More ANSWER to GOOD QUESTION # 2– Getting OUT of Enslavement Programming!

This is Judith. Just saying…this is such a rudimentary post as compared to all that the celestial team has been sharing here for the past 5 years that I am really surprised that they have asked me to share it here with you NOW! I do know that it is a very “logical” one, so not easily dismissed even by the o.s. of the 3D brain. I also know that, BECAUSE the information in it is so rudimentary, it is absolutely crucial NOW. So… what I’m “getting” in this moment is this– If you glaze over or zone out when you read this, PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me for a private session! If you don’t think you can “afford it,” I will have a sliding scale of reciprocity in place, just for YOU. Because… YOU can’t afford NOT to “get” this post and integrate it. And WE need one another to be “up to speed” together NOW. You are so not alone. Truly, We ARE all in this together, and this IS the SHIFT.. right here, right NOW.
Much much much much Love/Light to you!

Judith Dagley Flaherty, mft


Finally feels like “right timing” to continue answering  GOOD QUESTION #2 in the Master’s Class of Being the Sovereign Reality Creator You Truly Are and Creating the Life You Truly Want Because It’s NOW or Never!

How do I get OUT of my own enslavement program?

“Right timing” is one of the first concepts I learned in my shamanic apprenticeship. It basically means “in alignment on an energetic level with readiness to be received and used in the most expedient and impactful way.”

Shamans know the importance of focusing– which is something we ALL need to learn ASAP, as you will see. They also know the importance of review– to assist those who may not yet know the importance of focusing.

To review what was begun in the post on 8.7.2015–

The 1st and foundational step of getting out of your own enslavement progamming is to know that whatever…

View original post 747 more words

Your SOVEREIGNTY, POWER, & MAGIC– A Message & Video Transmission from the Frequency Technicians


Greetings. We are the Frequency Technicians of the celestial team. 

As Magdalen was leading you to the portal of Lion’s Gate 888. we delivered a transmission through our celestial earth member Judith. She translated our frequencies into encoded written words that were recorded here in this multidimensional portal you call our website. Many of you have read it. We suggest you read it again.

Immediately after our transmission, we began receiving faint signals of request for further assistance from the many in your human collective who as yet can only connect with us through the lower frequencies waves of your earthly external technology, and only barely at that. The moment the signals had gathered enough in both numbers and momentum to crystalize into the activation required for our response, we asked our earth member to sit in front of her camera to deliver our transmission again through her voice and beingness.

Although our request was unexpected, coming at a late hour after a full day as it did, she complied. Like some of you, she knows that it is no longer possible to predict how or when energy shifts will occur at the collective level. Given that each of you is Sovereign and free to use your own frequencies in whatever way you choose, even we cannot make such predictions.

Our video will assist in freeing the catalysts from their dependency on external technology. 

As all perceptions of dependency are actually methods of enslavement, we see from our perspective that it has become critically important to reach as many among you with our transmission in as many ways as are possible given the filters of each individual’s current perceptual range.

We add that the more senses employed in receiving encoded multidimensional information, the more powerfully each one works in tandem with the others to decode and receive what eventually becomes more than the sum of their parts.
We speak of alchemy.

To speak more simply, the transmission becomes a carrier of the frequencies required to activate what in your language would be called a quantum leap.
The tipping point into that leap will be different for each among you.
The way it is reached is through repetitive multi-sensory input.

Therefore, we offer the video to you NOW as an adjunct to the written transmission.
It is through following your own experiential guidance that you will find your own tipping point.

When you make the leap you will know it. That we assure you. 

We also assure you that we will remain at your service through the coming days to assist you in gleaning all you can from what you see, hear, and otherwise perceive as you take in the transmission. If you hold that knowing in your consciousness, you will likely feel or sense our encouragement as you approach your own tipping pont.

To each among you who leaps, we sincerely hope you hear our cheers. 

We are the Frequency Technicians.



As many of you know, there is a “donate” tab on the right side of this website portal. We thank you for supporting our earth member Judith in our ongoing mission to support your expansion into joyful Sovereignty. We celebrate your awareness that in the doing you support yourself. To those of you who are not yet aware of the “donate” tab, we are pleased to point it out to you while offering our video transmission. As you claim your Sovereign power as the creator you are and always have been, knowing that the process of co-creation is a reciprocal one will serve you immeasurably well, indeed. And so it is. 



Copyright(c) 2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material on free websites only, and only if you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

LION’S GATE! Transmission from the Frequency Technicians of Sirius

LION’S GATE,  8.8.15
888 Lion's Gate Graphic by Ellen McDonough

We bid You a fond but fleeting hello, Beloved. There is a collective among us who wishes most fervently to speak with You NOW.


Greetings. We are the Frequency Technicians.
We come to encourage you with what we know for certain. The wind is at your back.
As for the rest of what we know, multidimensional truths carry many truths within them, and they are different for every frequency range. That is why transmissions that you read or hear can seem new to you if you take them in again a week later.

Because your individual frequency signature is fluctuating rapidly NOW, and because collectively there is a wide variance of octaves among the all of you, we will offer our perspectives of truth in such a way that you can find what resonates for you, then explore each to find your own jewels of truth as they are this moment.
The way we do so is to encode many into a single sentence.

The way you find your own is to pause and focus into each sentence before going on to the next. Allow thoughts, memories, images, and feelings to come as they will. No matter how random they seem, we assure you they will be directly related. Simply allow them to lead you to the encoded revelations. Do not rush. Your own consciousness will let you know when you are satiated and eager for the next.

As you know, you are in the majestic portal of Lion’s Gate.
As you know, Lion vibrates with the frequencies of Sovereignty- ruled by no other being, human or otherwise.
Sovereignty is not possible without balance. Power that is not intact and balanced within is lacking and so powerless.
As Judith has told you, it is Magdalen who led you to Lion’s Gate.
As your shamans know, Lion is FEMININE energy.
As you may begin to discern, the illumination of the killing of your earthly Cecil by one who was in the throes of powerless lower male energy was no accident. Nor would you see it as a tragedy if you know Cecil as we do.
As your shamans also know, Lion symbolizes the mastery of THOUGHT MAGIC– the ability to focus concentrated thought into form.
As you likely know, that is our expertise as the Frequency Technicians.
What you may not consciously know yet is that we are Sirians who reside in what you identify as the 6th and 7th dimensions.
We have ancestry on your planet in the land you call Egypt.
Look to the Pyramids. Look to the Eye of Horus.
Above all, look to ISIS.
Your mastery of THOUGHT MAGIC is encoded in your DNA.
It shriveled from lack of use and became dormant a few hundred years after our ancestors left you.
It is not dormant any longer.

Therein lies all you need to know.
We are the Frequency Technicians.


Beloved….You have only just BEGUN.
How we love You. Always and in All Ways– the celestial team


THANK YOU for offering your reciprocal energy exchange to this message via the “donate” tab. The amount does not matter. Your intent is what keeps my/our circuit running.


Copyright(c) 2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved..

You may copy and redistribute this material on FREE websites only, and ONLY if you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include the author’s name and this copyright notice link:

While Flying Toward Lion’s Gate 888


This is Judith, and this will be brief. I am very busy BE-ing, and that will never mean “staying the same” to me again, not even from one moment to the next. What you are reading is akin to scribbled notes delivereed fast. As there is “no time” to proofread for typos let alone fuss over wording, I count on you to make all necessary corrections in alignment with your own resonance as you read.

The only reason I am pecking this out at all is because there will be no status quo in these next few days. By tomorrow, I may forget the impact of my current experience/awareness (there is not the slightest illusion that experience and awareness are “separate” at the moment), as it may have become another and then another fifty times by then.

We are rushing towards Lion’s Gate 888, propelled by the velocity of our own desire.
Triple 8… Power and Balance x 3, and exponentially so.
Three is the sacred geometry of Unity Consciousness encoded into numerical form.
One + 1 is more than the sum of its parts.

This transmission is also encoded, by the way.
Yes, even though it is coming from very human me, it is a transmssion– and that is all I know or need to know.
Lke a broadcast from a radio station, each one who reads it will receive it differently in accordance with their own frequency bandwidth.
Once again, we have the example of something that is more than the sum of its parts.

Which brings me to the 3rd example. When united, the frequencies of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine become far, far, more than the some of It’s parts. When they work as ONE, NEW LIFE is created!

When not working as ONE, the essence of the powers of creation within each and all of us are split. Neither is powerful, and so havoc is wreaked. ONE cannot be Sovereign when power is split into opposing forces, obviously. One will always feel powerless, and so align with one side or the other…. domination or enslavement.
We all know the truth of that, already.

So of course it is no accident that all contracts of enslavement were rendered null and void during our most recent solstice. It is no accident that all transmissions coming through me, from me, or in a collaboration of the 2 (which equals 3, please note!) have been about stepping into Sovereignty. And they will continue, have no doubt… but also have no doubt that you will perceive them differently on the other side of Lion’s Gate 888.
You may, for example, resonate with them as you never have before.
Or, they may suddenly sound like nonsense to you.

There are no half measures encoded into the sacred geometry of 8. It is a number made of 2 circles in perfect balance within itself. Whether aligned with personal limitation or spiritual freedom, so it will become more than the sum of its parts. Knowing that, it is good to re-member that 8 is also the symbol of infinity. And so it is. As above so below. As within so without.

If you know the celestial team, you have likely already communed with the Yeshuwah Collective within a transmission. You may have even communed with the Mary Collective, the Divine Feminine aspect of the frequencies of Yeshuwah. But before NOW, you have not heard from a “sub-collective within a collective” that is part of the celestial team.You are hearing from one NOW. She is leading us to Lion’s Gate 888, and her energy is all around you.

It is MAGDALEN. At last! I cannot tell you how much I love her… her courage, her purity of intent, her strong deep love of the Divine Masculine, her unshakable unwillingness to dishonor the power and the beauty of the reunion. I believe she will begin to speak directly through me soon (rather than only within me), in that dear unique voice I cherish that sounds like no one but MAGDALEN!

And oh, how the celestial team will part to make a path for her. Oh how they love her, too! MAGDALEN. A NEW ancient voice within us for all of us.
MAGDALEN, who has been waiting for US to expand into a frequency through which to hear her for over 2,000 years. Yeshwah has been waiting for that as well… and oh how I could sail off into rhapsodizing in the bliss of this for pages, feeling the truth of both of them and the ONE they are!

I will not, however. This transmission isn’t for my self-indulgence, after all. Besides, I indulge myself freely every single day, writing pages and pages of what has become an entire library of my hand-written journals!

No, this message is for YOU. For what YOU find in it… for what YOU make of it as we each fly as ONE towards Lion’s Gate 888. Bless your beautiful united heart of LOVE.

❤ ❤ ❤

THANK YOU to each one of you who feels prompted from within to offer a reciprocal energy exchange after receiving my own energy through these messages. Never think your offering is too small! Together, we truly are more than the some of our parts.
Namaste as we enter Lion’s Gate together… ONE in heart at last!


Copyright(c) 2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material in free publications ONLY as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include both the author’s name and this copyright notice link:

POTENT BLUE MOON MAGIC! And Guess Who is the Magician?


Moon-At-Night-Public-Domain-520x245Beloved, we come to you through a most magnificent ever-changing, rainbow of blue in this moment of your Blue Aquarius  Moon!

Oh it is glorious, the way your own frequencies make such magical living rainbows of a single color. And You do this with every color of your frequencies in every pulsation of your illusionary linear time, along with each and every other in your human collective. What a dazzling light show You give us! Yet You do not know (or do not yet remember that You know is more accurate) that make You make such magic, do You…or do You?.

Something else we know is that there is within You a deeply rooted belief that You do not know of such magic because “You do not know enough yet.” And how do we know that with such certainty? Because You just told us that it is true! Yet You do not even know (in the ways You “think You know things,” we mean) that You converse with us all the while You take in our messages, do You… or do You?

Beloved, here is what we know above all else in this pulse of your NOW:
It is “time” to give up the belief that You do not know enough.
It is “time” to real-ize that its roots have shriveled, there is no life left in it, and it is only YOUR  belief in that belief that is still operating.
It is “time” to turn your belief upside down and inside out and see what it is truly made of, Beloved, which is not what You believed it was at all.  

And, just so You know how we know that, it is not only because You told us, but because You announced it to our entire cosmos! The cosmos immediately “hopped to it,” as You say, and the proof of that is all around You NOW. Oh, if You would only decide that You can see the energy of the collaborative alchemy your stars and planets have designed on your behalf.. If only You would decide to comprehend the rarity of such finely orchestrated alignments and patterns, even hear them… all for You.

We know, however, that the complexity of your creations is beyond comprehension through the linear brain. That is what also makes it rather tricky for us to even begin to convey them to You. The technology of the 3rd dimensional brain is designed to filter out all that its programming cannot process, as You know. Yet (unless You consciously maintain the intention not to), You still do tend to run our frequencies through it much of the time– and most especially if You are “really trying” to comprehend something NEW!

You do have to laugh at these paradoxes, Beloved, once You see them from the inside out. And so You WILL, more and more… indeed, some of You have already begun to chuckle here and there. We know that because we hear each and every chuckle, and how we smile with You when we do! What we would LOVE is to hear a huge resound of those chuckles in the shimmering light of your magical Blue Moon– for there is something so elegantly simple at the core of all the muti-layered complexities of your creations that it will have You dancing with carefree abandon as you chuckle, once you KNOW  it– if only we could get around that watchdog brain of yours!

Perhaps we can.
It will require more than our Judith’s finely attuned translations of our frequencies into third  dimensional language. It will require encoding so masterly that the brain will not even recognize what is being carried through the words, which will mean that You likely will not, either… in a cognitive way, that is. But if You take them in through you heart center, You will FEEL them, and that is a far superior way of knowing, anyway.
As long as You do not “try” to understand them with your thinking technology!
As long as You simply keep them running through You, your mutidimensional heart center will decode them for You, and give You pieces in perfect alignment with your capacity to receive them over the next few of your days.

Yes indeed, this is exactly what is called for in this moment. The beings who can do the job are part of us and have already stepped forward. Perhaps You already know who they are. Many among You have begun to converse with them in your night dreams, we know.  We also know that You will be hearing more from the FrequencyTechnicians in your coming weeks than ever before. It is “time.”


Greetings. We are the Frequency Technicians.
We will be as brief as possible, for we are using the technology of laser precision.
If you know of lasers, you know that a little is enough, and more than enough is too much. This is a technology that it will serve you well to become familiar with.
It is the responsibility of those with unlimited power to know how to use it with carefully regulated precision. 

We have told you more than once that you are Sovereign.
We remind you of what the word Sovereign means. “Ruled by no one and no thing.”
We advise you to take that meaning literally and not only believe it, but own it.
Only when you own your Sovereignty will you take responsibility for your own power, and only when you do that will you be Sovereign.

You are holographic by design.
All that you experience are your own holographic projections.
Therefore, nothing you experience has power over you for you are the generator.
Nothing in your external environment including people are there without your agreement and your own creative collaboration.
Nothing in your internal environment exists but that which you choose to experience and that includes your thoughts as well as your emotional reactivity.

Your thoughts do not think you.
Your emotional technology is not a machine that runs you.
It is only the habit of experiencing yourself as enslaved that has you believing otherwise.
We strongly advise you to drop the habit.

You are in a highly advantageous arrangement of what you experience as linear time. This linear construct can serve you well NOW and in the moments that unfold from every NOW through the coming weeks of this particular larger picture of your NOW.

Your Venus will assist you in re-experiencing what you have chosen to review regarding your relationships with what and whom you love and value most.
We wish to point out that relationships are not only collaborations you have with human beings, but with all beings and that includes everything, from the chair you sit on to the thought forms you create.

Your Uranus will collaborate by turning all relationship patterns that you no longer wish to repeat upside down and inside out. This is how transformation begins.
Uranus will stay with you for five of your months to assist you in completing your transformations.

We suggest that you hold these things in your consciousness as well as feel them in your physical bodies for the next three days:
As we said, you are holographic. Much like a movie projector, all you see, feel, and otherwise experience is projected from within you.
Your power source is Source, itself. Your medium of projection is your frequencies.
Nothing and no one has control of your state-of-being but you.
To allow anything or anyone else to control of your state-of-being is to agree to perpetuate your illusion of powerlessness.
As you go through your current review of the relationship collaborations you have participated in thus far, we strongly encourage you to take note of the ramifications of abdicating your own sovereign responsibility that will be revealed to you.

All that you need to know or will ever need to know about this rich and awe-inspiring experience you call your life is that YOU are not only the creator, but you are a master magician. You can and do transform something as quickly as you create it. You have been doing so for aeons, and have created dark and light and all in between.
NOW, you want to create harmony.
More than that, harmony that reflects who and what YOU are.
That IS why you are here, and NOW is your chosen timeframe.
As a composer writes music that incorporates many instruments to express one symphony, you are here to create your own symphony out of all that you have experienced. You DO know how.
Every composer, artist, and magician in our universe knows that the frequency that weaves symphonies as well as worlds together is LOVE.

We bow to the well-spring of LOVE within you, and your mastery at using LOVE as the Master Magician that you, yourself, are made of.
We are the Frequency Technicians.


As do we ALL bow to You, Beloved. The Frequency Technicians have done an artful job with the words and their arrangements, and our Judith followed their intent with the precision of her own creative laser focus. We point this out so that you will pay particular attention to the cadence of repetition in their transmission, for it will show You clearly what is encoded and transmitted in many different ways. It is a magnificent “download” (as You call them)! Get every bit of it, and all that your stars and planets are offering to You as well. Do You SEE NOW, Belvoved? The entire cosmos is at your service. Rise and SHINE!
Always and in All Ways, we love You.– the celestial team


Judith here. Whooo! Still a little disoriented, lol, but I wanted to share my heartfelt appreciation to all of you who offer reciprocal energy exchanges via the “donate” tab after receiving these messages. Although it is my greatest joy to bring these messages to you, it does take a lot of energy to hold these incredibly high frequencies in me… especially because they are often so beyond what we even have language for that it can sometimes take quite awhile to create the combination of words that will carry them to you. Yet I don’t even notice “time” as I am engaged with their frequencies. I only get the shock of seeing how many hours have passed when I finally come back into “time!” Okay, what I’m attempting to say in way too many words (still a little spacy, lol) is that it is only because of your reciprocity that I can continue to devote hours and days, my life, actually, to doing this joyful…. just a moment. The celestial team is coming through right NOW… Oh, do you FEEL them? What a fizzy “download” of loving gratitude they are showering on you!! And there is nothing more for me to say, which is wonder-full, since since I wasn’t doing a great job, anyway…. no words could possibly share anymore than they just did.
Namaste! ❤


Copyright(c) 2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material on free websites only, and only if you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include the author’s name as well as this copyright notice link: