Guidance Through The Storm; #28 DISCERNMENT: YOUr game-CHANGEr!

Fond greetings to You, Beloved!

First, we wish to say how pleased we are that so many among You are enjoying the videos we offered in our last transmission! Not only does your enjoyment raise your frequencies commensurately, but it allows You to receive even more from them energetically than You can see or hear. That, of course, is because You are Beings of Frequency! (And yes, we know we have said that at least 100 times, but please bear with us!) [from Judith– In case You missed the transmission with the videos:]

Now! In preparation for the very important topic we wish to address in this transmission, we will first set the flow. Here is what You have learned thus far:

  • As Beings of Frequency, your base-line frequency, or frequency signature, is unique unto You.
  • Through knowing your own frequency signature, You are able to discern OUR frequencies!
  • Therefore, You can discern other frequencies as well, and how different they are from your own.
  • Depending on how other frequencies feel as You discern them, You can choose whether You wish to engage with them or not.

Voila! As You see, your ability to feel frequencies in order to discern what choices You wish to make is what gives You the necessary clarity to choose consciously.

Oh, and by the way– for those of You who, like our Judith, enjoy looking up word definitions in your dictionaries, we will tell You right now that You will not find one for discernment! She already looked. In several. Here is all she found– “DISCERNMENT : the ability to grasp and comprehend what is otherwise obscure

We laugh! As You see, your dictionaries do not define this “ability,” because they cannot– not until they get a frequency upgrade, anyway! Until then, your dictionaries will continue to amuse us with their many “obscure” definitions.

WE will give You a proper definition of discernment, Beloved.

DISCERNMENT : the ability to grasp and comprehend the FREQUENCIES of what is otherwise obscure

There! And that is what You are learning to do. And what this means is that You can no longer be fooled. Because, Beloved–

Frequencies cannot lie.

This is very timely information for You, is it not? As You must have already discerned, nothing is as it seems on your planet! To use one of your own descriptions, there is a “spin” on everything. And we do mean everything.

With discernment, however, no matter what You are seeing or hearing or thinking, their frequencies will always tell the truth. Oh yes, there is even a spin on your thoughts! And if that surprises You, then consider this a wake-up call, Beloved.

Perception is a matter of FREQUENCY.

Your thoughts have a frequency. Negative thought programs can keep You spinning in what feels painfully dissonant– like fear, for example (we know You are familiar with that one!). This is because they activate negative emotional memories from the past right into the present. In truth, it is usually the internal interference with your frequency signature that amplifies the external ones.

Truth is a matter of PERCEPTION.

The frequencies of your thoughts are like electrical circuits that spin outward, attracting similar frequencies that are magnetized to them and then manifest as your external “reality.” Can You call your “reality” the truth, then? Well, yes, it is a true reflection of the frequencies of your perception. Change the frequencies, however, and You manifest a different truth.

Your awareness of your ability to DISCERN FREQUENCIES is a GAME-CHANGER for You!

We are aware that in your old paradigm of enslavement, You were taught to believe that your state of being was controlled by external circumstances. However–

NOTHING has control over your internal state of being– not unless you ALLOW it to, that is.

Knowing your own frequency signature, You can discern when your internal environment has been disturbed by negative thought programs or emotional activations from the past. You also know that You can release the charges of these these painful activations in order to expand beyond them! (note from Judith: if you missed the transmission that explained how to do this, please click this link before proceeding!

NO ONE but YOU is responsible for your emotional activations. Whatever triggers them does not create them! He/she/it catalyzes them so that You can feel the dissonance within You and release the charge. That is a service to You, Beloved! When You real-ize this, You reclaim your sovereignty. Are You beginning to see how discernment becomes a total game-changer?


So go ahead and change the game, Beloved!!

It’s YOUR game now and You cannot lose. You know your own frequency signature. You can tell when your thoughts are bringing You down, and change them. You know how to handle emotional activations, and so navigate through your external environment safely and freely by discerning frequencies that are dissonant with your well-being. You are always free to change frequencies, of course! To course correct, to try out experiences, and then change them if You want to! Your life is your own adventure now, Beloved.

That is the truth of OUR perception!

(And we KNOW You, remember? We KNOW what You can do!)

Enjoy your discernment! Enjoy your blooming sovereignty! How we LOVE to see You shine.




Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions! To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. On behalf of the all, I thank you. Namaste.

Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021-All Rights Reserved


~ Guidance Through The Storm; #27 ~ Surprise! We Have Videos For You!

Bringing frequencies of relaxation and wonder to You, Beloved!

We bring You these frequencies in particular because we are understanding that many among You are feeling anxious, agitated and/or unable to focus these days, and we believe a good dose of relaxation and wonder are just what You need.

You see, we are aware that changes appear to be happening exceedingly rapidly for You, and although it is very true that nothing is what it seems to be– there is a “spin” on everything You hear through your media, for example– if your head is spinning as a result of this awareness, we would like to do what we can to assist You to find your balance!

It is your AWARENESS that is the key, Beloved. The more You become AWARE, the higher your own frequencies are becoming, which means there is more electricity running through You than your physical vehicle is used to– which includes your brain and your chakra system, of course. (You are electromagnetic beings, after all!) And higher frequencies vibrate at a faster rate than lower ones, remember? Hence, the sense that your head is spinning.

However, You might more accurately call the phenomenon a “frequency upgrade.” In other words, You are moving into a higher vibrational frequency, and your physical body (including your brain and your chakras) is in the process of catching up. Despite your temporary discomfort, this is a very good thing Beloved!

You might (much more accurately) say that You are “spinning up to where You belong.”

The best way to handle your temporary discomfort is to SLOW DOWN (You are already busy enough inside!), stay HEART-CENTERED (always), and GROUNDED IN THE PRESENT (which will stop the spin). If You do only those three things, You will feel just FINE, we promise You.

And yet, we also understand that it might be quite a jump from where You are to there– which brings us to our surprise! We have chosen two of our videos to share with You. Within your time construct, they are not “new,” and yet we assure You that they are. There is no “linear time, Beloved!” You are IN the transformation that You all thought would happen “to” You at the end of your year of 2012 right NOW!

Our videos will assist You in grounding within the context of who and what You are in the ever-evolving moment of the present. Enjoy!!!

(Note from Judith: Please sip plenty of fresh water as you take the videos in, and for 24 hours afterward as well!)


“POWER TOOLS for Navigating NOW” Part One


Breathe, Beloved! The frequencies in the videos are very high! So take a few slow, deep breaths, walk around if You wish, put your feet on your earth if You can, and try to stay in the frequencies as You do.That will also keep You heart-centered so your earth can help you to internalize them while You ground yourSelf-– and that is when the magic begins. You may not feel it yet at all. Frequencies precede manifestation, remember? Take your “time.” Savor! And then when You are ready, the next video will be more meaningful to You because of your process of grounding the first!


“POWER TOOLS for Navigating NOW” Part Two


You see, Beloved? In the big picture, what You are experiencing is merely a blip in a magnificent process of transformation.

It is what You came for!

Heart-centered and grounded… remember! How we love assisting You, Beloved. And how we love You! Always and in All Ways.


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions! To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. On behalf of the all, I thank you. Namaste.

Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021-All Rights Reserved


~ Guidance Through The Storm; #26 ~ ~ Do You Know Your Own FREQUENCIES? A Frequency-Nourishing Celestial Tutorial

We, the celestial team, wish to share our frequencies with your frequencies in this transmission!

We are indeed, Beloved, extending ourselves in hope that You will allow our frequencies to mingle and commune with your own. Are You willing to share your frequencies with us?

Before You respond– In order to be clear “from the get-go” as our Judith says–  we also wish to point out that sharing frequencies is very different from reading words.

Ah, we are hearing some among You grumbling, “There they go, being redundant again!” We smile. Please be patient with us.

YOU may already be well aware that there is very little to receive from simply reading the words. We understand. And we are very glad You are aware and open to receiving more!

 Yet we are also aware that there are those among You to whom even a little can seem like more than enough. Sadly, we understand that, too…

And we are here to tell You that “a little” is NOT “enough!

Not for YOU, Beloved! Forgive our bluntness. Of course we know who You are, WE KNOW YOU.

We know You, and You are VAST.

It is therefore very important to us in this multidimensional juncture of your time/space to ask if You will allow yourSelf the freedom to receive the nourishment You deserve!


You need not worry about getting more nourishment than You can handle all at once. You always get exactly what You need in the moment, and the Law of Momentum does the rest.

In truth, we believe this moment holds the potential to become a momentous occasion for You. “Momentous” as in holding the energy of MOMENTUM within it— and what does momentum do? It continues, does it not? Right into your future, increasing your capacity to receive nourishment all the while!

And all You need do is tune into the frequencies of your own energy, drop your attention into your HEART CENTER, and then invite yourSelf to be open to receive. And voila!

We pause… we are realizing that we have not said much about tuning into one’s own frequencies in quite a long while, have we? All right, then! For those of You who are new to us— well, first of all, welcome, Beloved! We are very happy that You have joined us! And second of all–

The easiest way to feel FREQUENCIES is through how YOU feel.

For the purposes of this transmission, we will guide You through a “shortcut,” as our Judith calls it, to feeling your OWN frequencies. Ready?

Think of something that puts you into a naturally happy, relaxed and contented state. Perhaps a sunset, or a beach, or countryside… or whatever is delicious to You. Okay? Got it?

What You are feeling are YOUR OWN BASE-LINE FREQUENCIES!

This is your natural state of being, Beloved. Cherish this feeling! It’s YOU, your YOU-ness, your HOME BASE. Practice LIVING there!

It WILL take practice. Many among You were not even aware that You have a base-line frequency! PERSEVERE, we say. Not only does it feel good, but it will serve You in many, many ways.

In this transmission, You will discover one of them for yourSelf– unless You tune into your own frequencies before receiving ours, how will You feel the difference when You allow us to join You, and so feel “US,” as well?

You see? All right! Now that You are settled into your own frequency, if You have not already dropped your attention into your HEART CENTER before beginning this transmission, please do so now!

For our newcomers, we suggest that You imagine your attention as a golden ball. See/feel this golden ball drifting down from your head to your heart. And stay out of the way! You don’t have to push it, or “make” it drop. Allow it to drop, and it will.

When You feel your golden ball of attention in your HEART CENTER, breathe! Take a deep breath or two right into your HEART CENTER to ground yourSelf there consciously. Savor this process. There is no rush.

When You are ready, invite yourSelf to receive. Invite yourSelf to allow our frequencies to mingle with your own. You don’t have to “do” anything, simply invite and allow. And there, voila! You will most certainly feel our visit with You, rather than merely reading!

Our Judith says our frequencies feel “fizzy, like champagne when the cork is popped!”

We smile and smile at this image. For us, it resonates with the way your cells feel when our Love/Light infuses them!

And so TODAY, we mingle. It no longer matters what the words are saying. TODAY, we nourish!

TODAY, we infuse You with frequencies that will align You with the very highest frequencies that You can attain and maintain through this particular juncture of your time/space. Allow yourSelf to BASK, Beloved!

Allow the very essence of WHO YOU ARE to feel inundated with OUR LOVE, RECOGNITION, ADMIRATION, and ADORATION. Feel the NOURISHMENT! Feel how your cells respond!

You can revisit this transmission all over again, too, You know. Whenever You do will always be TODAY to You, will it not? As often as You want!

Well! We are seeing that this can, indeed, be quite a momentous occasion for You, Beloved! A potential game-changer, in truth. A PARADIGM SHIFT. All of that… and it is so DELIGHTFUL, it is so much FUN!


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions! To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. On behalf of the all, I thank you. Namaste.

Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #25 ~ Transmuting TRAUMA

We, the celestial team, greet you once again with much energetic support!

In addition to our frequencies of support (which You will feel if You are taking them in through your HEART CENTER!), we sense that addressing the topic of CHANGE has the potential to be most powerfully supportive to You in this particular phase of your evolution, for You are facing many junctures– each of which will provide opportunities to choose what direction You wish to go in.

To be clear, junctures are points that exist in three or more time-lines simultaneously.

Do You understand? You will not even have to leap to switch timelines. Simply take a step, and You on a new trajectory. Oh, it is quite an adventure, Beloved!

It involves almost constant change, of course, but that is what evolution IS, is it not? And how exhilarating it is when You find yourSelf hopscotching into where You WANT to be!

Ah, but now we come to the other opportunity that all of these junctures provide You with –the opportunity to realize that as a collective, You have come to greatly fear change. And that is because You have come to equate change with trauma.

It is true that sudden, destabilizing change can be traumatic. We wish to remind You, however, that the moment of falling in love could also be described as sudden, destabilizing change. As could winning the lottery, or any number of other magical and expansive timeline leaps.

As we hope You can begin to see, the binding of change with trauma has locked You into a very limited fear-based “reality” that is very far from your natural state of being, which is JOY. Moreover, it is a major program of disempowerment that has been used by those who have chosen to control You for many thousands of years.

Therefore, we feel strongly that it is very important now to loosen the bondage of CHANGE with TRAUMA!

And so, we are offering another perspective on trauma. It may surprise You, but we ask You to take it into your heart nonetheless, for You will find that it will empower You greatly. We ask You to consider trauma as not the result of change, but as the result of unconsciousness, denial, and/or avoidance of being alive in the moment. We will explain.

Change is a constant flow. It is not the sudden “falling off a cliff” You think of. Even quantum change is the result of a process, whether it is perceivable to You or not.

In every moment, You receive frequencies of information.

You are thus always informed of the “news” in every immediate moment through the continual flow of these messages.

And if You think You aren’t, You are not listening, Beloved. You are likely still relying on your 3rd dimensional brain for information, instead. Yes, we know who You are, and we are very glad You are here so that we can give You a brief upgrade!

  • Firstly, your 3rd dimensional brain is not an information receiver, it is an information processor.
  • Secondly, your 3rd dimensional brain is programmed to tune out all frequencies that are not part of the 3rd dimensional construct!

It is what You have called your intuition that allows You to tune into them. The more You practice using your intuition, the more You will begin to pick up the subtle clues of change.

Many times, You do not want to trust it, however, because you are following your 3rd dimensional brain’s “spreadsheet” of how things “should” occur. And oh how You have been taught to trust your brain! We know. You have been taught to ignore your inner knowing in order to “stick with the program,” in other words. And then what?

WHAM! Trauma catches You unaware.

Unaware of the continuing flow of information and support that is always, always, there, running through You in the present moment. Yet all one has to do is be present to receive it! Present and paying attention!

Do You see? Trauma is the result of not listening to yourSelf! Indeed, You will find that every trauma that You have experienced in this lifetime was preceded by information of its existence. This is also true for all of your lifetimes.

We are here to tell You that NO change has to be traumatic.

The more radical that sounds to You, the more You need to wake up from the old dream of enslavement consciousness, Beloved. You are co-creating a NEW Paradigm of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS now!

To that end, we will remind You of what You have already learned– You can only feel FREQUENCIES when they are pulsing with energy, and that is only NOW!

NOW is the only moment in which You are ALIVE!!!


We suggest You review that transmission, for it offers a way to flow with change, and not only are You are dealing with many in this time/space at an accelerated rate, but they have features that are completely new to You!

  • One is that they often occur simultaneously.
  • Another is that one change can rapidly branch into several others, and by rapidly we mean faster than is measurable in your time construct.
  • Perhaps more importantly in terms of your own expansion, changes are being offered to You from higher frequencies than ever before– which means, Beloved, the manifestations of your dreams.

But You have to be PRESENT to receive them! Which means HEART CENTERED, of course. As You recall, It is your HEART, your multidimensional operating system, that decodes frequencies for You. (from Judith– see above link!) And as You can see by our description above, change has begun to occur multidimensionally for You, indeed!

Now! It is also important to keep in mind that this is true for everyone, including your family, friends, or the person who was so nasty to You yesterday. Let go of your assumptions about who they are, for they may be in the flow of change in that very moment.

Many people are waking up! Or have been shaken awake by the chaotic node of energy You have just been through! Many are swimming most strenuously to catch up with the flow of transformation!

To most of the many, it seemed to be a sudden eruption. Yet the only eruption we see can be likened to a rush of frenzied energy as many run to catch a train as it pulls out of the station!

Perhaps they got so used to waiting that they didn’t even see the train when it pulled in. Well, they see it now, and if they are running for it, that is wonder-full. Hurray for them! Lend your energy to their speed!

Well. As You can certainly see by now, we most eagerly encourage You to be part of this flow! Do not fear change, or resist it any longer, no matter how it appears when it first arrives. Do not create more trauma for yourSelf in that way!

My goodness, we do apologize for speaking so strongly in a way that sounds like a directive. But it is only because we so wish to see You free yourSelves from suffering, Beloved! Frequencies of resistance, fear, judgment, and blame are only fuels for trauma. Nothing more. Re-member! Ah…

Yeshuwah most passionately wishes to share some final words!  

This is Yeshuwah.

Have COMPASSION for those who resist this powerful flow of change! They are frightened

Have COMPASSION for those who seek violent means to exert control! They are traumatized.

YOU know what it is like to walk in the shoes of both fear and trauma! Give those who are gripped in them your love, and it will loosen the fragments of fear and trauma still trapped within YOU in the doing.

It is love, Beloved, and only love, that will free You all to weave yourSelves together again. Let your love flow freely into the eternal NOW, then! Much is needed, and not a drop will be lost.

We promise You!

Your Yeshuwah’s love for You never fails to move us deeply. In truth, such a passion as this reverberates through your entire galaxy. Let your love fill the air with ALL of ours, then– until the all on your planet are breathing love.


Attention to our precious newcomers: Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions! To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. On behalf of the all, I thank you. Namaste.

Copyright(c)Judith Dagley 2021-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #19 Celestial Love Bath For You!

We, the celestial team, greet You most expansively with love for All that You are!

We wish for You to know just how expansive our love for All that You are is most especially now, after You have taken in our video, “Navigating Into A New Paradigm Of Being.” (For those who have not seen it — We wish for You to truly and thoroughly FEEL the frequencies of our love; how total and UN-conditional they are. We do not even understand how to love You any other way, as it is not possible to love any other way! Further, we tell You that there is not the tiniest particle of You that is not lovable, and so does not bring forward the full rush of our love.

We ask if You will allow this love we have for You to be fully received in this moment. We know that You are unused to allowing yourSelf to be fully loved, for You do not think You deserve to be loved that way. You are used to measuring out love according to how much You have “earned,” and putting yourSelf “on trial” to judge what part of You is “not guilty” and so can receive some clemency of love. There is no court of law with love!

We humbly ask, then, that You let us lead You into making this crucial discovery for yourSelf. We know that we are asking something that may be more difficult for You to do than You might imagine. There are some of You who will find yourSelves not wanting to grant us that permission at all. If You are one, just notice how quickly your brain intercedes with many reasons why You “should not” do so in this moment! We understand.

You might say it is because You “are busy, and cannot spare the time.” Or, You just “don’t feel like it.” Or, You’ll “feel silly,” actually interacting with us in that way. It is one thing to read our messages, and another thing entirely to allow us to be “real” to You, and in an intimate, loving relationship with You, as well!
We understand. Do You?

Will You let yourSelf at least be willing to be loved– just as You are, every single part of You?

Do You believe that if You deny yourSelf of that, that You will keep parts of yourSelf hidden from us?

Is it better to be unloved, then, than to be fully seen?

Ah. Beautiful, wounded master, we tell You that ALL of You is worthy of our love, and ALL of You is ALREADY seen!

Hiding is an illusion of yours, born of shame, and You have nothing to regret, nothing to be ashamed of.
Let yourSelf be loved, then!

As You see, our desire to guide You into opening to receive the frequencies of our love is profound indeed… Ahhh! A few of our newcomers are still finding “all this talk of frequencies” to be “foreign,” we are hearing! All right. Thank You! We received your message, do You see that? And how did we do that? Through your FREQUENCIES, Beloveds!

Perhaps it will calm You even further to remember that tuning into frequencies is not foreign to You at all. Frequencies are what You tune into in order to receive radio, television, telephone, YouTube transmissions… did we miss any? You even select “channels” that will transmit the particular frequencies You choose to attune to! And so we ask AGAIN.

Will You allow this love we have for You to be fully received? Please take as long as You need to make this decision for yourSelf before reading further.

You cannot read frequencies in through your eyes. You must attune to them. Which is very easy, as You already know, for it is exactly what we guided You into doing before You watched our video last week! (see above link to review).

And now. At last. Please sit comfortably and relax, breathing peacefully. When You are ready, drop your attention from your head into your heart center.

You can envision your attention as a golden orb, floating gently down from your brain. When it settles, feel your heart open. Your heart is your multidimensional operating system. Feel it light up.

Then allow our love come to in through your breath. Breathe our love in! Feel your heart pulse that warm elixir outward with every heartbeat. Feel that golden rhythm move within You.
And there is more.

You may begin to feel a tingling on the top of your head. Very gently, very subtly, your crown chakra is opening!

Feel all of this love flow through You– shimmering from your crown, radiating through your heart, flowing with your breath, filling every one of your dear toes. And more!

Feel love begin to caress your skin like the softest silk, then every other organ, then gently entering every cell. This all happens so quickly, and yet so thoroughly!
Feel love enter your bloodstream, flow into every muscle, drip languidly through your nervous system like honey.
Feel our love in your knees, your elbows, your ear lobes.
Can you feel love in your fingernails? It is there, loving every one of them!

Let every particle of You be plumped up with this liquid love of ours.
Take time, drink in our love for You!
FEEL yourSelf completely, thoroughly loved.
Above all, know that what You are feeling is REAL. You are not imagining it.
Trust and receive.

We want so much for You to let our love fill every pore and molecule of You!
Take time, Beloved, to feel that now.


Now we ask You, could anything on your “to do list” be more important than taking in this love? Could there be any reason at all, anywhere, that would be valid enough to keep You from feeling how loved and lovable You are?

How “silly” is it to connect with us now, when You can feel that our love is every bit as “real” as You are?

Know as well that our love is always there.
You can drink it into You at any time You wish, as often as You wish.
If You did so every five minutes, we would be ecstatic.

Not only can we penetrate every cell of your bodies with our love whenever You invite us to, but we can also penetrate everything You have ever done and ever felt and ever thought with that same love. If You allow us, we will wash our love over all of that right now, and most tenderly.

Do You see? You are loved exactly as You are, because ALL of You is lovable. All of You IS love. THIS is your truth. All else is misunderstanding, distortion, and fear.

How we LOVE You!!



Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions. (To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.)  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. Thank you. Namaste.



Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021 -All Rights Reserved
