12.19.11 Navigating Into a New Paradigm of Being, Part 3

…And so it comes to pass, in this our deepest season of death and rebirth, that the clamoring of the old begins to die away at last, leaving only silence.
…And so it comes to pass that, in that empty stillness, that ripe and sacred void, our souls begin to tremble as the unspeakable miracle of new life faintly stirs within.
…And so it comes to pass that the third segment of “Navigating Into a New Paradigm of Being” finds its way to you, just as the birth pangs of Winter Solstice begin in earnest.
…And so it comes to pass that I, Judith, am awed by how divinely timed this arrival is. Just as with the written messages, no matter how involved I am in the delivery process, the perfection of the package only unfolds for me as I unwrap it right along with you.
…And so it comes to pass that Parts 1, 2, and 3 of “Navigating Into A New Paradigm of Being” have taught us the steps and introduced us gracefully and lovingly into the new music of what IS an entirely new paradigm of being.

Feel yourself rich with self-love, now. Be dazzled by the brilliance of your own diamond light. Wrap yourself royally in the robes of your sovereign authority.  Then, let yourself sink into the warmth of part 3. Watch it over and over,  until, just as heat rises, you feel your own being expand Watch until your cells sing with its frequencies,  your blood dances, and your heart beats to the rhythm of our collective tune.

Then, be ready for miracles, for you will surely create them.

Love Always and in All Ways– Judith and the celestial team
In “Navigating into a New Paradigm of Being” part 3, Judith and the celestial team illuminate how radically new their Love/Light Videos truly are. It becomes clear that thay ARE made from the future, and that the only way to experience them fully is to experience them relationally– the “normal” method of the fifth dimension!
There’s also paradigm-busting information about the brilliant ways in which humanity is teaching the higher dimensions how to end ancient, ongoing galactic battles. Yeshuwa and the celestial team are ever present, and burst through their energetic braids with Judith whenever their devotion to YOU, the viewer, becomes too great to contain. Altogether, this video lets us know that the celestial team is with us for the long haul– through their videos, written messages, and private sessions with Judith–and that the expansion they are lovingly guiding us into is REAL.
Copyright(c)2011-12, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved www.thecelestialteam.com

12.9.11 New Love/Light Video for YOU: Navigating Into a New Paradigm of Being, part 2


For YOU, Beloved, from the celestial team!

On the eve of your powerful full moon and lunar eclipse, we wish to give you the warmth of our  love to fill your heart, the promise of all that you are to rest in, and the glory of your sovereignty to celebrate!

Drink deep and enjoy.  We love you, Beloved. Always, and in All Ways.–the celestial team

Judith and the celestial team share words, frequencies, and “downloads” about our multi-dimensional origins–as well as the multi-dimensional purpose and power that is awakening within us as we say “yes” to a New Paradigm of Being. Finally, Yeshuwa comes through to gaze through Judith’s eyes into yours, to speak words deep into your heart, and to wrap you palpably, if you so allow, in the silk of devoted and unconditional love.
Copyright(c)2011-12, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved  www.thecelestialteam.com

12.5.11 Important Questions, part two: THROW THEM ALL AWAY!

12/5/11  Love/Light Message from the celestial team

We, the celestial team, have returned, as promised, to the questions asked of us recently. Because the beginning of our response a couple of your days ago was so powerfully encoded, we wanted to give you time to process all of it before offering even one more word!

For some of you who are becoming adept at decoding frequencies, we know that not another word is even necessary. Others of you have taken the encodings in as little “packets,” to open and process as you continue to receive “upgrades” from all of the energy influxes that will continue throughout the final weeks of your year, 2011. Very conscientious of you, we say! And to all of you, know that absolutely everything we say in this transmission, if condensed into its energetic essence, would resonate with one suggestion only:

Now, how about that? It sounds as if we are going to leave you with a very short and concise message, at last, does it not? And wouldn’t that be something new, indeed! If you are laughing at us, because of how long we do go on at times, know that we are laughing right along with you, and enjoying every moment of it! You know us VERY well! And it is true, there are reasons why we simply can’t seem to manage making our interdimensional deliveries to you “short and sweet.”

As we have explained before, our messages are very “full,” in your terms. We cannot fit them easily into your language, which conforms to the linear construct of time/space in the 3rd dimension. Our messages are multi-dimensional, meaning they address all aspects of every issue at once. It therefore takes about a thousand linear words to say what only one word would say, were it multidimensional. As you become more attuned with reading frequencies, however, we need less and less words to carry them to you!

There is also another reason why we do not want to begin and end this follow-up message with: Throw all of your questions away!! We do not want anyone who reads this, and who may still feel identified with the old ego/brain programming of the 3rd dimension, to feel “tossed aside” along with our suggestion to “toss away” those old questions! NEVER would we want to risk activating those dismissive feelings within any one of you in your human collective!

You have been dismissed ENOUGH. And even though it is true that such an activation would only be a reflection of your own dismissal of self, providing such activations is not our role with you. Our role is to Love You. Our role is to awaken you to your divine power and purpose.

We felt your Yeshuwa braid with the speed of breath right into our frequencies, and then through our Judith in an instant, and then lead us with love as we transmitted these words. Can you feel Yeshuwa now, flashing like lightning through your galaxy, raising the frequency of your entire solar system, as LOVE moves to embrace you?

Can you feel how passionately Yeshuwa is in love with you? And dedicated to midwifing the birth of the child you created together—christ consciousness seeded in the womb of humanity, over two thousand years ago–in this season of your Winter Solstice?
No being has ever been loved with more devotion than YOU are, we assure you.

Ah! Do you see what has happened once again? Our message is getting long in words before we even get to it! To the point, post-haste, then, of our suggestion to throw all of your old questions out:
If you take that suggestion to heart, you will find yourself greatly unburdened and far lighter in spirit. You see, all of your questions were formed within a paradigm that you are choosing to leave behind you. The only answers that would apply to them, then, would be those that would keep you within it.

You learned, in your old paradigm, to live in fear of the unknown. In a world of problems, attacks, and unknown dangers, you were entrained to feel very alone and helpless. You needed “answers,” “solutions,” “weapons of defense” –be they in the form of inoculations or artillery. You needed to be “rescued.” Your questions, then, were motivated from a desire to find safety from outside of yourselves.

In the New Paradigm of Being, or “your shift,” to use your endearing nickname for it, such questions do not apply! In your NEW Paradigm, you take conscious responsibility for your power, knowing that as long as you do so, absolutely nothing that you do not create yourself can touch you.
Nothing! You are sovereign.

To get full understanding of the truth of this, you will need to look, yourself, to your most recent questions about your process of moving into the New Paradigm. Find for yourself the frequency that is in the core of your inquiries. Yes, find it yourself! You are certainly capable of that, now, so USE your capabilities! Unless you do, you will not even know they are there. Unless you do, you will choose “by default” to stay in a frequency of powerlessness and fear.

We will tell you what we have found, however, just to light your way a bit this time! We have found the frequencies of fear and helplessness still lingering in the core of the most urgent of your questions.
As you move into the higher frequency of your New Paradigm of Being, if you experience the process as “alarming” rather than “exciting,” “threatening” rather than “empowering,” or “problematic” rather than “fascinating and engaging,” then you can be sure that you have questions that are fear-based within you.

We hear some of you express alarm as your physical chakras come alive again, and you feel them as the powerful vortices they are. Realize that such alarm arises because you are so unused to feeling the full power that is within you that you assume these signs of life must be coming from something that is NOT you!

Some of you with fears left to clear may even believe that you are being attacked by a foreign entity when you feel your own power rise up against a wall of blockage. No, Beloveds. Relax. As your body awakens, past-life traumas raise to the surface of every cell to be released–just as occurs in your mental, emotional, and energy bodies. This IS the process of ascending, after all! One cannot get “lighter” without letting go of the old “heavy loads,” can one?

Remember, as well, to use your discernment now, for there are many agendas at play around you. Know that as you claim your own ascension, these agendas are also far easier to see and navigate than ever before. For example, whenever you hear anyone, anywhere, use the label “symptoms” for signs that physical bodies are clearing toxic memories at the cellular level, such dissonance of description will be obvious to you, because you will feel it in your body!

Your own cells will let you know. No matter who does this labeling, or how much power you had given them before, your cells will NOTICE when their glorious and welcome release from genetically encoded oppression is described as if it were a sickness! And they will let you know loud and clear, we assure you. Once you have taken your power back, it will no longer even be possible to buy into such leftover strains of oppression—they will be so immediately discordant that identifying them will be what you call “a no-brainer.” (And what a lovely term from the future that is, too!)

Remember as well that this process of ascension in physical embodiment is exactly what you are here for! It is why you wanted to be here now! You came for THIS PART, the process itself! Trust us when we tell you how excited and thrilled you were to be one of those chosen to participate in this unprecedented event! Try to remember how coveted this assignment was, and how very few received it. Trust us when we tell you how eager you were to get here.

And so, Beloveds, as you feel yourselves transforming, leave the old paradigm of fear behind! Be excited, instead. Do not look anymore for explanations that would put your experiences “into boxes,” for those old boxes will only constrain you now. Be comfortable with having no definitions or labels for your experiences, for new ones will evolve in time. Let your own processes teach you about themselves.

As well, do not look outside yourself for expertise, be it in the form of energy healers, medical doctors, psychics, therapists, or light beings! Let go of the old belief that you need to rely on others who have special knowledge or gifts that you cannot also access within you! See that such thinking is born of the old paradigm of power and control, and that it is exactly such thinking that kept humanity oppressed in a long history of enslavement. Begin to trust that ALL knowledge is within you. The more you go within to seek knowledge, the more you will find.

This is not to say that you are not interconnected with one another! However, you will find that your interconnectedness with one another in your human family is of another frequency than dependency and need, entirely. We will not say more about this now, for it is one of those concepts that would take a thousand words to even barely describe! Beside, it is your right to have the joy of making such discoveries yourself. Be on a journey of discovery, then! Enjoy every moment in a state of wonder, for this is exactly what you have been waiting for. Do not wait any longer—the journey is NOW, and you are already well into it!

Know as well how admired and respected you are for being one of the “golden ones” on your planet, right now, spinning your amazing, golden, alchemy. Know that you are watched breathlessly by an infinite consciousness, every moment, for your every thought, belief, feeling, and action affects your entire universe in the moment you create it.

Yes. Take that in please. Let us repeat that. Rather, let us ask you to say this out loud to yourself, right now, please:
And so it is.

Well, we hope we have used enough words to sufficiently convey the importance of leaving all of the old questions behind. Remember that it is THIS PROCESS that you came for, not the end result. You already know what it is like to be ascended. We will return soon in video form to share, under your Yeshuwa’s guidance and through our Judith’s abilities to braid us all through as one, the profundity of all that you are and all that you are bringing to fruition at last.

This team of ours is a mighty union and an endeavor from the future, make no mistake. And as with all dawnings, there will be those that thrill to the first light, and those that need the relentless pulses of the noonday sun to rouse them. We will be with you all, in your own timing, and your timing will be perfect. It is ALREADY perfect, Beloved.

We bow to you, we celebrate you, and we love you.–the celestial team

copyright(c) 2011-2012, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved. www.thecelestialteam.com

12.3.11 Important Questions, Important Answers!

12/3/11 Love/Light Message from the celestial team

Hello, Beloveds!

IMPORTANT QUESTIONS, IMPORTANT ANSWERS! These are important concepts to explore with you now, for their meanings change with your frequency! You will soon see that important questions are only those that lead to more questions. Important questions open doorways into wonder, they set you free to explore possibilities. In truth, that is the sole (and the soul’s) purpose for questions! On the other hand, “answers” silence the curiosity and end the search, for that is exactly their purpose. “Answers” are mechanisms of control, and nothing more.

Now! One of our readers–one of our very special human friends!- has asked a question that is a “turning point question.” By that, we mean that it invites, and even more, requires, an entirely new perspective of asking, and an entirely new landscape of meaning. By spending a short while turning such a question to just the right “angle” in order to focus its beam into a whole new terrain, we can make it quite a floodlight of revelation for our curious explorer!

The revelation is that TRUE questions always hold their own answers within them. Remember that statement! Copy it, put it somewhere where it can remind you all the time! Indeed, authentic questions are rather like your word “bait” in that they activate the desire to learn more, and then that desire pulls one ever deeper into the question– until it finally comes to fully know ITSELF, you might say. This is actually a reflection of how Creation creates. “As above, so below.”

Because our current “questioning friend” is also YOUR representative, and so has brought the essence of many of your questions to us in her one, so will we address “the many” of your questions as we answer her one! Please understand that you will not need to have specifics, labels or “concrete facts” in order to hear and feel the relevance of our responses to you. Such definitions actually fragment and obscure comprehension far more than they enable it.
If you are tuning into our message through your heart center, however, you are feeling its full multidimensional reach. You are FEELING the essence of what we communicate. Within that essence is also your innate KNOWING as to  how it serves you in your own concerns.

Are you feeling, as you take in our frequencies through your reading, the multidimensionality of our explanations to you? This is something that you will begin to experience more and more, as there is quite a lot of new energy coming to your plant now to assist you in doing so! Now is a wonderful time to ask questions, for the new energy is most definitely going to bring them forward! And you will see that there are no answers invented as yet that can apprehend their flow!

Yes, Beloveds. You are “out of the box” at last.
You CAN linger in it, of course, or continue to revisit it whenever you wish. Perhaps you will even surprise yourself with the realization that you love your 3rd dimensional box SO much that you’d rather stay in its familiar–and, in its own way, fascinating–limitations for awhile longer, after all! All of these choices are entirely up to YOU now. All that is important is that you KNOW that they are YOURS. You are no longer “confined,” and you can no longer be “controlled.” And any further illusions that you have about:
–needing to wait FOR anything,
–or “answer” TO anyone,
–or go to anyone outside of yourSELF for “answers,”
–or require ANY sort of protection at all–
are only leftover illusions of your own. Let them get your attention! The key to navigating your way by choice is to know that everything you experience is ALWAYS a choice, and completely yours, without exception. Sovereign authority is yours. This is true whether you believe it or not. It cannot be otherwise.

Well! As is often our way, “the essence” of what we want to address in answering this now-famous and still unidentified question has, through the frequencies of our intentions to serve you, been almost entirely deposited in “little quantum packets” in your energy field!
Should you find yourself immediately leaping into suspicion as you read that–thinking that such an “unsolicited deposit” is a violation of your sovereign authority!–we ask you first of all to focus on the mistrust, the fear of betrayal that so immediately leapt up for your attention.
Give it your undivided loving attention!
Allow it to exist. However “big” it once felt, YOU are now big enough to hold it within you.
Thank it for working so devotedly and ceaselessly to be a watchdog on your behalf.
Let it FEEL your loving appreciation and compassion.

Now give this poor, loyal, energy pattern the great gift of knowing that it does not have to continue to worry over you and stay on constant guard over you any longer.
Communicate this NOT through your ego/brain construct, with its concepts, labels, and self-doubts!
Form this communication in your HEART, and straight FROM your heart. Do not bother trying to find words! They have never been your primary form of communication, and  they are  fast becoming obsolete, entirely.

Once your loving acceptance, compassion, and appreciation has been felt within you to the point of drenching your very bones, let your fear-and -mistrust-energy-pattern be drenched until it drips with the frequencies of your sovereign authority.

There is nothing more we need explain. All healing, all expansion, will happen on its own, and in perfect synchronicity with your own divine timing. And of course, the “quantum downloads” we gave you with this message cannot even be opened unless done so by you, through your own choice!

So now, we get to “the question” at last. And yet, not quite! We are struck by the impact that all we have shared thus far is having on you. There are certain phrasings we used that, coupled with your recent experiences and the new energy around you, are operating like quite the “starbursts of expansion” within many of you! We sound VERY pleased about that, do we not? My, my. You ARE expanding!

We will, then, let all that we have shared thus far settle in before continuing. It is actually quite wonderful, the way so many of you are responding to it already! Enjoy and recognize how easy it is to expand, now! In your case, it is actually MUCH harder, and much more draining energetically, to stay in the density of the 3rd dimension! That is one of the reasons you had to go through so much entrainment to keep yourself there. Now, however, you can simply float out of it whenever you want…

So settle, and float, and whatever else you choose to do, and realize that none of any of these things are contradictory any longer! We return soon with more of our message, more delight in your questions, and more questions to delight YOU with as well!

We love you. –the celestial team.

Copyright(c) 2011, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.  www.thecelestialteam.com