The Truth That Will Set You FREE


Well, well, Beloved!
It has been a “long time,” You might say, since we have brought our frequencies to You this way through our Judith. Then again, You may not! It all depends where You are at this pulse of NOW. 

You may have noticed that the beginning of your NEW year of 2017 has felt very different than other years have as their starting gates opened.  You may have noticed a sudden stillness, instead, as if a “pause button” had been pressed. That is exactly right.

This is a NEW kind of year, entirely. A more conscious one, You might say… but then everything is conscious! Better said, more consciously aligned with YOU. By March, your 2017 will rush through the gate full speed ahead. This preceding stillness is to give YOU “time” to get up to speed with yourSelf… your SOVEREIGNTY. 

You will need it this year! Above all You will need to KNOW thySelf. REMEMBER thySelf. BE thySelf.
We offer the video below for exactly that reason.

The video was made just before your solstice of  June 2014, to usher You through the initial Gateway of your transition from Enslavement into Sovereignty. But that was not the ONLY reason! If You experienced the video in 2014, it will not be same NOW as it was then, we assure You.  Nor are YOU. 

Watch it DEEPLY. Take it into You. Feel the RESONANCE within You. UNDERSTAND the illusion of powerlessness you have been through, and WHY you let yourself experience enslavement for so long. Do this, and see/feel/re-member the truth of WHO YOU ARE, again! Then let the NEW game begin.

How we LOVE You! NEVER are You alone!
Always and in All Ways– the celestial team


About the website:
Judith here. Ever since the celestial team asked me to create this site in 2010, their purpose has never wavered– to connect with YOU, and to assist you in operating as a Sovereign Being of FREQUENCY. There is an enormous amount of invaluable information t accrued here in the archives! Every message the celestial team has transmitted since December, 2010 is stored there. Yet, amazingly, all are current the moment they are read. Whatever you need… from tapping into your galactic history, to nourishment for your human soul, to energetic recalibration as you switch operating systems to your multidimensional heart center, to 24/7 tech support as you activate your exquisite internal technology as a Master Reality Creator… all is here and freely offered to you. Help yourself by all means!

 To receive posts directly by email— press the “Follow” button in the right sidebar.


PRIVATE SESSIONS— Wherever in the world you are, you can have can have your own private session with the celestial team by phone or video.
And don’t worry that you can’t afford it!
To schedule your private session, contact me (Judith) by email

COALESCENCE the very first global and intimate Group for Energy Sensitives! The first is already in high gear and  is amazing beyond words. Another will be forming soon, so let me know asap if YOU want to be part of it.  Do that by email too– yep,


Copyright © 2017, Judith Dagley- All Rights Reserved. You are welcome to copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: