MORE Tips From Within the NEW!


Hello, Beloved! We will not tarry with our transmission, as it needs to be a “quickie,” as our Judith calls it, which we find both charming and correct. We only wish to add the reason why it is correct, as some may still think of the old linear, crowded “things to do list,” of which each “thing” must be checked off as quickly as possible. Ah, but that is NOT the reason NOW in the NEW Energies that wil resonate You into an entirely NEW Paradigm of Being!  NOW, it is all about FLOWING WITH your OWN energy in accordance with its/your own continual expansion. The tempo of your flow is always changing. Sometimes it slows, sometimes it quickens, sometimes it ebbs. It is the flow of YOUR energies as they harmonize and dance with the NEW energy You are in that sets your pace NOW. Remember that Beloved, and do not worry about “setting schedules and making lists” any longer. NOW, just as your birds catch the current of the energy and FLY in them, so can YOU.
Well, that was quite a “Tip From Within the NEW” already, was it not? Indeed, it was. And so, we give You to our Judith. She will “flesh it out,” as only You divinely human beings can!

This is Judith… to say WHAT, I have no idea anymore, since everything I was going to say, you just read in a richly encoded nutshell! All I can “flesh out” about that is something you already know– to receive all of that information, you have to tune into the FREQUENCIES encoded in the words. The same is true about getting into your own energy flow in order to harmonize with, dance with, and FLY on the currents of our NEW energy miliue– you (me, we all) have to know our OWN FREQUENCIES to do that.

And about doing that, the very best thing I can do for you is direct you to the newest, most alive, most current NEW in-the-moment information about stepping into the NEW that I (and the celestial team,of course, nudge, wink) have to offer in this particular NOW–

1. The NEW ENERGY TELE-GATHERINGS are packing a wallop of energetic activations, NEW perspectives and PRACTICAL tools to use NOW into each teeny 100 minute or so segment, the last of which will be this Sunday, 5/24 at 4:00 p.m. pstd. Recordings of the prior three are also available. To participate in Sunday and/or receive recordings, just click the link at the top of the site and you’ll be walked right through to receiving whatever you ask for in less than two minutes.

2. Not only that, but the celestial team and I will be LIVE on the radio this Thursday at 1:00 p.m. pstd! Maartin Horst has asked us to be his guest(s) on his weekly online show, ET-First Contact, and we will be delighted, because we have a LOT to say about the NEW energies. We also want to reach as many who wil listen as possible right NOW, because the confluence of the energies we are in NOW is the “choice point” we’ve been preparing for, and is also one that will never come again. So tune in! And have no doubt, the celestial team will feel your frequencies, so tell them your questions ahead of time. Just call on them and they’ll be right there listening. And then, YOU listen for their answers in the broadcast– they will be there.
Here’s the direct link to the show:

Hope to feel you with us in both of these experiences. Let’s all stay attuned!

Copyright(c)2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
What you seek is seeking you
— Rumi

We’re IN it NOW… Tips From Within the Midst of NEW


This is Judith. About two weeks ago, I managed to catapult myself  into a very heightened and intense experience of “Paradigm Shift.” I’m in the middle of it NOW, and I know this only because I’m very aware of how I got here (which actually isn’t a “here,” but we don’t have words for these multidimensional experiences… yet). The catalyst is/was the NEW ENERGY Tele-Gatherings the celestial team and I are presenting this month.

At first, I had no idea what I was in for. I’d presented six Energy Tele-Gatherings monthly through the second half of 2014, and although they each sent my frequencies soaring for days afterward, I didn’t end up somewhere else entirely as a result. But that was because they were spaced farther apart, for one thing. And that was then, for another.

NOW, we truly are in NEW ENERGY. NOW, our frequencies are increasingly higher (the Law of Resonance), and therefore we are becoming increasingly sensitive to subtle shifts in frequency. NOW, the way our perceptions shift right along with our frequencies– which in turn shifts our experience of “reality”– is not so subtle anymore. Or won’t be for very long, anyway, depending on where your baseline frequency is at the moment.

Since you are reading this post, yours is likely fairly high already, which means you are probably beginning to experience at least a few dis-orienting shifts of perception. This dis-orientation from the limited perceptual range of the 3rd dimension and into a NEW 5th dimensional orientation is exactly what we’ve been waiting for, of course… and it IS wonder-full!

That said, the process can also be a wee bit harrowing at times, especially when it feels less like a gradual process and more like a sudden quantum leap. And you are likely to experience that at least a few times (if you haven’t already), depending on the particular harmonics you’re vibrating in. Which brings me to the reason for this post.

The celestial team has asked me to share some of my experiences and awarenesses with you while I am in the midst of such a leap. This is what we will all do for one another, eventually. Since none of us will make this shift in the same way or order as anyone else, whenever any of us leaps ahead as a frontrunner, we’ll share our discoveries as guidance for the others.…if it resonates with them and if/when they choose to use it.

This is also why the celestial team has been encouraging us to not look “up” to them for guidance, but to find it within us and then share it with one another. Which is the perfect segue to guide me into sharing something about the concept of “up and down,” “higher or lower”– and so even about “ascension,” itself. (By the way, everything I share here will be from my experience, so if it doesn’t resonate with you, just forget about it.)

From my experience, “ascending” is an old paradigm perception. We are not going anywhere “higher.” We are already there. The shift into a 5th dimensional perception is one of expanding beyond the limited experience of the 3rd in order to perceive ourselves there– as well as projected here. We had an unexpected guest at the last NEW ENERGY Tele-Gathering who gave us quite an experiential demonstration of this. And what an expansive trip he was…

The name he gave us to call him was Adonai. I recognized his energy immediately as 6th dimensional Sirian, from the collective in the celestial team that call themselves the frequency technicians. I was also pretty sure he wasn’t coming through “on his own.” In any case, he wasn’t necessarily a “he,” either, even though the frequency technicians do carry very strong masculine energy.

In a nutshell, Adonai came to do some “straight talk” about our illusions of separation. After making several concise points about how illogical such illusions are, he gave us the final punch line, so to speak. To paraphrase (but pretty close!), Adonai said,  “Okay, look. I came to talk to you as ONE guy, right? Well, the truth is, I’m part of a collective. So did I Iie? Not anymore than YOU lie when you say you’re ONE human being! You’re part of a collective just like ‘I’ am. And your collective is part of a collective that’s part of a collective and on and on, just like mine is. Don’t you GET it?”

LOL! I told you he was a trip. And he sure made POINT pretty powerfully “up close and personal” with the participants. NOW, what I’d like to add from my human experience is that actually living the truth of what he said in one’s own human beingness can be extremely disruptive to the psyche at first. When I began experiencing myself in many dimensions simultaneously three years ago, it felt like I was hallucinating– and would likely have been told just that by 3rd dimensional “experts in psychology.” Fortunately, I am one of them, so I knew enough to know I was not. And NOW, while I’m also experiencing the merging of collectives, and so their dimensions… well, I’m glad I know a thing or too, that’s all I can say. Because YOWZA!

Here are a few NEW things that were confirmed for me in spades and really, really, fast–

It takes GROUNDING to have such experiences without freaking out (short-circuiting). Grounding IN your body, grounded ON/IN the earth. Spending time in nature, feet on the earth, will help enormously. The earth is a mutidimensional collective, so Gaia will HELP you integrate your NEW experiences.

There’s also an exercise the celestial team gave me to introduce in the next NEW ENERGY Tele-Gathering that activates the process of integrating our higher and lower chakras through the heart center– which enables us to experience ourselves multidimensionally while still living in the illusion of our current “reality.” If you’re interested, check out the “NEW ENERGY TELE-GATHERINGS!” page by clicking the link at the top of the site. These tele-gatherings are really powerful and amazingly helpful, so if you feel the subtlest bit of resonance, then I suggest you do register, by all means.

A couple other things it might be good to know about before you begin to experience yourself “walking between the worlds,” so to speak–

When moving back into “current reality” from a more expanded state of being, you might find yourself unable to remember how to use common everyday devices and/or machinery right away. For example, this morning I had no idea how to use my coffee machine. It was as if I’d never even seen such a strange contraption before, lol. (It is funny, but I mean it!) And last week, I got in my car and realized I had no clue how to even start the engine, much less drive it. PLEASE don’t be alarmed and tense up in resistance! These kinds of experiences don’t last more than 15 minutes or so, and I’m only telling you about them so you WON’T be alarmed when/if you have similar ones. (Just don’t try to drive until you remember how!)

Another thing about moving in and out of perceptual states is that it includes moving in and out of “timelines” (since there is no “time” as we know it beyond the 4th dimension). This means that you might suddenly find yourself grieving over a loss you experienced decades ago as if it just happened a minute ago. On the other hand, you might find yourself exhilerated over something wonder-full that happened when you were in kindergarten as if you are still five years old and its happening NOW. Of course, its the painful re-visits we make to ourselves “in the past” that are the most distressing, which is why its good to know that its simply part of the expansion/realigning/upgrading process. Not only that, but it integrates those experiences, so each time they will be softer, gentler, you’ll begin to feel loving compassion towards that hurting aspect of you, until finally, they settle into YOU, and are at peace.

Man, there is so much more that wants to come tumbling out of me, so many experiences that I’d love to share with you! Yet I also sense that this is probably enough to digest for NOW. So, I’ll leave the rest for another “time,” and close (for NOW!) with something I wrote on my other website ( describing what its like to have an awareness in an expanded state. You’ll hear echoes of Adonai’s description of being a human being in it, I’ll bet–

110px-Escher_Circle_Limit_IIISo for NOW, I’ll just say that what makes the awarenesses that have been coming to me so dazzlingly thrilling is how exquisitely simple they are in their intricately interwoven expansiveness. That’s quite a mouthful, sorry– but just wait till you SEE! Within a single awareness, several others will open like flowers, and even more will shoot out from it like sparks that connect with many others, and then they ignite and grow flowers and shoot sparks… It is a totally NEW Paradigm way of experiencing consciousness altogether, and so elegantly beautiful that it fills me with wonder. You are going to love it!!!


Copyright(c)2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

NEW ENERGY, NEW GPS! Join the celestial team on May 10th to Get YOURS Up and Running!


We greet you with much excitement, Beloved– You are fully in your NEW ENERGY at last! 

We wish to point out that we did not say the ENERGY is NEW. You did, indeed, enter it on your solstice of 12.21.12. We are excited because YOU are fully in it NOW! You see, entering an entirely NEW ENERGY is one thing. Recallibrating yourSelf entirely INTO it is quite another.

And You have spent the last two of your years doing exactly that, As You recall, we offered monthly Energy Tele-Gatherings through the last six months of your 2014 to assist You with that final phase before entering your 2015. That was by design, of course, in order to prepare You for spiraling into readiness through the first third of this entirely NEW year.

Quite a whirlwind of getting “up to speed,” was it not? But You did it, Beloved!
NOW, You are in your Orientation Phase, which is a whole NEW sort of whirlwind altogether, and a most exciting one. We wish You to experience the excitement, the adventure, the pure creative FUN of this phase.

In order to do so, the critical keyword to hold in your consciousness is “NEW.”
Nothing is the same in this NEW ENERGY. We mean that in the most absolute, intrinsic way. It is an entirely NEW Paradigm of “reality” altogether.

You cannot possibly orient to a NEW Paradigm by using old paradigm methods.
To attempt to do so would not only make what could be very easy seem impossibly “hard,” it would get You nowhere but lost. To illustrate this, we will use the very human, yet also very apt, metaphor that
 our Judith used in one of our tele-gatherings last year–

If You are moving from Cleveland, Ohio to an island in Tahiti, would You expect a map of Cleveland to be useful in finding your way around your NEW tropical island?

Of course You wouldn’t! You KNOW better than that. Remember what You KNOW, Beloved, and remember that where You are NOW is even NEWER than a move across your globe. In you NEW ENERGY, there IS no map. It is NEW uncharted territory, and one in which the very concept of “maps” as you know them do not apply.

But what You DO have is even finer! You have a NEW Global Positioning SystemLike your old ones, it relies on wave lengths. UNLIKE your old ones, however, your NEW GPS  does not need a satellite. Nor does it need unobstructed lines of sight, or any other conditions.

Your NEW GPS is within You. Its NEW technology is the best You have ever used. That is within You, as well, for it is powered by your own frequencies. And it is so easy to operate that it is “hard” to fathom at first, coming into it from your old paradigm as You are.

That is why we, with our earthly member Judith, have offered the NEW ENERGY TELE-GATHERINGS in this month of your May. We absolutely LOVED presenting the first one on your Sunday, May 3rd– we could feel the energy crackling as the information connected and went LIVE within all who joined with us that day!

And NOW, we will ask our Judith to offer details about how to receive the recording of that tele-gathering– as well as how to “crackle right along with us” in the next ones! We are doing so because we feel the frequencies of some who are reading this transmission,  and feeling the resonance within themSelves to join us very powerfully.. a few for the very first “time.” Ah, how we welcome you, Beloved! How exciting this NEW ENERGY is! 

Hi, Judith here… it really WAS amazing, the first NEW ENERGY TELE-GATHERING! I could go on and on about it, but since I know its better to find these things out for oneSelf,  I’ll just say that what amazed me most is how PRACTICAL it was. Only a few years ago, the celestial team’s messages were powerful because their frequencies are so high, they awakened our own to reach for them.

Well, their frequencies are STILL high, all right!  And sure, they still raise our own, sure they still inspire us… but the information they shared with us in the last NEW ENERGY Tele-Gathering was so darned USABLE... I mean, right HERE, right NOW!

And what this confirms for ME is that, not only are we in NEW ENERGY, not only are OUR frequencies much higher NOW– but that WE are READY to be NEW, at last– right HERE, right NOW.

May 3rd, May 10th, May 17th, and May 24th
4:00 p.m. pstd until 5:30-6:00 p.m. pstd
(whenever the gathering is complete)

Reciprocal Energy Exchange– $20.00 per each
With recording– $25.00 per each
Recording only– $15.00 per each

To Register–
Offer your reciprocal energy exchange via paypal to
(You can do this by pressing the “Donate” tab in the right sidebar)
Note the gathering(s) and/or recording(s) it is offered for.
The international phone number and access code for the gathering(s)
will be emailed to you.
The recordings will be emailed within 48 hours, or 48 hours after
a tele-gathering is presented.

Questions? ASK me! Either on this site or by email to ❤

How we love you, Beloved! Always and in All Ways– the celestial team


Copyright(c) 2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: