

We are swooping in for a moment to remind You (actually we are always in with You,  but a swoop gets your attention in the most delightful way)– to remind You of the importance of GOING FORWARD.

We do not mean GOING FORWARD in a “doing” kind of way. We mean the way You focus your energy.

Your upcoming 11–11 gateway can serve as a  very powerful reminder that You are MOVING FORWARD. 

Not staying in place.  Not moving backward. 

No matter what You think or fear, You ARE moving forward. 

The universe is taking care of that very efficiently, so You can relax and savor the gentle flow FORWARD– forward THROUGH the gateway, and beyond.  

The only thing YOU are responsible for is deciding what to take WITH You.

Pack LIGHT, Beloveds! 

How we love You.  Always and in All Ways.
— the celestial team




Copyright 2019, Judith Dagley-all rights reserved










FROM OUT OF THE BLUE- NEW Paradigm Driver’s Ed, Lesson 2.


So, Beloved!  We’ve begun something life-changing together…
NEW Paradigm Driver’s ED!  And from right out of the blue, imagine that?

We began with the foundation for navigation and creation in your big Paradigm Shift–
(NOT by how it looks!)
And You have been practicing knowing that yourSelf for the last few of your days… correct, Beloved?
So! We can move on.

Lesson 2
FEELING is how You know what You are getting INTO, as well. 

Oh, your physical eyes will keep You from bumping into physical objects, of course, just as any vision that is not quite totally blind would do. 

But You wouldn’t be GETTING INTO something You BUMPED INTO, anyway, would You?

Your physical eyes only see the surface of things, which keeps You from bumping into one another (or other “things”), but otherwise tells You very little.

Do You know the experience of PEACH by looking at it?
Not at all.

Or the sumptuous delights in a castle by looking at its stone facade?
No. You need to go IN.

Besides, those are 3rd dimensional metaphors, limited to what You can do physically only. You can FEEL what You are getting into much better than that with your NONphysical senses!

We already established that everything is energy. That is cause for celebration because whatever You are getting into is NEVER merely physical, and never has been.  And neither are YOU, nor have You ever been. 

 Your ENERGETIC senses are FELT senses, and they will get You into ANYTHING your own FREQUENCIES magnetize to You.

All YOU need do is learn how to USE them.
Which is not very “hard,” since You are already “hardwired” with the knowing…
hence, our NEW Paradigm Driver’s Ed refresher course!

Ah… just a moment… we wish to add that we are offering MORE than that. We are offering to share the lessons with You in depth, personally and in dialogue with YOU.

Our Judith has found a cyberspace venue that can handle our frequencies if she uses her internal technology to maintain frequency coherence. One of our/your own human earth members has volunteered to handle the external technology in order to free her to do that– and that WE celebrate! 

You may not yet know, Beloved, how such seemingly “small and easy” offers of assistance can free our Judith to give so much MORE to You through her than she/we could otherwise. WE know, however!

A post is coming soon to include You in this event, so do watch (and FEEL) for it.

How we love You!!  Always and in All Ways– the celestial team.

❤ ❤ ❤

About the website: Ever since the celestial team asked me (earth member Judith) to create this website, their purpose has never waivered– to connect with YOU, as well as provide you with the resources you need to assist you with your frequency-raising transformation into living as the Sovereign Being of Frequency you truly are. To begin to live by FREQUENCY is the cornerstone they began with, but since that was way back in 2010, there is an enormous amount of invaluable information that has accrued here! Whatever you need… from tapping into your galactic history, to nourishment for your human soul, to energetic recalibration as you switch operating systems to your multidimensional heart center, to 24/7 tech support as you activate your exquisite internal technology as a Master Reality Creator… all is here and freely offered to you, so help yourself by all means!

To receive posts directly by email— press the “Follow” button in the right sidebar. And don’t forget to check out the ARCHIVES! Every message the celestial team has transmitted since December, 2010 is stored there. Yet, amazingly, all are current the moment they are read.


Wherever in the world you are, you can have your own private  session by phone or video meeting in cyberspace. Don’t worry that you “can’t afford it,” either. Our MAGIC SLIDING SCALE BRIDGE INTO SOVEREIGNTY  will take care of that.
To schedule your private session, contact me (Judith) by email–  thecelestialteam@gmail.com

COALESCENCEthe very first global and intimate Group for Energy Sensitives! The first has already begun, and it is amazing beyond words. Another will be forming as soon as enough of you let me know you want to be part of it.  Do that by email too– yep, thecelestialteam@gmail.com

MONTHLY ENERGY CHECK-UPS COMMUNITY is CRITICAL from NOW on. Join others who are like YOU to stay up to speed with your own expansions as a Reality Creators. Watch the website for the announcements!

❤ ❤ ❤

FROM MY HEART, I, Judith, THANK EACH of YOU who knows that GIVING/RECEIVING is ONE energy dynamic! When you receive something that feels as if it is just for you, thank you for knowing that it IS. When you act on that knowing by giving even a small energy exchange by pressing the “donate” tab, thank you for knowing that it supports me (Judith) in giving freely through my heart, and supports what you receive through me exponentially. Bless your hearts.


Copyright © 2016, Judith Dagley- All Rights Reserved. You are welcome to copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com



Celebrating Independence, Celebrating the Freedom of INTER-Dependence!


Greetings, on this day after what is called Independence Day in what is called the United States, to all of you blossoming FREE Human/Celestial Beings of Frequency!

Our greeting comes through the words of human Judith AND is from all of the celestial team. Just as you are reading it through your human eyes AND all of your celestial aspects are receiving it with you… except for the ones who are in the greeting with US, of course… lol, it really IS “time” to stop playing the either/or game! It just doesn’t FLY anymore… never did, actually. But our human frequencies have risen so far ABOVE it that it would have to fly to catch up with us… which it can’t of course. Way too heavy for that, the “either/or game is. 

So I/we are just popping in to remind you TO NOT GO DOWN TO PLAY IT ANYMORE! And all of the celestial YOU that is also part of this message knows exactly what I/we mean, and are at your service–because it is a game of enslavement, and all programs of enslavement were dissolved during the solstice on June 21st, 2015. Yet we human aspects of US are so used to living like slaves that we don’t even know it, anymore. Enslavement has come to feel like “normal life.”

So here is the crucial tip we also popped in to share–
Anything you do from a frequency of dependency on others for your happiness (like needing someone to understand you so he/she will GIVE you what you need)– and/ or from a frequency of servitude for the sake of your survival (like paying bills from a sense of lack and helpless obedience)– is OBSOLETE. It will only keep you living as a slave who has been freed but only knows enslavement so keeps living like he/she is still a slave, anyway.

Ha, I KNOW this message may not seem very useful when first read. It doesn’t tell you what to DO, after all! Very true. That’s the point. 



Copyright (c) 2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com

YOU Are The Chooser


Hello through the warmest of frequencies to You as always, Beloved!

We whoosh in briefly because we feel a convergence of energy in these last 24 of your hours. A NEW awareness is ready to emerge more strongly within You. This NEW awareness is akin to the beginning of a “paradigm shift,” as You call a leap of perspective into a more expanded perception of who You are. It has the potential to be such a powerful leap that we feel compelled to add our frequencies of confirmation to it, as well:

disco-dance-10034668You are free and sovereign to choose your own way in every moment.
Others are also free to share their perspectives with You, based on the frequencies of their own perceptual range. There are as many motives for the sharing as there are frequencies of perception.

We offer our own perceptions to You through the fluctuating tones of the many collectives who participate in each message.  Our motive is always and only to empower You, to remind You of who You are… and yes, some of us DO get very fizzy with enthusiasm about that, we admit! Nonetheless, our motive remains our clear and guiding priciple.

We ask You NOW to see every NEW perspective offered to You– including our own– as a grand buffet of possibilities.
Some will resonate, some will not. Take in the ones that resonate. They will be the ones that carry the nourishment You require in that moment. You will recognize their resonance exactly the way your body recognizes the food that resonates with its nutritional needs.

In truth, many of our own perceptions, particularly ones we shared with You only a few of your years ago, are already not as “out there” as WE seem to be! Many of them have already entered the consciousness of your collective. We will give You one example. Remember when we first told You that You are a Light Being? It was quite a stretch, embracing that particular “identity,” as You might put it… was it not?

Well, that You are a Light Being is NOW part of your earthly identity. It has been “remembered” by your scientists. As soon as their instruments became fine enough, they “saw” the biophotons that radiate from your physical body through their very own eyes. Of course, they needed to use the refined lens of their instruments in order to see them, but they SAW them, nonetheless. And for your scientists, seeing is believing (although what they choose to publicly acknowledge that they see is another story entirely as WE see it).

But nonethless! They only see the beings they call “bacteria” with extra-perceptual assistance, and that was enough to make the existence of these beings a part of your collective’s agreed upon “reality,” was it not? And so NOW, your scientists have documented proof that light radiates from your physical body… in other words, it has become a “scientific fact” that You are a Light Being.

Why, even the light that streams through your eyes has been documented and recorded! And we will tell You that the Light WITHIN your body is many times more concentrated. AND we will also tell You… just wait until the instruments get fine enough to see the Light that pulses from your DNA!

As You can feel through our frequencies, we DO get excited about these things, Beloved. Much is coalescing so quickly NOW. It is always that way at the end… just before the “pop” into the beginning.

So! You are NOW documented Light Beings! Light is information, Light is Love, Light is power.
Never forget… YOU are the chooser.

We love You. Always and in All Ways– Judith and the celestial team


Copyright(c)2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.judithdagley.wordpress.com


More About “My Life In Reality: The Movie”

1. 29.15

Beloved, here is a little more we wish to share about your creation of “My Life in Reality: The Movie!” There is another way besides the common one that we shared in our last message. Many of you call this method a Paradigm Shift. We would agree with that description, although many of You already use it to some extent when you “jump timelines,” as You call shifting onto a NEW lifepath while still operating within your linear 3rd dimensional framework.

This method is not limited by beliefs, so does not require You to change them in order to create a NEW scene in the “movie” you project. It bypasses beliefs entirely.

You are NOW preparing, during this period that your astrologers have identified specifically as Mercury Retrograde within the powerful square of your Uranus and Pluto, to use it as your NEW common method. The energies of this dynamic will remain potent through the rest of your February, assisting You in sorting out what is and is not of any further viable use to You in your projectile into future projections of your “movie.”

Although You may be attached to believing that certain relationships, circumstances, etc. are/will satisfy your heart’s desire, these energies will illuminate whatever YOU need to see in order to release attachments that will, to be blunt, not do any such thing!

Avoid feeling “victimized” in reaction to such revelations. These energies are YOUR FRIENDS. Do not avoid seeing what You see, for by doing so, You will hold yourSELF back, in ever-more painful re-experiences… and WHY? Because of fear that whatever you have attached to is the ONLY opportunity to manifest your dreams– even if only slightly and at great cost– that You will ever have.

No, Beloved, there are MANY possibilities, MANY doorways through which to find your heart’s desire, and MANY ways to create it into form as well. Such doorways and possibilities will continue to open to You. All that would prevent You from discovering YOUR chosen one is to chose to stay attached to one that is NOT.

From NOW through your month of February, therefore, PAY ATTENTION to the information You receive. By all means, assess all possibilities, but do NOT dive into any of them! To do so would be premature. You are, in essence, preparing to write, direct, produce, and star in an entirely NEW movie that bypasses all prior attachments and beliefs entirely.

USE this time to assess, to explore, to discover, to discern what possibilities are viable ones for You in a GROUNDED way. Call this your “pre-production phase,” if that resonates, preparing You to be READY to bring your dreams into form when the camera begins to roll!

When one is fashioning a NEW kind of earthly movie out of dreams, after all, one must have the foundation to hold it solidly beneath one’s feet.

We love You, Always and in All Ways– Judith and the celestial team


Copyright(c)2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com


VOICES and REVELATIONS– Everything YOU Need to Know NOW in a Nutshell


Hello again, Beloved!

We return, as we said we would, to explain WHY we told You to not concern yourself with “who is who” as You took in the frequencies of our last message. We are also quite sure that You know far more about why than You may “think” you do!

Consider what You do know, Beloved. You have noticed (KNOW, in other words) that our Judith has increasingly become the bearer of most of our messages. And by “the bearer,” we mean that she has delivered them through her OWN voice, rather than merely used it to carry OURS.

We are also sure You have noticed/know that every one of our (and we mean “our”  inclusively) communications to You– through messages, videos, tele-gatherings, private sessions, as well as in many other ways throughout your year of 2014– have ALL been about seeing right THROUGH the veil of separation.  And You KNOW that we have called 2014 your Year of Integration…

Well then! There You HAVE it, do You not? Oh, You do indeed, Beloved. Nonetheless, we will give You an even fuller description of what You know, so that You can SEE it and so plant it firmly in your psyche like a glorious NEW tree. Then, and we mean very soon, You will be able to climb the branches of your very own knowing into your very NEW Way of Being!

We will begin our description with your year of 2010, which is when we began to come to You through our Judith. Our intention then was to give You the experience of feeling our frequencies— and so know, through your own experience, that we are “real”– and even more importantly, to know that frequencies are “real.”

It was also important for our Judith to feel our frequencies, of course. Even though she has innately lived as a being of frequency all her life, it was through her resonance with OURS that she began to recognize aspects of her OWN “multidimensional SELF.” And the more she brought them (us) through her, the more familiar they(we) became… until eventually, she began to feel them (us) within her, rather than need to reach out to meet them (us).

As You can imagine, the more evident it became to her that she no longer needed to differentiate our frequencies from her own, the more challenging it became to even FIND a line of demarcation between hers and ours at all! That, Beloved, is because our frequencies are also her own. Our Judith is NOT simply her projection into a physical body, You know! Nor are YOU.

 However… if feeling the truth of that was not “mind blowing” enough, it was exponentially so to not only claim our frequencies (us) as her own, but to share that revelation with YOU through her OWN voice…

Okay, hang on a second… Judith here. I just got the the cue to share my own revelation in my own voice. Which makes me nervous, I also have to admit. But then, based on the energy of 2015 thus far, I’d personally call it “The Year of WHAT THE HAY DO I KNOW?” Lol… (but oh so true)

What I DO know is that for the last two years, I’ve become increasingly aware that I was leaning on the celestial team to say what I could have said “on my own.” My reasons had to do with a lot of intense old paradigm stuff– early conditioning in this lifetime, past (actually concurrent) lives of persecution, that sort of thing— but in a nutshell, we can just call them all FEAR.

I was afraid I’d be accused of “faking,” or presenting myself as a “guru.” I was afraid of YOUR judgments and disapproval, which I don’t feel at all good about, but it’s the truth. I just couldn’t believe (yet) that the amazing information I was accessing within ME (just another earthling, after all), would be deemed credible to YOU (just another fellow earthling, lol). It’s an appalling admission, I know– from ME, who’s been broadcasting celestial transmissions about the illusion of fear for the last decade! But I’m also HUMAN… I needed our Year of Integration, too.

Cosmic human

Beloved, it was a process, that is all!  And a most valuable and necessary one… one that many who take in this message will (or soon will) feel grateful resonance with. Claiming access to wisdom within oneself is a radical shift. Sharing it with others as one’s OWN is a QUANTUM LEAP. One must integrate the shift within in order to make the leap without.

We repeat– for this is very important for You to know, NOW more than ever before– In order to USE an internal shift to generate external movement, it must be thoroughly integrated into one’s own energy grid. In the alchemy of transformation (which IS what You are in the midst of), the sequencing and thorough integration of each stage is critical. Otherwise, one cannot move beyond it.

As You begin your year of 2015, You are “separating the dross from the gold.” This is the final stage of a transformational process. It is also the fundamental one in beginning an entirely NEW transformational process. There ARE no endings, Beloved!

And so, your 2015 is birthed from all that your human collective has integrated thus far. Already, it has been given many labels… the Year of Balance, Action, Abundance, Empowerment… those are only a few. You may have heard others already, and we are quite sure there will be many more. Do not let this confuse You!

All of these labels will, to some degree, address aspects of the paradigm shift that 2015 is unfolding into. But they will be simply that… aspects. That is because your 2015 cannot BE labeled with old paradigm definitions. And THAT is because what your human collective is here to create NOW is unprecedented… not only on your planet, but in your universe.

However, if You take in the frequencies of ALL the labels and  feel them as ONE, You will begin to feel the LEAP You are about to make. It will not feel as radically NEW to You as it actually IS, either! Instead, it will feel subtly familiar, like HOME in some delicious way. For You are moving into experiencing interconnection CONSCIOUSLY… into living intimately, consciously, in RELATIONSHIP. And that IS what HOME feels like… for ALL of us.

We have given You this little hint NOW, as You move through your final stage of separating dross from gold, with great purpose. That is because our “hint” holds the key to moving quickly and smoothly through the alchemical fire of burning dross away from gold– the more one recognizes which is which, the less one gets burned.

That of course, is a simple metaphor that is heavily encoded with volumes, none of which are required reading at the moment. As long as You remember to honor the delicious, familiar FEELING OF HOME– rather than what you are used to, which may be familiar but does NOT feel deliciously like HOME…You will be GOLDEN before You know it.

How You shine! How we love You, Always and in All Ways— the celestial team


Copyright (c) 2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com

6.12.14 If You Say It IS…IT IS.

6.12.14  A Hit of the Day

This is Judith, with a BIG hit that I am getting equally BIG celestial encouragement to share with you… so take it in BIG!

It is becoming increasingly obvious to me that it is the perspective through which we experience absolutely everything in our lives right NOW that determines its meaning.  And of course, that means we pulse out frequencies to activate connection with whatever resonates with our “meaning of choice.”

Which means, essentially, that whatever we say is true is confirmed by external reflections. Which means that as energetic beings who create “reality” through frequency, we can do no wrong as far as energy is concerned. What we say GOES.

As a result of this awareness, I have become extremely observant of the words that come out of my mouth.  It NOW seems amazing that I lived for so many years without listening to myself, and then often felt victimized by the external reflections that matched the frequencies of my very own words!

Needless to say, none that resonate with frequencies of blame, judgment, helplessness, or any others that project power over me to anyone or anything, are allowed to pass without correction any longer.

As our Sagittarius moon peaks to fullness, I suggest that it might be useful for you to notice what you have reaped as your “reality” over the last month, and how it aligns with the words that fall from your mouth, through your own voice.

Then decide what adjustments you want to make in your own self-perceptions,  in order to speak your truth ANEW. After all, the human voice is the most powerful frequency in our universe (just in case you’ve somehow missed the evidence of that…).

Molecular ThoughtsSo align with your truth, say what you mean, mean what you say, and KNOW the power of your words! They are carriers of frequency born of thought waves, and they WILL, as always,  produce forms to match them.



Copyright(c) 2014, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:www.thecelestialteam.com



6.5.14 Update Alert! You’re Not Who You Thought You Were!

This is Judith with a “Hit of the Day” that feels lke a BIG one– which the celestial team confirmed by fizzing through me before I even finished getting it onto the page! What they added is the “Aha” as to WHY my “hit’ felt–and is— a VERY big one that is also very important to share. 

So here we all are! I tust you’ll have no trouble discerning the more earthly frequencies from the celestial ones, and so will have no trouble telling us apart (even though I often can’t anymore these days…)–

Update alert! You are no longer the being you define yourself as! Trust me.
Better yet, the minute after you read this, check that out for yourself.
Sit down with pen and paper, and list your self-descriptions.
Notice how many do NOT apply any longer– not more than “sorta, kinda, sometimes,” anyway.
That is because you are OUTGROWING them.
This is IMPORTANT to notice right NOW, so that you can let them go.

Quite literally, they are containers that have grown too small for your spirit.

radiant growing-green-plant

Rise and Shine!

Beloved, this is, indeed, an “update alert!”
Like one of your clocks that ring to get You up and alert, this one is ringing to get You “up to speed,” quite literally. Remember that You moved into a NEW Paradigm when You crossed the threshold of your Winter Solstice of 2012.

The frequencies that are your NEW milieu are higher than ever. You have been recallibrating your own to match them, and NOW it is time to integrate your NEW higher frequencies into your NEW Way of Being. That is why we told You that 2014 is your Year of Integration!

NOW, as You move close to the halfway point of your Summer Solstice, we urge You to prepare to cross it without old confining labels of limitation that no longer apply. You no longer fit into the boxes of “who You thought You were.” So throw them off, Beloved!
It is “time” to rise and SHINE.

How we love your Light! Always and in All Ways– the celestial team

P.S. From Judith– Regarding your rising/integrating/shining process, I  just got prompted to give you a “head’s up” about a NEW creative project the celestial team and I are in the midst of developing. The purpose  is to…
… playfully, effectively, assist your expansion into your New Paradigm as a C0-Creator Being of Frequenecy! Our Judith will share it here in a week or two of your linear time. Watch for it, Beloved! 


Copyright(c) 2014, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.


You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:www.thecelestialteam.com



6.11.11 Yeshuwah Tells the Story of Your Light, part 2

WAIT A SECOND… PLEASE? This is Judith, and I’ve been asked to deliver three brief messages to you before you click the link to read the post! First of all, Yeshuwah is DELIGHTED that, of all who read Part 1 (and there were hundreds!), only two or three went on to read Part 2– and not even one read beyond that! Yeshuwah is deeply gratified by the “Self-honoring” reflected by such heart-centered honoring of their wishes. Second, because “context sets tone,” I’m asked to point out that this repost was originally transmitted during a period when many fear-based stories were spreading through our human collective, fueling a sense of powerlessness and dependency on “being rescued.” Third, remember to take the post in through your multidimensional heart center rather than through old 3D brain programming, which can only entangle you in limiting entrainment patterns, such as looking for “fact over content.” (That will get you NOWHERE, trust me–especially not NOW!) Instead, read for TRUTH. YOUR truth, which can ONLY be recognized through FREQUENCY RESONANCE. So tune in, TAKE IN what resonates, and leave the rest for another… “time.” ♥


Copyright(c) 2013, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com

the celestial team

6/11/11  Love/Light Message from the celestial team

Hello, hello! We are most joyful to connect with you again!
We have been watching you very closely since our last transmission! Indeed, it was a most riveting one for us, and for your entire universe as well. When Yeshuwah moved forward with the story of your Light, it was a movement that rippled throughout the universe.

ALL who felt it leaned in to listen. We feel the enormous energy of the ALL gathering round again now. You see, Yeshuwah’s telling of this story lifts the frequencies of any and all who “have ears to hear it,” metaphorically speaking. Many have waited long for this moment, simply to hear the telling and feel the Light. That is why we have been watching YOU so closely! It is YOUR STORY, and with “ears to hear it,” it will resonate within YOU most profoundly of all.

View original post 968 more words

11.23.13 For Energy Sensitives–Upgrades, Tech Support, Empowerment, and YOWZA!

Hello, Beloved! We just want to briefly offer “our take” on this post, as You would say. To us it is a living, experiential, example of what it FEELS like to be a frontrunner on your planet in human form. We also know that it is a mere
taste of the challenge that the Energy Sensitives among You face in stepping forward with the truth of your experiences…
“without a net,” so to speak, in a world that still relies on one. We are awed by such courage. We speak in code with these words. There is much within them. But as an Energy Sensitive, we trust that You will find it ALL. Know how we honor you, and how we bow to your courage in bringing your alchemical mastery to your planet, and in USING it NOW. Those of You who have said YES to that are like sacred babes in the woods.
For those who “think” they are lost, YOU are there to show them, through the courage of Love, that they are NEVER lost–for all in the woods is ONE.
How we love and cherish You for that.
— the celestial team

Judith Dagley Flaherty, mft

YOWZA is right. And whew. OK, first let me tell you the good news– A two-part, frequency-packed recording called “BEing an Energy Sensitive” is NOW available! It is alive with energy activations, technical support, and multidimensional information. More details, as well as how to receive it, are at the bottom of this post. The content in between is about how the recording came to be, and my own experience of making it. I’d say its well worth reading, but if you just want to cut to the chase and order the recording, you can do that, too– just scroll down, and there you have it.

To continue. I know you’re pretty used to my “multidimensional ways” by NOW, but this is something else, entirely… my “ways” just took a quantum leap, you might say. So, if you’re just visiting my site for the first time, please fasten your seatbelt, because what I’m about to share comes from three…

View original post 879 more words