Had ENOUGH? Good!


Ah, Beloved… bless your beautiful heart.

Do You feel as if You have had ENOUGH right NOW? Of some circumstance or relationship pattern… only YOU know what it is.

If so, that is to be expected…  September 2016 has been a very intense month for your human collective thus far.

Understand that in your unprecedented Year of Transformation, it is GOOD to know you’ve had enough of some things!

It is especially important to know what those things are within the final full moon/lunar eclipse of such an unprecedented year.

During September 9th and 10th of 2016, you will experience the truth of “enough.” An “outcome,” in other words,  for that is what a completion IS– which will also be the platform of something NEW.



Watch for it!

Watch for the PLATFORM,  the NEW, step onto it, FEEL the NEW and step INTO it!

And do not look back.

You are coming HOME to yourSELF, Beloved. How we love You!  Always and in All Ways– the celestial team

Judith here. THANK YOU ALL who support me in delivering these messages to you by pressing the “donate” tab in the right sidebar. Without YOU, it would not be possible ❤ !!!!

Copyright©2016, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com


999. Planting Seeds In Fertile Soil.

This is Judith. I KNOW, you want to hear from the celestial team! Or maybe that’s just my own insecurity talking, lol… either way, there’s nothing I can do about it except what I’m doing (which is what “they” tell me to, lol!) The celestial team is speaking “with me through me” (their words), in “human resonance, so that we can HEAR ourSELVES,”.
So that WE can hear YOU, Beloved! So that WE can hear YOU begin to hear your glorious Sovereign Human CELESTIAL Self Within You!”
How we love to hear You, Always and in All Ways — the celestial team

Judith Dagley Flaherty, mft


TODAY, a cycle in your life has matured into completion.
TODAY, all that you have created in the last year has born the fruit of becoming the archetype for a NEW cycle that is beginning.
This is not only true for YOU, however. It is true for everyone (everyone on this planet, that is!).
TODAY, as our earth moves from Virgo into Libra, we’re ALL going.

TONIGHT (whenever you experience your night, it is the same night we ALL experience), our Harvest Moon will celebrate this event.
TOMORROW, we’ll still be on the move (some call it the “Initiation phase,” btw).
By SUNDAY (in my corner of the world, or whenever is 2 days after the Harvest Moon in yours), we will be settling into Libra for a NEW year.

What does this mean?
First of all, it means let go of obsolete words like “ending and beginning!” “Outcome” is more accurate…

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The Challenge/Triumph of September 2016– Navigating Through Chaos With SOVEREIGNTY!

There is nothing You can do that is more important NOW than taking care of YOU. Better said, there is nothing nearly AS important as your own state-of-being is NOW… and NOW, and NOW, and NOW… NOW is a continuum, not a single moment, and NOW is always NEW as well… just as You are. There is nothing more important than being the center of your own life as your NOW expands, because it is from YOU, YOUR frequencies, that your life becomes what it becomes in every NEW moment of your eternal NOW! Re-member. You are SOVEREIGN! You can create whatever You choose. Remember. You can even create enslavement! The only thing You CANNOT do is NOT be the one who chooses. Indeed, your life is in your own Sovereign hands! What could possibly be MORE important to take care of NOW than YOU?
Heed our Judith’s human words– frequencies, rather– because she is IN THIS WITH YOU! We are not. Yet our LOVE is with You! And we always hear You and we always answer You! And when You use your ability to understand FREQUENCIES, You can hear us clear as a bell.
How we LOVE that! Always and in All Ways– the celestial team

Judith Dagley Flaherty, mft


I haven’t written much here in the last couple of months. I’ve been BUSY. Busy living what I wasn’t ready to write about until I experienced it enough to have a sense of the landscape, at least! Then, I was busy trying to figure out how to write about it, because words don’t cut it anymore. Not the way we’ve been using them as if they are adequate symbols of shared meaning, anyway, since they never have been. And certainly not as adequate symbols for “real” experiencesince there aren’t any words for that, anymore.

Experience NOW is so multidimensional that it is far more exquisitely subtle and elegantly nuanced than any language system that is thousands of years old can express! So, finally we’re going to have to use the system we were born with. Finally, we’re going to have to begin communicating vibrationally– consciously and intentionally, I mean. And yes, by

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