Guidance Through The Storm; #22 ~ ~ ~ Swirling The Energies! Part Two~ Maintaining Your Balance: THE KEY!

Greetings, Beloved!

We are very eager to continue with what we began in our last transmission, for we believe it will help You through your current process enormously! If You missed Part One, we strongly suggest You go there before continuing– in order to get “the whole package,” exactly as delivered. Our Judith is even providing the link for You, so that all You have to do is “click,” and You’re there! (

Ah… there are some among You who are asking, “Why do I have to do THAT? Why can’t I just read the first part LATER, whenever I get around to it? We are smiling. You can do whatever You want, Beloved! It’s just that without Part One as a foundation, You will not receive the full benefits of Part Two.

We transmit ENERGETICALLY, remember? You receive far more from us than mere words on a page! We assist You with aligning your own energies with your desires, for one thing (if you allow us to, of course, which You always do!).

AND, we put little packets of information into your energy field! Each one creates a foundation for the next. That is how energy alchemy works, Beloved– and energetically, You understand this very well, because You always open them in perfect timing!

Now! Onward from where we left You. How GRAND You look when anchored deeply in your I AM /3rd chakra– centered in your own Love/Light, watching the amazing display of colors that the prism of the third dimension spin around You! However, we see that something is troubling You…

You cannot keep your balance!

Something must be wrong, You think! Or even worse, “It’s ME, I must be doing something WRONG!”

Oh my goodness, Beloved, You are NOT doing anything “wrong!” Just as we told You last time, You are stirring up the energies beautifully. The old, dense, frequencies in your human collective are swirling up to the surface as the frequencies of Light from your galactic center pour into them– just as You and your entire collective want them to!

We want to be very clear about this. The old, dense, frequencies are from your old paradigm, of course, and they have kept You all locked in the pain of divisiveness and fear for aeons. You do not want to live that way anymore. You “see the Light,” as our Judith says! And those old. dense, frequencies that kept You divided and afraid most surely do NOT resonate with Love/Light.

Anything that is dissonant with the frequencies of Love is now being disturbed, like old sediment that is flushed by pure water– fear, trauma, blame, resentment, loathing of Self– You can come up with others, as well, we are quite sure. And You do not want or need them anymore. Hallelujah for that, we say!

So by staying centered in your own Light, You help the process of bringing them up so that they can be released immeasurably, of course– but You are part of your human collective, too! ALL of You are in these swirling energies together… ALL of you are bringing them up IN one another, FOR one another. You see?

What You feel around You activates that which is within You. What is within You activates that which is around You. You can also feel energy around You and not be activated. But if You are, your collective is giving You the opportunity to find that which was activated within You. That is why you temporarily lose your balance–so that You can be aware that something obsolete has been triggered within You and release the charge!

For those among You who’s brains are demanding more explanation of exactly HOW all that happens, we wish to soothe them by promising that they will begin to understand a little more as our transmissions continue to unfold. We also strongly suggest that You practice dropping your attention into your heart center, which is multidimensional and so understands far more than the 3rd dimensional brain was designed to comprehend! Today, we wish to focus on the most pressing question at hand–

What do I DO when I lose my balance???

First of all, be GLAD! You have been given the opportunity to free yourSelf from something painful. Here is how You will do that:

  • Find the emotional memory that was triggered.
  • Recognize how that experience has served You in some way. If You balk at that, trust that in the “big picture”– which includes all of your lifetimes, past and future, too– it DID serve You, even if You don’t understand it yet.
  • With that awareness, You are ready to use the key that will release You from the charge that caused You to lose your balance! The key may surprise You– for it is not what happened to You in the memory that triggered the charge. It is your JUDGMENT of what happened to You in the memory that triggered the charge. Do You understand? Simply RELEASE JUDGMENT, and You will be free!

The way to release the charge is to release JUDGMENT!

This is IMPORTANT, Beloved! Isn’t it interesting that it is JUDGMENT that keeps You locked in trauma/pain/rage/fear? Judging others for what they have done or are doing is nothing but a treadmill of desolation that goes round and round, and the only way to get off is to RELEASE YOUR OWN JUDGMENTS.

Whatever is triggered WITHIN YOU is WITHIN YOU, is it not? And so “triggers” are not the CAUSES of your distress. They are CATALYSTS that assist You in bringing up the root of your distress in order to transmute it! Release the JUDGMENT, release the CHARGE.

You see how helpful You all are to one another? It is truly divine the way You all work together in tandem.

And that, Beloved, is because You are all ONE.

Remember! There is only one energy. Period. Ever. Whatever You choose to call It, It is divine creative potential, Source Energy, expressing and learning about Itself in a continual process of exploration and re-integration. You are all expressions of that divine energy, connected, ONE BEING, expressing, discovering, and re-integrating Itself. So continue!

Continue, indeed, and then we will be back with a “Part Three,” for we have even more frequency tools to share with You! (Our Judith calls them “Power Tools” and she is quite correct. They are!)

In the meantime, practice maintaining your balance by releasing judgment. Practice, practice, practice, Beloved!

How beautiful You are when You allow your Light to shine!


Attention to our precious newcomers– Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions! To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. On behalf of the all, I thank you. Namaste.

Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021-All Rights Reserved.


Guidance Through The Storm; #21 ~ ~ ~ Swirling the Energies! Part One

A most engaged hello to You, Beloved!

Above all, we want You to know that You are all stirring up the energies beautifully for one another now. Know this, deep within your wholeness; know that You are “on the job,” as You say!

We also feel your confusion at times as You practice staying in balance in the midst of these swirling energies. We especially reach out with great compassion and support to those among You who feel that the energies are more powerful than YOU are, and so try to “cope” with them from the frequencies of “survival mode” that You have been so entrained to.

Dearest Master in Human Form, the energies are LIGHT, and nothing more!

Although they are of higher frequency than You have ever settled into as yet, they carry in them only love and information from the center of your own galaxy–your own “galactic neighborhood!”

Your sun, Helios, works in tandem with your galactic center to assure that these waves of Love/Light are delivered to You according to the precise rhythms of your dimension of “time/space.” In other words, Helios gathers the information, then beams it out to You in perfect timing with your particular rhythms within the orchestra of the great universal design.

Do You see how well You are taken care of? Beautiful, is it not?

Now. We wish to clear up any confusion that causes You to feel otherwise! To that end, we remind You of what we began with–which is that You are doing a beautiful job of stirring up the energies. Yes. YOU.

Dearest Creator Being, YOU are the force that swirls the frequencies of this Love/Light amongst your human collective!

We are understanding that it is the way this process feels that is confusing You, and that we can also clear up quickly. It is simply a matter of physics!

Higher frequencies stir up lower frequencies.

Therefore, as You receive these high frequencies, You may think of it as very much like what happens when pure water flows into a glass with sediment at the bottom. As the water stirs up the sediment, it looks dirty at first, does it not? But as the water continues to swirl up the sediment, eventually it is flushed away. Voila!

We want You to take this information into your beings, and find within it the resonance of your own steady Love/Light. There is your calm authority, and your inner peace!

Indeed, all is “of a piece,” and You are part of that. Nothing, NOTHING, is occurring that is more than You can handle. Not anymore, not now. Indeed, You can handle FAR more than what You are currently experiencing with a mere raise of an eyebrow when You are centered in your own sovereign presence! Centered within the ALL that You are, You can orchestrate beautiful concertos of energy that tremble through galaxies, creating intergalactic symphonies! And when this occurs, Beloved, the entire universe bends to listen.
Take that in, please! Say it aloud–

When centered in all that I AM, I can orchestrate beautiful concertos of energy that tremble through galaxies, creating intergalactic symphonies, and the entire universe bends to listen!

How does THAT feel??! We ask that You keep the vastness and the power of this image in mind. Get comfortable with the way it FEELS, as well, because it is TRUE. So anchor it! We will guide You–

Let it fill your imagination and expand it. Then, feel a silver thread anchoring the feeling of the image into your third chakra. That is your I AM center. Then, feel another silver thread go down through you from there, anchoring your brilliantly glowing I AM center deep in the earth of Gaia. Yes!

YES!!! And now, we ask You to overlay that with another image that we have already presented–

your own white light as ignited by the balanced spin of your third dimensional chakra system.

— and if You think holding both of these images sounds “too complicated,” please discard that thinking at once, for it is obsolete. You are a multidimensional being! Simply allow yourSelf to experience what we are telling You that You can do. (

We want deeply that You do so because– take a deep breathe, Beloved!– You have yet another chakra system now, in alignment with your 5th dimensional frequencies, that is ready and operational! You will enjoy it very much!

Therefore, we want to “leave no stone unturned” (as our Judith says) in assisting You with the integration of your 3rd dimensional system, for it is from that foundation that the vast energy beings that You are will, in turn, ignite and expand in a most wonderful energetic flow!

And yet… we have already given You quite a lot to digest, we realize… All right, then, we will leave You with a plate that is quite full enough, and then continue with the rest next time, when You are ready to take in more! We only wish to remind You of one more thing (our Judith is laughing at us right now, “trying to be disciplined enough to stop in ‘right timing,'” she says. She know us very well!). Because it is important for You to remember–

The technical expertise that is required to integrate all of this is already hard-wired into You energetically, and You are already using it. ( Don’t forget! You know what You are doing even as You are learning what You know!

We will offer a few more creative ideas from our perspective next time. In the meantime, we reiterate that each of You are unique, and not one of your processes is alike. We stress, therefore, that nothing we transmit should ever be considered a “generic rule,” or “expert advice!” We are simply responding to some frequencies that request the suggestions we offer. If they resonate, USE them by all means. Or, use them as stepping stones to make your own discoveries!

YOU are the expert on aligning your choices with your courses. YOU are the master of yourSelf!

Do not ever give your sovereignty away again to any being by believing that You depend upon their guidance. That would only keep You trapped in the paradigm of need. Of powerlessness!

It is important that You know this as You proceed through the swirl of energies You are all co-creating, You see, for your planet does not exist in isolation, after all! You are as “out there” in the galaxy as every star You see. You are among them, as You are among humanity, as your organs are among your human body, as your cells are among your organs. On and on. One energy.

You see the picture? There are an infinite number of perspectives, both on your planet and from your galactic neighborhood. None are precisely yours. In that, each of You are gods.

There! The very best place to leave You in ‘right timing’ until we continue! Each of you are gods. And so, until next time… REMEMBER THAT, BELOVED!


Attention to our precious newcomers– Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions! To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. On behalf of the all, I thank you. Namaste.

Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021-All Rights Reserved.


Guidance Through The Storm; #20 ~~~ Healing Words From Jeshuwah!

Warm greetings to You, Beloved!

Well! Did You enjoy your Love Bath? (

As You recall, we asked for your permission beforehand. (Always, we ask your permission before working with You energetically!) Most often, our request is made telepathically. In this instance, however, it was transmitted into writing on the page You were reading as such–

Would You let yourSelf be willing to be loved– just as You are, every single part of You?

We did it this way so that You would be very conscious of your answer. Being willing to allow yourSelf to be loved is a big step, after all… perhaps even bigger than You may have thought! Well, CONGRATULATIONS!!! How wonder-full, Beloved! Because now, You are ready for your next one, and it is glorious, indeed–

Are You are willing to love YourSELF as You are loved?

Your Yeshuwah has a great desire to engage with You now. We stand aside in reverence.

~ ~ ~ ~

This is Yeshuwah.
Truly, You are our Beloved! We ask You now to go deep within, far, far, deep, down inside yourSelf for the memory of how dearly You are loved, for deep in your heart You hold the memory that You are love. Allow that memory to awaken. Take your time.

We will tell You that You are so loved that it pains us when You judge yourSelf. The way You haunt yourSelf sometimes with memories of perceived failuresthis troubles us greatly.
You have failed at nothing

You fear one another, afraid to be seen, afraid to open your hearts, afraid your heart will be shattered if You do. We tell You this:
Your heart can never be broken!

That is a story You have been told to keep You fearful of one another. Your heart is whole and shining. The emotional pain You have suffered has indeed afflicted You, but only because You believed You deserved it. You did not. And it has never, ever, damaged your heart.

You do not deserve pain or punishment! We ask You now to call up
every judgment You have ever reined upon yourSelf. Let them go,
every one of them, and let the lashings cease forevermore.

And now, bring all of You out of hiding. It matters not how You judge anything You have ever done! Bring those memories to You now.

Feel our love envelop them with honor and compassion, and then please embrace them with your own compassion.

We mean, of course, embrace yourSelf, claim all of You, in love. If You hesitate, then DO IT IN OUR NAME! Let us pave the way for You.

Do not cast pieces of yourSelf out any longer, Beloved!
Hold them close to your hearts, and feel their trembling melt away.
Realize how much they have longed for your love,
how cast out and ashamed they felt.
Realize how much You missed them.

Welcome them home!
Listen to them, for they have valuable lessons to share. They went into the depths to gather them for You! Love them, rejoice at the homecoming! Bring them with You on your ascension journey, for in truth, You cannot make it without them. You cannot leave any part of You behind.

You must come whole, Beloved, in love with all of You, for all is one. Do this within yourSelf, and You will do much for the all that is ALL.
Be at peace and in love with yourSelf, then, for all that You seek is within You.

Love yourSelf as You are loved, Beloved!

~ ~ ~

This is the celestial team all together again. We are deeply moved.

We only remind You that, just as You cannot feel whole until You love every part of You, You cannot love another until You love yourSelf. Thus, until You love YOU, there cannot be UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. (From Judith! To see more about that, go here: )

We end our transmission now. Our love remains with You. We wish You to hold onto how thoroughly You are loved, and no part of You less than more! We ask only that You love All that is You, as we do. Always, and in All Ways!


Note from Judith, again! This is in response to those of you who ask me why “Yeshuwah” isn’t spelled “Yeshua” like everywhere else. All I can tell you is that it’s the frequencies! I originally did use “Yeshuwa,” but it wasn’t right; the frequencies felt diminished. When I added the “h,” they felt complete. To ME. But YOU can spell them any way you want! xoxo


Attention to our precious newcomers– Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions! To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. On behalf of the all, I thank you. Namaste.


Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021 -All Rights Reserved


Something About February; Slippery Timelines!

Hi Everyone!

This is from my own website. The celestial team likes it. A lot. From their perspective, it provides a “deliciously human, down-to-earth description” of what we are all going through now on an energetic level, and “a crystal clear way of using the energies, as well.” (!!!) Therefore, they quite adamantly insisted that I share it with YOU. Which I am delightfully willing to do, of course!

(I hope you like it as much as they do. lol)


Judith Dagley Flaherty, mft

Hello, all!

It’s been awhile since I’ve written in my own voice, I know, but there is something going on this month that is a very human phenomenon, and I’d like to shed some light on it from my perspective. First of all–

Are you feeling indecisive lately? Or continually changing your mind? Or kind of stewing in a muddle, not knowing which road to take?

If so, it’s because time is speeding up, so fast that you sometimes lose any sense of time at all. You may have just decided what you want to bring into your life, for example, when doors of opportunity open for you to receive it– before you’re even ready! Then, time can feel like quicksand, as if you’re falling into something you are not sure you want, after all– and that can feel paralyzing. So you sit in a foggy muddle afraid to move.

View original post 111 more words

Guidance Through The Storm; #19 Celestial Love Bath For You!

We, the celestial team, greet You most expansively with love for All that You are!

We wish for You to know just how expansive our love for All that You are is most especially now, after You have taken in our video, “Navigating Into A New Paradigm Of Being.” (For those who have not seen it — We wish for You to truly and thoroughly FEEL the frequencies of our love; how total and UN-conditional they are. We do not even understand how to love You any other way, as it is not possible to love any other way! Further, we tell You that there is not the tiniest particle of You that is not lovable, and so does not bring forward the full rush of our love.

We ask if You will allow this love we have for You to be fully received in this moment. We know that You are unused to allowing yourSelf to be fully loved, for You do not think You deserve to be loved that way. You are used to measuring out love according to how much You have “earned,” and putting yourSelf “on trial” to judge what part of You is “not guilty” and so can receive some clemency of love. There is no court of law with love!

We humbly ask, then, that You let us lead You into making this crucial discovery for yourSelf. We know that we are asking something that may be more difficult for You to do than You might imagine. There are some of You who will find yourSelves not wanting to grant us that permission at all. If You are one, just notice how quickly your brain intercedes with many reasons why You “should not” do so in this moment! We understand.

You might say it is because You “are busy, and cannot spare the time.” Or, You just “don’t feel like it.” Or, You’ll “feel silly,” actually interacting with us in that way. It is one thing to read our messages, and another thing entirely to allow us to be “real” to You, and in an intimate, loving relationship with You, as well!
We understand. Do You?

Will You let yourSelf at least be willing to be loved– just as You are, every single part of You?

Do You believe that if You deny yourSelf of that, that You will keep parts of yourSelf hidden from us?

Is it better to be unloved, then, than to be fully seen?

Ah. Beautiful, wounded master, we tell You that ALL of You is worthy of our love, and ALL of You is ALREADY seen!

Hiding is an illusion of yours, born of shame, and You have nothing to regret, nothing to be ashamed of.
Let yourSelf be loved, then!

As You see, our desire to guide You into opening to receive the frequencies of our love is profound indeed… Ahhh! A few of our newcomers are still finding “all this talk of frequencies” to be “foreign,” we are hearing! All right. Thank You! We received your message, do You see that? And how did we do that? Through your FREQUENCIES, Beloveds!

Perhaps it will calm You even further to remember that tuning into frequencies is not foreign to You at all. Frequencies are what You tune into in order to receive radio, television, telephone, YouTube transmissions… did we miss any? You even select “channels” that will transmit the particular frequencies You choose to attune to! And so we ask AGAIN.

Will You allow this love we have for You to be fully received? Please take as long as You need to make this decision for yourSelf before reading further.

You cannot read frequencies in through your eyes. You must attune to them. Which is very easy, as You already know, for it is exactly what we guided You into doing before You watched our video last week! (see above link to review).

And now. At last. Please sit comfortably and relax, breathing peacefully. When You are ready, drop your attention from your head into your heart center.

You can envision your attention as a golden orb, floating gently down from your brain. When it settles, feel your heart open. Your heart is your multidimensional operating system. Feel it light up.

Then allow our love come to in through your breath. Breathe our love in! Feel your heart pulse that warm elixir outward with every heartbeat. Feel that golden rhythm move within You.
And there is more.

You may begin to feel a tingling on the top of your head. Very gently, very subtly, your crown chakra is opening!

Feel all of this love flow through You– shimmering from your crown, radiating through your heart, flowing with your breath, filling every one of your dear toes. And more!

Feel love begin to caress your skin like the softest silk, then every other organ, then gently entering every cell. This all happens so quickly, and yet so thoroughly!
Feel love enter your bloodstream, flow into every muscle, drip languidly through your nervous system like honey.
Feel our love in your knees, your elbows, your ear lobes.
Can you feel love in your fingernails? It is there, loving every one of them!

Let every particle of You be plumped up with this liquid love of ours.
Take time, drink in our love for You!
FEEL yourSelf completely, thoroughly loved.
Above all, know that what You are feeling is REAL. You are not imagining it.
Trust and receive.

We want so much for You to let our love fill every pore and molecule of You!
Take time, Beloved, to feel that now.


Now we ask You, could anything on your “to do list” be more important than taking in this love? Could there be any reason at all, anywhere, that would be valid enough to keep You from feeling how loved and lovable You are?

How “silly” is it to connect with us now, when You can feel that our love is every bit as “real” as You are?

Know as well that our love is always there.
You can drink it into You at any time You wish, as often as You wish.
If You did so every five minutes, we would be ecstatic.

Not only can we penetrate every cell of your bodies with our love whenever You invite us to, but we can also penetrate everything You have ever done and ever felt and ever thought with that same love. If You allow us, we will wash our love over all of that right now, and most tenderly.

Do You see? You are loved exactly as You are, because ALL of You is lovable. All of You IS love. THIS is your truth. All else is misunderstanding, distortion, and fear.

How we LOVE You!!



Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions. (To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.)  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. Thank you. Namaste.



Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021 -All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #18 ********* A Video About YOU! *********

Excited, delighted greetings to You, Beloved!

Yes, we have a video that we are excited to be able to share with You– for You have been focusing so hard on handling all of the recent volatility within your collective, and You are SO tired!! However, now that your Mercury has settled into Aquarius for a little while, You can finally relax and focus through a wider lens– which is “right timing” for us to support You in doing exactly that with our delightful video!

Our video has three short segments. It is all one video. And it is all about You! Your galactic background, why You are here, how LOVED and VALUED You are– “lots of stuff,” as our Judith puts it. (She does make us laugh!)

Something to know (and please let simply “knowing” be enough for now, because the physics is very complex and not even relevant in this moment)– the video was new when it first went out on our YouTube channel, and it is new NOW. Even those of You who have already seen it will see it NOW as it has never existed before. (It may be similar, but don’t let that fool you! It will not be the same.)

Now. For our newcomers, a few words on how to “watch” the videos. This is important! There is more in the videos than You will see and hear. There are FREQUENCIES. You will feel them. But more than that, they are encoded with information. They will also provide You with energetic upgrades and realignments that will help You with clarity of thought, emotional integration, and physical well-being– IF You let them.

The way to do THAT is by taking them in through your heart center-– which is very easy to do! You simply drop your attention from your head to your heart. If You like, You can envision it as a golden ball, drifting gently down and settling into your heart. You don’t have to try to make it happen. It knows where to go. Stay out of the way and let it happen. Then take a deep breath, and enjoy!

Note from Judith– It would be a good idea to have a bottle of water on hand to sip while watching. As you take in the celestial team’s frequencies, they will move lower toxic frequencies up and out of your system. This is a GOOD thing, and the water helps move the toxins out more quickly so they don’t affect you as they go. (Otherwise, If you have been holding a lot of toxic energy within you, they can cause headaches and other minor temporary upsets as they get ousted!)

Navigating Into A New Paradigm of Being, Part 1
Navigating Into A New Paradigm of Being, Part 2
Navigating Into A New Paradigm of Being, Part 3

Hello, Beloveds, it’s us again! There is something that happens in this, and indeed most, of our videos that we want to mention. It is the phenomenon of “interference.” We waited until the end because we did not want to be directing your attention to the “interference” rather than the message, obviously– besides, in this one, we are quite sure You noticed the loud noises that often competed with our Judith’s voice for your attention all on your own! What WE would like to point out to You is how the interference was handled. Perhaps You might want to watch again. It is a good demonstration of an effective and easy way to handle loud and/or bullying energies in your own life– and calmly override them!



Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm. It would also be a good idea to learn how to receive the frequencies of the transmissions by pressing “Reading The Frequencies in the top side bar!  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for the others who have the same question but are not asking. Thank you, and much Love/Light to you!



Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021-All Rights Reserved
