What to “DO” NOW, to BE and LIVE Who You ARE With Ease… Can You Handle That?

As above, so below, Beloved…. because there really IS no “above” or “below,” You see! All is within You. Take these words from our Judith’s post to heart–
“Nature will sing the song of who you are back to you. Be sure to listen, and sing BACK. ♥”
Listen NOW, Beloved.
Always and in All Ways– the celestial team

Judith Dagley Flaherty, mft


Do not miss these last days of summer 2014! They are like magical ripe fruit, each one to be savored slowly and digested thoroughly. Yesterday afternoon, I was doing just that as I sat a few feet above a creekbed in Topanga Canyon. A friend was with me, and we chatted intermittently, but mostly I was intent on experiencing the woods, for every detail was richly alive and remarkably expressive. It was at a moment when my attention was on listening to my friend that I suddenly looked out, and there she was.

sika-deer-femaleA doe, right there beneath me in the creekbed, calmly munching on the plants that grow beside it. I softly said hello to her, and her ears pricked up sharply, acknowledging that she knew I was talking to her. Then she peacefully continued her munching, letting me know I was accepted in her company. As she…

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What Will Help You Most to Know NOW– DO NOT GO BACK TO SLEEP!

Hear, hear, Beloved! Wipe the sleep from your eyes. The door is round and open– NOW.
Always and in Alll Ways, we LOVE You– the celestial team

Judith Dagley Flaherty, mft

the breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
don’t go back to sleep.
you must ask for what you really want.
don’t go back to sleep.
people are going back and forth between the
door sill where the two worlds touch.
the door is round and open.
don’t go back to sleep.

Multidimensional information is impossible to grasp through a linear perspective. That is just physics– so obvously so that it is even perceivable through mere logic, alone. What matters, therefore, is not whether one is ready to grasp it or not– ALL of us are ready. What matters is whether one is willing to be ready.

Here is an analogy. Imagine graduating from middle school. Imagine that even though you have graduated, you don’t feel ready for high school yet. So, of course, you resist it.

Imagine further that, because this high school in which you are enrolled is…

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What NOW Is This? The Latest Scoop.

Beloved, this is quite a “scoop,” indeed! Especially since what our Judith did not mention is the “scoop within the scoop,” you miight say!
That would be our “scoop” of bringing you into your FREQUENCY SIGNATURE within the” scoop” of the recording she is offering.
Ah, how we do love the creative challenge of finding metaphors through your words that can hold the frequencies of our transmissions!
Always and in All Ways– the celestial team

Judith Dagley Flaherty, mft

“Linear thinking”  no longer applies. Try it.
Try getting from A to B to C, according to a preset plan.See how lost you get.
In the process, you’ll also get another self-realized lesson, which is that “trying” begets “trying.” Period.
But DO try, since the only way we learn anything is through experience.

We are in a whole New Paradigm of “reality” NOW. One in which we can no longer pretend that we are not the co-creators of the reflections we see around us. How wonderful is that?  How fabulous, to know at last, that we are not victims of external forces, but that that the “forces” come from within us?

I think it is, anyway. Even thoughit is quite an adjustment, I’ll give you that! And, it takes willingness to sort through all the muck we’ve been co-creating (while pretending we haven’t,) and then getting out if…

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UPDATE On AUGUST ENERGY TELE-GATHERING, 8.17, 5:00 pm-6:30 pm pstd!

Yes, Beloved… “whoever YOU are,” as our Judith so discreetly put it… ah, how we beam our frequencies of what You call “smiling” into those words! We know You, of course, as You know we do, as You know us– it is all ONE knowing we share. Read our Judith’s post, then, and see the proof of that. Never are You alone. (You are very far from that, indeed, despite illusions otherwise!) Never are You unheard, never are You unanswered– the hearing/ answering occur simutaneously. And NEVER are You NOT manifesting with every frequency You claim as your own!
How we honor You, love You, and are at your service, Always and in All Ways– the celestial team

Judith Dagley Flaherty, mft

FYI, whoever you are– ONE SPOT has opened for the AUGUST ENERGY TELE-GATHERING, tomorrow 8/17, 5:00 pm-6:30 pm pstd!

It was full until this afternoon, when two spots suddenly opened again. Someone was waiting for one of them, which leaves ONE still open (at the moment). And I know it has somebody’s name is on it, because the same thing happened last month. It amazes me, the way these tele-gatherings are energetically “alive” and constantly forming, shaping, “becoming,” long before they seemingly begin. I also know we’ll be covering some pretty radical changes that have occurred since last month. Just a few–

Molecular Thoughts“Linear” is gone. Past, present, and future are blurring into NOW. Every single interaction we have involves WAY more than meets the eye. The playing field has expanded, in other words. We all feel it. Tomorrow at the tele-gathering, we’ll get what we need in order to claim that

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8.13.14 The LESSON In The Loss– Understanding Polarity

Beloved, we come because we know You are grieving NOW, and our Love/Light goes out to You. 

One of the brightest stars in your human galaxy has chosen to leave it temporarily, at least in physical form. We understand your grief. We also feel your shock, that such a Light of laughter could also be tormented by the darkness you call “depression.”  

We wish to  point out that he is showing you a great lesson about the dimension of polarity in which you reside.

In a construct of polarity, there will always be two opposing tendencies, each carrying the same force as the other. What this means is that those among you who are gifted with the ability to be conduits of the highest frequencies of joy will also have access to the lower ones in equal measure. Much like a pendulum swings between exact points on either side of its center, this is simply the physics of polarity. It cannot be otherwise. 

Never again doubt that those who shine the brightest do not also experience the opposite in equal measure. And… never doubt that those who live in darkness do not experience the longing to express their light. 

NONE of You are either “this” or “that!”
And so what is the lesson? COMPASSION, of course. 

And how does one implement this lesson? By honoring the dark in the light, and the light in the dark, and knowing that they are ONE.  

And how does one integrate these polarities? By allowing both to exist (which they do, whether You allow them or not)– and staying centered in your own FREQUENCY SIGNATURE.

We know that we (including our Judith) have shared much about the importance of knowing your FREQUENCY SIGNATURE over the past four of your years. NOW, however, illustrations of this importance will continue to manifest at a rapidly increasing rate. Thus, we wanted to point this lesson out NOW– as offered by one of your brightest Lights– that You may be spared the trauma that comes with not knowing HOW. 

Feel how we love You! Always and in All Ways– the celestial team 

From Judith– As per requests that I put reminders about the Monthly Energy Tele-Gatherings in  every post, the next one is on August 17th. As of NOW, we have room for three more participants!


Copyright(c) 2014, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com

8.8.14 NEW Threshold! And They’ll Keep Coming.

Beloved, this is the celestial team.
Oh, we know You recognize us through our frequencies! We identify them only because You have experienced us thus far as separate from our earth member, Judith. NOW it is time, however shocking to your sensibilities it may seem, to reveal the truth. Our “earth member” is no more separate from us than we are from one another– or from You.

As You take that in, remember that we, the celestial team, is comprised of many collectives in many star systems, many of which are very “far apart” according to your illusion of distance. Some of us are closer, in your perception of “distance,” to our Judith than we are from the others. Take that in please.
There is NO distance.

So, any collective among us could bring the following message to You, or we could all harmonize to bring it through as ONE. However, we bring ourSelves through the Self among us that is the collective You call Judith in this message because “her” earthly experience is most resonant with your own. And that is exactly the resonance that is required NOW.

This is Judith.
Around the beginning of August, we moved into the “halfway point” between our last solstice and our upcoming equinox. That is when this whirl of energy I talked about in the July Energy Tele-Gathering shifted into its next phase. NOW, it is becoming obvious that “the whirl” was/is not only our own process of integration– but it is introducing us to “the way things are.”

Expansion– all movement, actually– does not occur in a linear fashion. From NOW on, we are released from that limiting illusion. Yep, like it or not, movement is constant. To try to restrain it into a “line” is not only a lot of work, but it also severely limits our ability to move. To try to get to an “end result” and then stop moving… well, just like death as we perceive it… it’ll never happen.

Energy moves in a circular fashion, continually creative, ever seeking congruence with the rising (freeing, in other words) spiral of expansion– which is not “beyond what is or who we are,” but IS what is and who we are. And, it is fueled by a continual reciprocal energy exchange. In other words, you, we, each of us, has to participate.

As the spiral whirls, the human state shifts into one of confusion. As all aspects of each of us whirls into our present NOW in order to be integrated, the 3rd dimensional brain program becomes overwhelmed, and feels like its/our very “reality” is being threatened. The human who does not understand the recipocal process through which all energy transcends itself– who is only “plugged into” that small 3D portion of themselves– then contracts into resistance. Thus, the beat of fear-based pain and struggle goes on, amplified with every whirling moment of NOW.

Until one FEELS it intensely enough to just “drop the ball of linear perception,” the pain of contraction and resistance will increase– until one DOES. That is the divine plan– because that is the “fail-safe” condition WE insisted on having in place for us– right NOW! And of course, it is NOT failing us.

We are in radical change. That is why I was so “strongly” inspired, shall we say, to begin the monthly Energy Tele-Gatherings in July. That is also why so many of you eagerly responded. The August Tele-Gathering will focus on this recprocal process of energy exchange that is the very process of expanding life, itself.

Believe me, I’m not trying to “sell you” on participating in it. Lol! It is by no means a “money-maker.” It is far other, far more than that. It is about generating reciprocity, our energetic gateway to freedom… through which the very term “abundance” will lose meaning as the frequency of “lack” wanes and disappears forevermore. At last.

So whatever you “do,” bless your hearts, and open WIDE!

How we love You! always and in All Ways– the celestial team


Copyright(c) 2014, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.
You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com

8.3.14 The Secret to Getting Unstuck- Reciprocal Energy Exchange

Hello Beloved!

Oh, how we are feeling your earth move beneath your feet and though your being as we transmit our frequencies to You in this moment of your illusion of linear time! Know, as well, that your entire universe is trembling with You… as You are being “shaken awake,” shall we say? Shaken into recognizing the truth that nothing You knew so comfortably applies anymore.

Even more wonder-full, shaken OUT of what we would call “compliance.” Compliance with following old agendas, protocols, ways of “pretending to be,” is what we mean. Oh, out on a limb You are NOW, that is no longer deniable. And we will tell You that our Judith is shaking in her sandles as well, in this very moment! She feels so far out on your old paradigm limb that she is sure it will give way.
She is right.

We will let her show You why.

This is Judith.
There was a movie called “The Secret.” It was foreplay for some. For those who clung to the Law of Attraction as THE Law of the Universe, however, I have learned that it became a distraction from empowerment. It is, indeed, a universal law, and so an excellent introduction to energy dynamics. However, to a master of the Laws of Energy, it is “small claims court.”  Do not get stuck there.

Bravo, we say to that.

First of all, it is not a secret.


In the so-called physical world, we know that seemingly solid objects are mostly space in which a few nano-particles spin wildly in order to create the energy pattern of physical form. (That is very old news, actually, as it became scientific “fact” well over a century ago.) We also know all about how to use focused energy to generate movement (and that is even older news).

Isn’t it astounding, then, how many still hold onto the wildly illogical belief that, since they are physical beings, they are not energetic beings? Even more fascinating– these same beings also hold the belief that money is “real!”

Yet, if they/you/me were to live in a dwelling made of money, it would be nothing but paper and bits of metal, and soon washed away by the energy patterns of weather.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds like poverty to me.

Obviously money is nothing more than a symbol of energy exchange!
To study the way we use money can teach us much about what we already know about ourselves as energetic beings.
Even more importantly, it can illuminate the choices we make about what we invest our energy in.

Energy requires circulation, reciprocity, in order to not become stagnant. It requires “investment,” in other words. If you invest in a holding pattern, for example, just watch how powerful you are! You’ll create a feedback loop that will, in turn, create the best glue the universe can provide to keep you there.

If you are feeling stuck, NOTICE what you invest your energy in! Thoughts, beliefs, actions… notice what emotions you run on a feedback loop that is self-generating. What story about Molecular Thoughtsyourself are you investing in? Whatever it is, recognize that YOU are the generator, you are creating more of it, and no way could it be otherwise.

This is subtle stuff, discerning and tracking energy patterns, especially if one is not used to attuning to them. I know. Be patient and stay the course. It is critical NOW, for your own happiness if nothing else (which is also everything).
For that reason, it will be a big topic at the August Energy Tele-Gathering. If you want some powerful support and/or have questions that you need answers to, here’s where to receive both–

August Energy Tele-Gathering , 8/17 from 5 p.m until 6:30 p.m PSTD.
To register, press the “donate” tab, offer your reciprocal energy exchange of $15.00,
designated as “gift”– August Energy Tele-Gathering.
The phone number for wherever on the planet you are as well as the entry code will be sent to you a week we before we gather.

This is the celestial team. Beloved, we tell You that nothing you have learned is relevant NOW. What it did was prepare You for receiving NOW. That is, and has always been true. NOW is a process, not a “moment in time.”

But the NOW You have moved into is unprecedented. In this NOW, You must fly into NEW, with your own wings. NO prior experiences will be useful tools of interpretation.  You must trust the way your wings feel the currents of the energy, and fly with them.  Notice that…and so trust yourSELF. 

How we love You. Always and in All Ways– the celestial team


Copyright(c) 2014, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thecelestialteam.com