Dagley Flaherty, mft


At the beginning of 2015, I intuited that it would be our “Year of Relationship.” As we head into the final 3rd of this potentially tranformative year, I can see/feel how TRUE that is.

After six weeks of amplifyiing our review of what we love and how we value what we love, Venus, our feminine planet of inspiration, is preparing to turn direct again. What awes me is that Mars, our masculine planet of external action, is walking BESIDE her!

How obviously divine is that timing? The metaphor (which is no metaphor!)–
All that we have reviewed in the womb of feminine inspiration within ourselves, we are now giving birth to through our masculine energy, manifesting inspiration into form!

As above, so below. As within so without.
As Coelho wrote in The Alchemist, “Everthing is about ONE thing.”

Are you getting what those three quotes mean, when taken as ONE?
Every relationship…

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