Celebrating Independence, Celebrating the Freedom of INTER-Dependence!


Greetings, on this day after what is called Independence Day in what is called the United States, to all of you blossoming FREE Human/Celestial Beings of Frequency!

Our greeting comes through the words of human Judith AND is from all of the celestial team. Just as you are reading it through your human eyes AND all of your celestial aspects are receiving it with you… except for the ones who are in the greeting with US, of course… lol, it really IS “time” to stop playing the either/or game! It just doesn’t FLY anymore… never did, actually. But our human frequencies have risen so far ABOVE it that it would have to fly to catch up with us… which it can’t of course. Way too heavy for that, the “either/or game is. 

So I/we are just popping in to remind you TO NOT GO DOWN TO PLAY IT ANYMORE! And all of the celestial YOU that is also part of this message knows exactly what I/we mean, and are at your service–because it is a game of enslavement, and all programs of enslavement were dissolved during the solstice on June 21st, 2015. Yet we human aspects of US are so used to living like slaves that we don’t even know it, anymore. Enslavement has come to feel like “normal life.”

So here is the crucial tip we also popped in to share–
Anything you do from a frequency of dependency on others for your happiness (like needing someone to understand you so he/she will GIVE you what you need)– and/ or from a frequency of servitude for the sake of your survival (like paying bills from a sense of lack and helpless obedience)– is OBSOLETE. It will only keep you living as a slave who has been freed but only knows enslavement so keeps living like he/she is still a slave, anyway.

Ha, I KNOW this message may not seem very useful when first read. It doesn’t tell you what to DO, after all! Very true. That’s the point. 



Copyright (c) 2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com

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