Guidance Through The Storm; #25 ~ Transmuting TRAUMA

We, the celestial team, greet you once again with much energetic support!

In addition to our frequencies of support (which You will feel if You are taking them in through your HEART CENTER!), we sense that addressing the topic of CHANGE has the potential to be most powerfully supportive to You in this particular phase of your evolution, for You are facing many junctures– each of which will provide opportunities to choose what direction You wish to go in.

To be clear, junctures are points that exist in three or more time-lines simultaneously.

Do You understand? You will not even have to leap to switch timelines. Simply take a step, and You on a new trajectory. Oh, it is quite an adventure, Beloved!

It involves almost constant change, of course, but that is what evolution IS, is it not? And how exhilarating it is when You find yourSelf hopscotching into where You WANT to be!

Ah, but now we come to the other opportunity that all of these junctures provide You with –the opportunity to realize that as a collective, You have come to greatly fear change. And that is because You have come to equate change with trauma.

It is true that sudden, destabilizing change can be traumatic. We wish to remind You, however, that the moment of falling in love could also be described as sudden, destabilizing change. As could winning the lottery, or any number of other magical and expansive timeline leaps.

As we hope You can begin to see, the binding of change with trauma has locked You into a very limited fear-based “reality” that is very far from your natural state of being, which is JOY. Moreover, it is a major program of disempowerment that has been used by those who have chosen to control You for many thousands of years.

Therefore, we feel strongly that it is very important now to loosen the bondage of CHANGE with TRAUMA!

And so, we are offering another perspective on trauma. It may surprise You, but we ask You to take it into your heart nonetheless, for You will find that it will empower You greatly. We ask You to consider trauma as not the result of change, but as the result of unconsciousness, denial, and/or avoidance of being alive in the moment. We will explain.

Change is a constant flow. It is not the sudden “falling off a cliff” You think of. Even quantum change is the result of a process, whether it is perceivable to You or not.

In every moment, You receive frequencies of information.

You are thus always informed of the “news” in every immediate moment through the continual flow of these messages.

And if You think You aren’t, You are not listening, Beloved. You are likely still relying on your 3rd dimensional brain for information, instead. Yes, we know who You are, and we are very glad You are here so that we can give You a brief upgrade!

  • Firstly, your 3rd dimensional brain is not an information receiver, it is an information processor.
  • Secondly, your 3rd dimensional brain is programmed to tune out all frequencies that are not part of the 3rd dimensional construct!

It is what You have called your intuition that allows You to tune into them. The more You practice using your intuition, the more You will begin to pick up the subtle clues of change.

Many times, You do not want to trust it, however, because you are following your 3rd dimensional brain’s “spreadsheet” of how things “should” occur. And oh how You have been taught to trust your brain! We know. You have been taught to ignore your inner knowing in order to “stick with the program,” in other words. And then what?

WHAM! Trauma catches You unaware.

Unaware of the continuing flow of information and support that is always, always, there, running through You in the present moment. Yet all one has to do is be present to receive it! Present and paying attention!

Do You see? Trauma is the result of not listening to yourSelf! Indeed, You will find that every trauma that You have experienced in this lifetime was preceded by information of its existence. This is also true for all of your lifetimes.

We are here to tell You that NO change has to be traumatic.

The more radical that sounds to You, the more You need to wake up from the old dream of enslavement consciousness, Beloved. You are co-creating a NEW Paradigm of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS now!

To that end, we will remind You of what You have already learned– You can only feel FREQUENCIES when they are pulsing with energy, and that is only NOW!

NOW is the only moment in which You are ALIVE!!!


We suggest You review that transmission, for it offers a way to flow with change, and not only are You are dealing with many in this time/space at an accelerated rate, but they have features that are completely new to You!

  • One is that they often occur simultaneously.
  • Another is that one change can rapidly branch into several others, and by rapidly we mean faster than is measurable in your time construct.
  • Perhaps more importantly in terms of your own expansion, changes are being offered to You from higher frequencies than ever before– which means, Beloved, the manifestations of your dreams.

But You have to be PRESENT to receive them! Which means HEART CENTERED, of course. As You recall, It is your HEART, your multidimensional operating system, that decodes frequencies for You. (from Judith– see above link!) And as You can see by our description above, change has begun to occur multidimensionally for You, indeed!

Now! It is also important to keep in mind that this is true for everyone, including your family, friends, or the person who was so nasty to You yesterday. Let go of your assumptions about who they are, for they may be in the flow of change in that very moment.

Many people are waking up! Or have been shaken awake by the chaotic node of energy You have just been through! Many are swimming most strenuously to catch up with the flow of transformation!

To most of the many, it seemed to be a sudden eruption. Yet the only eruption we see can be likened to a rush of frenzied energy as many run to catch a train as it pulls out of the station!

Perhaps they got so used to waiting that they didn’t even see the train when it pulled in. Well, they see it now, and if they are running for it, that is wonder-full. Hurray for them! Lend your energy to their speed!

Well. As You can certainly see by now, we most eagerly encourage You to be part of this flow! Do not fear change, or resist it any longer, no matter how it appears when it first arrives. Do not create more trauma for yourSelf in that way!

My goodness, we do apologize for speaking so strongly in a way that sounds like a directive. But it is only because we so wish to see You free yourSelves from suffering, Beloved! Frequencies of resistance, fear, judgment, and blame are only fuels for trauma. Nothing more. Re-member! Ah…

Yeshuwah most passionately wishes to share some final words!  

This is Yeshuwah.

Have COMPASSION for those who resist this powerful flow of change! They are frightened

Have COMPASSION for those who seek violent means to exert control! They are traumatized.

YOU know what it is like to walk in the shoes of both fear and trauma! Give those who are gripped in them your love, and it will loosen the fragments of fear and trauma still trapped within YOU in the doing.

It is love, Beloved, and only love, that will free You all to weave yourSelves together again. Let your love flow freely into the eternal NOW, then! Much is needed, and not a drop will be lost.

We promise You!

Your Yeshuwah’s love for You never fails to move us deeply. In truth, such a passion as this reverberates through your entire galaxy. Let your love fill the air with ALL of ours, then– until the all on your planet are breathing love.


Attention to our precious newcomers: Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions! To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. On behalf of the all, I thank you. Namaste.

Copyright(c)Judith Dagley 2021-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #20 ~~~ Healing Words From Jeshuwah!

Warm greetings to You, Beloved!

Well! Did You enjoy your Love Bath? (

As You recall, we asked for your permission beforehand. (Always, we ask your permission before working with You energetically!) Most often, our request is made telepathically. In this instance, however, it was transmitted into writing on the page You were reading as such–

Would You let yourSelf be willing to be loved– just as You are, every single part of You?

We did it this way so that You would be very conscious of your answer. Being willing to allow yourSelf to be loved is a big step, after all… perhaps even bigger than You may have thought! Well, CONGRATULATIONS!!! How wonder-full, Beloved! Because now, You are ready for your next one, and it is glorious, indeed–

Are You are willing to love YourSELF as You are loved?

Your Yeshuwah has a great desire to engage with You now. We stand aside in reverence.

~ ~ ~ ~

This is Yeshuwah.
Truly, You are our Beloved! We ask You now to go deep within, far, far, deep, down inside yourSelf for the memory of how dearly You are loved, for deep in your heart You hold the memory that You are love. Allow that memory to awaken. Take your time.

We will tell You that You are so loved that it pains us when You judge yourSelf. The way You haunt yourSelf sometimes with memories of perceived failuresthis troubles us greatly.
You have failed at nothing

You fear one another, afraid to be seen, afraid to open your hearts, afraid your heart will be shattered if You do. We tell You this:
Your heart can never be broken!

That is a story You have been told to keep You fearful of one another. Your heart is whole and shining. The emotional pain You have suffered has indeed afflicted You, but only because You believed You deserved it. You did not. And it has never, ever, damaged your heart.

You do not deserve pain or punishment! We ask You now to call up
every judgment You have ever reined upon yourSelf. Let them go,
every one of them, and let the lashings cease forevermore.

And now, bring all of You out of hiding. It matters not how You judge anything You have ever done! Bring those memories to You now.

Feel our love envelop them with honor and compassion, and then please embrace them with your own compassion.

We mean, of course, embrace yourSelf, claim all of You, in love. If You hesitate, then DO IT IN OUR NAME! Let us pave the way for You.

Do not cast pieces of yourSelf out any longer, Beloved!
Hold them close to your hearts, and feel their trembling melt away.
Realize how much they have longed for your love,
how cast out and ashamed they felt.
Realize how much You missed them.

Welcome them home!
Listen to them, for they have valuable lessons to share. They went into the depths to gather them for You! Love them, rejoice at the homecoming! Bring them with You on your ascension journey, for in truth, You cannot make it without them. You cannot leave any part of You behind.

You must come whole, Beloved, in love with all of You, for all is one. Do this within yourSelf, and You will do much for the all that is ALL.
Be at peace and in love with yourSelf, then, for all that You seek is within You.

Love yourSelf as You are loved, Beloved!

~ ~ ~

This is the celestial team all together again. We are deeply moved.

We only remind You that, just as You cannot feel whole until You love every part of You, You cannot love another until You love yourSelf. Thus, until You love YOU, there cannot be UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. (From Judith! To see more about that, go here: )

We end our transmission now. Our love remains with You. We wish You to hold onto how thoroughly You are loved, and no part of You less than more! We ask only that You love All that is You, as we do. Always, and in All Ways!


Note from Judith, again! This is in response to those of you who ask me why “Yeshuwah” isn’t spelled “Yeshua” like everywhere else. All I can tell you is that it’s the frequencies! I originally did use “Yeshuwa,” but it wasn’t right; the frequencies felt diminished. When I added the “h,” they felt complete. To ME. But YOU can spell them any way you want! xoxo


Attention to our precious newcomers– Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions! To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. On behalf of the all, I thank you. Namaste.


Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021 -All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #18 ********* A Video About YOU! *********

Excited, delighted greetings to You, Beloved!

Yes, we have a video that we are excited to be able to share with You– for You have been focusing so hard on handling all of the recent volatility within your collective, and You are SO tired!! However, now that your Mercury has settled into Aquarius for a little while, You can finally relax and focus through a wider lens– which is “right timing” for us to support You in doing exactly that with our delightful video!

Our video has three short segments. It is all one video. And it is all about You! Your galactic background, why You are here, how LOVED and VALUED You are– “lots of stuff,” as our Judith puts it. (She does make us laugh!)

Something to know (and please let simply “knowing” be enough for now, because the physics is very complex and not even relevant in this moment)– the video was new when it first went out on our YouTube channel, and it is new NOW. Even those of You who have already seen it will see it NOW as it has never existed before. (It may be similar, but don’t let that fool you! It will not be the same.)

Now. For our newcomers, a few words on how to “watch” the videos. This is important! There is more in the videos than You will see and hear. There are FREQUENCIES. You will feel them. But more than that, they are encoded with information. They will also provide You with energetic upgrades and realignments that will help You with clarity of thought, emotional integration, and physical well-being– IF You let them.

The way to do THAT is by taking them in through your heart center-– which is very easy to do! You simply drop your attention from your head to your heart. If You like, You can envision it as a golden ball, drifting gently down and settling into your heart. You don’t have to try to make it happen. It knows where to go. Stay out of the way and let it happen. Then take a deep breath, and enjoy!

Note from Judith– It would be a good idea to have a bottle of water on hand to sip while watching. As you take in the celestial team’s frequencies, they will move lower toxic frequencies up and out of your system. This is a GOOD thing, and the water helps move the toxins out more quickly so they don’t affect you as they go. (Otherwise, If you have been holding a lot of toxic energy within you, they can cause headaches and other minor temporary upsets as they get ousted!)

Navigating Into A New Paradigm of Being, Part 1
Navigating Into A New Paradigm of Being, Part 2
Navigating Into A New Paradigm of Being, Part 3

Hello, Beloveds, it’s us again! There is something that happens in this, and indeed most, of our videos that we want to mention. It is the phenomenon of “interference.” We waited until the end because we did not want to be directing your attention to the “interference” rather than the message, obviously– besides, in this one, we are quite sure You noticed the loud noises that often competed with our Judith’s voice for your attention all on your own! What WE would like to point out to You is how the interference was handled. Perhaps You might want to watch again. It is a good demonstration of an effective and easy way to handle loud and/or bullying energies in your own life– and calmly override them!



Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm. It would also be a good idea to learn how to receive the frequencies of the transmissions by pressing “Reading The Frequencies in the top side bar!  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for the others who have the same question but are not asking. Thank you, and much Love/Light to you!



Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #14

Seasons Greetings from the celestial team, Beloved!

‘Tis the season of awakenings, is it not? Indeed it is, and there is a collective among us who feels the frequencies of the word “awakening” most profoundly. This collective’s love for You is so profoundly passionate, and so personal, that there are no words to hold it. We can only stand aside in awe.

This is Yeshuwah. This is our season, Beloved!

OURS, Beloved… heed these words! We did not say “This is Yeshuwah’s season.” We said it is OURS. Truly, without You there would not be such a season as this at all.

We understand that your celebrations have been curtailed. We understand that You cannot physically be together without fear for one anthers’ safety. It is almost inconceivable, is it not?

Yet it is true. This is the “reality” that You have currently co-created together. Ah. We see that it is hard for some of You to conceive that You had a part in this particular creation… the “pandemic scenario,” we will broadly call it.

We smile. It is hard for many in your galaxy to conceive of how creative You are when You play as One!

We DO ask that You not attempt to place limitations on your creativity. That is when creativity backfires. Or, is harnessed and used to divide You, and that is the very opposite of what You are here to do.

You are a collective of Creator Beings in the midst of co-creating something magnificent.

There are stages to such a process! You are not finished yet, Beloved. Remember that. Every stage has a purpose. This brings us to the message we wish to share with You in our season of awakenings

You are in isolation TOGETHER.

Yes. Energetically, You are each deeply involved in doing your part in what can only be called alchemy of the highest order. You are in the process of co-creating a Community of a kind that has not been known on your planet for thousands of years. It is the community of your future, seeded over two thousand years ago and now germinating within You. THIS is the purpose of the VOID our Frequency Technicians have prepared You for


You may therefore call the VOID a cocoon, if that suits You better, for it serves a similar purpose. Within it, each one of You has the perfect conditions for your own transformation. Whatever those conditions are, their purpose is to support You, personally, in becoming who YOU truly are. So forget how You were “programed” to be in order to please and be accepted! That is NOT WHAT YOU CAME HERE FOR.

You came because You are UNIQUE. You came because You have something to offer to your human collective that no one else CAN. No one else can tell You how You are “supposed to be” in order to be loved. You are bringing something NEW to them! Let yourSelf RECLAIM your Self in your isolation, then! LOVE THYSELF WHOLE. Only THEN can You do what you are here to do


Yes. Commensurate with your growing SELF-Love, a need for others is also growing in your collective awareness. It is NEW. It is not based on a need for “things” or “money.” That is not need for one another! LOVE THYSELF WHOLE and the need for one another will be a genuine one, born of COMPASSION. This need is healthy for the all of You, for all of You are One. When it is strong enough, it will break through your cocoon and shatter the VOID. Compassion is a mighty force indeed, and it will always be yours


Love one another as You are loved, Beloved! MAKE safety. No template is more important now, for it is all there is. All is YOU and all is ONE. Live that, and your joy will be as boundless as our LOVE for You.

Take care of one another!

This is the celestial team. We are moved. How we love You!


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!


Copyright(c)Judith Dagley 2020-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #4

This is the celestial team, reaching out to You with much warmth and support!

We see You, we feel your vibrations of unease, and hear many of your cries for reassurance now. In the midst of your current climate of internal and external unrest, we reach out to offer what we can to assist You in staying centered and calm.

First, we tell You: You are loved. You are not alone. Beyond all evidence to the contrary, You are safe, every one of You.

Every ONE! Even those who are dying from a virus, or dying in violence, are safe. Safe, loved, understood, and welcomed.

There is much more to “life” than being alive as You know it.
There is much more to Love than “love” as You have known it in the third dimension. Rest in that awareness.

We see how this new, light energy that has been fizzing into your energy field is “stirring things up” and causing much disturbance. Perhaps You will feel less alarmed by this if You draw upon your own knowledge of very simple physics.

“Stirring,” of course, creates disturbance, does it not? Is this not exactly the intention many of You have when You stir sugar into your coffee? Of course it is! You CREATE that disturbance. You stir something new into the coffee in order to change the coffee’s taste into something more pleasant.

So, You see, You understand the relationship between “stirring new energy into old” and the ensuing “disturbance” very well. It is good to remember what You know about processes of change, for You have already been through many. In truth, You know much more than You readily acknowledge, and far, far, more than You remember that You know, as well.

To return to the current stirrings of disturbance You are experiencing on your planet, we will add another, more visual, metaphoric example to further illuminate your understanding–

In your imagination, pour a small amount of juice into a glass, then leave it to sit for awhile. Unattended, the heavier particles of the liquid begin to settle to the bottom, forming sediment, do they not?

But then, if You pour fresh, clean water into the juice, what happens? The flowing fresh water stirs up the sediment, and what a disturbance is created in the glass as a result!

We invite You to watch with wonder the next time You create such an actual event in a glass. It is quite an educational and impressive display!

Now, imagine your earth’s electromagnetic field as that glass, with fresh, pure, energies flowing into it in a continuing spiral, circulating through the energy fields of all life on the planet, causing old, deeply settled, heavier energies to loosen and crumble as particles are carried upward by the spiral created by the fresh, new energy. As the fresh water continues spiraling down and swirling the sediments up, the energy fields become increasingly disturbed, activated, and muddy-looking.

Is this a problem, a cause to “put the lid on?”

Or, is this a process that naturally occurs in positive change, and something to welcome? What each individual believes about that depends on which of the energies he/she is invested in. We will tell You this, however–

There is no lid.

The energies flow from the pulse of creation itself, and no hierarchical pseudo-powers on earth or anywhere in your galaxy can stop them. We want You take in the profundity of that, take it deep into the profundity of all that YOU are, and let it be your internal source of equilibrium.

In the midst of the chaos that is swirling around You now, we want You to claim your sense of balance within the swirl by aligning your frequencies with the new, profound, light energy. If You do so, it will lift You up, and its buoyancy will be your support.

We suggest most strongly that You welcome the swirl to move freely through all aspects of YOU as well. As the old silt swirls up to the top, acknowledge it, send it gratitude and love for the lessons it taught You, and let it be carried by the spiral out into the galaxy for integration on behalf of all.

Another thing– have You all heard and understood by now that You are holographic?

The chaos You see around You are projections. What triggers You in your external environment does so because it is a reflection of something You hold within YOU. You are POWERHOUSES, every one of You.

It is important for You to know this, for the issue that causes much disturbance on the planet now is POWER.
Here is Yeshuwah:

This is Yeshuwah.

We ask that You breathe our frequencies into your heart centers, for it is there that You will recognize them, as well as our love. It is in your heart centers that your true knowing, and your multi-dimensional intelligence, lies. We speak to You there now.

Every time You love yourSelves enough to forgive one person for a single thing, You enable a multitude to experience that same power of forgiveness.

Every time You find the courage to look for power within You, You break the bondage for multitudes who do not yet have that courage.

The power battles that rage on your planet now are among those who have forgotten that power lies only within them. They cannot get it from another, for the other does not have it!

The struggle now is great amongst those who do not know the power within them. They fight for it, as if it was a football in one of your recreational war games.

Understand, and be patient, for they try to create change, but do not yet know the ways of change.
They are learning.

Be patient with yourSelves, for all outer battles are reflections of the wars You rage within You. You are learning.

Learn quickly! Your partners, your family, your bosses, your governments, none of them can give You your power, for they do not have it!

Do not burden them with those illusions! You have been told many stories about the dangers of power. You have told many yourSelves.
We will tell You this: Your power is not dangerous.

Your power is your divinity!

This is the celestial team again. What Yeshuwah has just told You is a truth that has been covered by layers and layers of sediment.

We know that power is much misunderstood on your planet, and as the new energy swirls through, breathe in that new air! You will begin to see more and more clearly as the old sediment lifts and flows outward, we promise You!


We tell You truly, the power games You see coming to the surface on your planet are like huge T.V. screens magnifying those that go on unnoticed in your personal lives every day. If You think your politicians are enmeshed in intricate power games, we tell You that they are sorry projections of the power maneuvers that we see played out in the private lives of “ordinary civilians” with loved ones, co-workers, and friends.

Yet we understand. There has been much confusion and much fear generated by the word “power.” Simply know that your power is within You. You need not fear it any longer, or look for it elsewhere. Know that, and the struggles cease.

We leave You now to absorb all that has been communicated in this transmission. We remind You to hold your own balance in the new light energy, and let it do what it is there to do. Let it serve You in healing all that keeps You from knowing that it is YOURS, and that You are a powerhouse on behalf of the All.

Never forget how we love You!


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!



Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2020-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #3

Hello! A Warm, Warm, Hello to All and Each of You!

We spoke with You last about the energy of NOW, and your purpose on the planet, which is integration. About the latter, Yeshuwah wishes most passionately to speak to You:

This is Yeshuwah.
We are reaching out to touch You now, if You will allow us, with the frequencies of our love for You.

We deeply wish You to allow yourSelves to feel our frequencies now. You can experience them not only in the words You are reading, but in the air around You as You read. Most importantly, You will feel them within You. We wish You to take a moment to let yourSelves feel them there.

There is nothing that keeps You from deserving our love, we will tell You that! TRUST that. Trust our word on that, and feel NOW, feel how loved You are, feel how perfect You are in our eyes!

Let this awaken, beyond all reason, your love and honoring of yourSelf within your SELF. We want greatly for You to experience this, and to begin now to take that in.

Last week, the celestial team spoke with You about your purpose on the planet, which is integration. In other words, we spoke of the innate wholeness of You, the perfection waiting to be real-ized by You. What we wish to communicate now is the reason why You integrate the ALL within your SELVES. It is also why it in turn becomes your service of integration for ALL Selves on your planet, home again into Oneness. What we are about to say is the jewel within the setting of all words we share with You always:

The most important thing, the ultimate now, is to–


This is why all integration happens within You! As You release judgement, blame, shame, guilt, rage, self-loathing, and all fears bred by the illusions of separation, You will find understanding and compassion ignite in their place. Compassion can only come from love, and so love, both child and mother of compassion, in a quantum leap within You, ignites your wholeness, your divinity, and you LOVE it, and it is YOU, and YOU are flooded with LOVE!

THERE is the jewel, the diamond within You, the Source of this pure love! THAT is what begins to shine from You, dazzling, emanating, drawing others to You, activating them to REMEMBER, and in remembering, in the pulsing of your love, THEY in turn ignite! It is breathtaking. It is miraculous.
It is true.

Perhaps You may want to read this over many times, in order to catch your breath and recognize that it is familiar–- You have done it before. In your essence, You long to live it again. Because You can, because You know how, because it is what You came here to do. And that is your service, and it is divine.

We see You, we SEE the diamonds within You all! If You doubt that diamond presence within You at any time, call on us, open your hearts, and You WILL feel our frequency, just as You did in the beginning of our message to You. This we promise. You are magnificent.

It would be impossible for us NOT to love You.

This is the celestial team again. We are moved. (a pause, then quietly) We have much to share with You about the energy that is inundating your planet now. We will return soon to do so. In the meantime, we will say:

OPEN to the frequencies, and any that do not feel good to You, let go of! As for the ones that DO feel good to You, ground them right down into your feet, and claim them!

We end now, to leave You with the loving frequencies of Yeshuwah. Let them in and they will continue to bathe You with healing and teach You many things.

How we love You!


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!



Copyright(c) Judith Dagley, 2020–All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #2

Yes, it is us– it is the celestial team!

The fizzing of energy we feel among You now has engaged our frequencies in a most positive and infectious way!

Ah, we know the word “infectious” arouses fear among You in this moment of your “time.” But we wanted You to see that “infectious” can also describe a most wonder-full process, which is how rapidly and effortlessly Love/Light can be spread from one to another!

We feel it important to pause here, before proceeding with our message, to clarify that the words used in your third dimensional realm cannot, and were not created to, express meanings that are multi-dimensional in nature. Thus, we choose words that, in the context of our communications, might elicit the flavor, or frequency, of our meaning (such as “infectious,” for example!)

We amuse ourselves now, for we realize that we ask that You be poets in order to understand our messages! And yet, that is as it should be. The multi-dimensional poet is there within each one of You, and is fast awakening.

To the point of our communication:

A new wave of expansive energy has “hit” your planet. Although it can certainly amplify a sense of chaos for those who are already chaotically engaged, it can also provide much fuel for those of You who are INTENT on expanding your awareness of who You are!

IF YOU HOLD THE INTENTION to expand your frequency into Love/Light rather than contract into fear, you will increasingly begin to feel yourSelves as the Divine energetic beings that You truly are. You will begin to know in every cell that You are far vaster than your physical bodies; that You have actually projected the experience of having a physical body on planet Earth– and that this body is contained within the vastness of YOU, and not the other way around!

IF YOU HOLD THE INTENTION to expand your frequency into Love/Light, You will have flashes of insight in the coming weeks that will bring an expanded sense of your identity ALIVE in You, and will begin to align You with the truth You have forgotten–-

— that YOU have created this projection in order to do the interactive work that YOU are on the planet to do, on behalf of all beings in your universe.

And You’ve all felt small for so long! You have NO IDEA how small You are NOT!! (laughter and frequencies of glee come through)

We will continue to bring our messages to infuse You with the power of Love/Light as You navigate yourSelf through the storm and into your full and dazzling mastery. We will try to keep many of them brief, focusing a few words on particular challenges and skills, so as not to make the reading tiresome. We hope You will welcome our messages, and find them useful.

We “wind up” our present communication with a few broad strokes of the brush — as a poet might metaphorically say (more gleeful laughter)–

* Your main purpose here is integration. You are here to integrate illusions of duality. There is only ONE.
* You are all here to serve in that purpose, yet not to “work!” Your service will spring from your joy within.
* The source of your joy will be the very integration of the all You are serving.
* Your most powerful tool by far is LOVE. You are learning to maintain the frequency of LOVE from within You.
* Maintaining your balance in your own highest frequency is an important focus now. It will keep You from being tossed into dis-equilibrium by your own pre-programmed thoughts or the actions of others.
* Actions of others only trigger that which is within You, and the only place of healing is within You.
* In your expanded state, You will no longer take “personally” the programs of duality that You came to integrate on behalf of all.

Always remember– In your mission, you have already “done it all,” played both sides of every polarity throughout your many lifetimes. You have been all, to heal all.

DO YOU HEAR US? We sense the need to repeat this more strongly: 

YOU have already heroically involved yourself in both sides of every duality in order to understand, release judgment of, find compassion for, and integrate ALL of them.

Therefore, do not avoid facing, and do not judge yourSelf or anyone else for, any of it! Forgive, understand, integrate. This is no longer about “you,” for YOU are far more than that “you” You thought You were. YOU are doing this for ALL.

Let that awareness lighten your load. Trust yourSelves again. Enjoy your mastery now! This, actually, can be the best part, and the most fun, once You “get the hang of it.”

Our greatest wish is that you begin to see yourselves through our eyes, as the expanded, glorious, energetic beings You are. Truly, You are the hope of the universe. As such, You have awakened hope in the universe itself.

Therefore, do not doubt for a moment the continual outpouring of support and care that inundates You at every moment!

We leave you now to “digest” all of this deeply into your beings. Our love, appreciation, and support, however, begins anew in the pulse of every moment, and is without end.



Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!



copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2020–All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm: #1

Fond Greetings of Love/Light to You!

We are the celestial team. We feel your energies gathered here in our website; in our group on your Facebook; gathered with the intention of connecting with us, and we are joyful. We want You to know how much joy that gives us! We also want to make clear that it is the power and light of YOUR energies that has provided us with a conduit to speak to You. You are that powerful! You have all the power You needed to do this in the tip of your smallest fingernail! Imagine what You can do with two fingernails? (gentle laughter)

It is not necessary that You understand “how this works” with your brain. We don’t think it a good idea to even try! Your brain is a third dimensional operating system, and a fine one at that–- You created it! But You are multi-dimensional beings, divine co-creators, and You designed your brains most brilliantly to keep You firmly in third dimensional density–- until now.

If You wish to fathom how powerful you truly are, bypass the brain entirely and go deep, deep, into your hearts. There, You know your power–- each one of You knows. And when You already know, why even bother with “figuring out how?” If You want to get home, and then find yourself there, what is the point of going back and figuring out the route?!

We are attempting to introduce You to what you already feel stirring inside You. Every one of You feels it, although in different ways. Some of You feel it as “an itch you can’t scratch,” to use one of your expressions. Also, we see agitation, impatience, confusion, fatigue–- and yes!–- also excitement, joy, increased vitality, and expansion.
All of these are positive signs.

As many of You know, at your recent equinox, You were flooded with light, information, and an “upgrade,” as You might call it, in your vibrational frequency. Holiday presents, You might call them, beyond your wildest imaginations! Now, You are in the process of opening, integrating, and experiencing these astonishing “presents.” It is causing a bit of “disequilibrium,” is it not?

Patience. You WILL get the hang of it. EVERYTHING is changing. This IS big, and You are not falling apart–- You are breaking out. Do NOT try to get “back to normal!” Your linear processes of being “in control,” of going from A to B to C, are only programs that were used to keep You under control; to keep You going in circles so that You would not remember your SELF. How far can one get on such a linear path, after all? To Z. And then what? The deception of such linear paths is that they are actually closed circuits, You see. After Z, one finds oneself delivered back to A again, to run the circle all over again. And we tell You that even your Z is only the beginning of all that there is to discover about yourSelves!

Should the realization that You have been kept under control stir up feelings of outrage or victimization, we wish to point out that your species, in turn, has used these same “behavioral programs” to control and manipulate other creatures. The training of rats in laboratories to run on treadmills would be the most obvious, as well as the least, example of such that we might offer. Neither do we mean to shock or disturb You, but only to let You know that You have entered into a glorious transition! ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING You experience now is in service of breaking the spell of the “treadmills.” EVERYTHING You experience now has the purpose of serving either your transformation or your expansion. You are breaking the circuit of imposed limitation; breaking through “the Z”, to use our linear metaphor, at last!

From now on, all You experience that activates your sense of separation from one another will be a catalyst for clearing and healing that old illusion of limitation. All judgments of Self, for any reason, are now to be released. All feelings of expansion are there to be explored and relished, without concern that they are beyond the circuit, or as You say, “out of the box.” Celebrate that! Isn’t escape from the boxes what You have all been longing for? Indeed, it is, and You will find that your longing will lead You most powerfully now, and in direct proportion to your willingness to live through the limitless intelligence of your hearts. We assure You of that, and so do not try to “figure this out!” Simply trust your amazing hearts and allow the expansion. To use one of your sayings again, this is NOT the time to “look a gift horse in the mouth!”

We will say one last thing, for we don’t want to tire You with our message. Yet, it is perhaps the most important thing we will say. Yeshuwah speaks on our behalf:

This is Yeshuwah.

We see You with love, and we see You as one. You are all ONE. You are all in collaboration together, assisting one another, integrating all of your illusions otherwise back into that oneness. Let your collaboration become conscious If You judge another, find what You are judging within yourSelf, and forgive it there.

Remember that those who are trying to maintain control over You do so out of terror,for they have forgotten that all is one. Find that terror within yourSelf, and release it.
Remember that behind all violence, there is trauma. Send love to the trauma.
Love yourSelves, for all is within You. In this way You will work magic beyond what You think possible. You are powerful, and love is the most powerful frequency in all creation.
Be the masters You are, then, and make magic now! There is only ONE.

We close for now. We send our support, our absolute faith in You, our compassion, and our constant love. We are here for You. Call on us, and we will be at your service. We will surround You with love and support. We will offer guidance until the time You remember that all guidance is already within You, and You trust once more in the All that You are.

With that, we end our current transmission. Our Love/LIght connection with You remains. — the celestial team


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!



Copyright(c) 2020, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved


A Call from The Frequency Technicians!

January 7, 2020

First, this is Judith. As I’m sure most of you know (in your bones if not your brain), we, the human collective of Gaia, are in the midst of a critical week of immense proportions. The collective in the celestial team known as The Frequency Technicians of Sirius urgently wish to speak to you about that.  Actually, the word “wish” is paltry compared to the insistence of their frequencies… it feels as if they’re going to come barreling right through me any second… so I’m going to get out of the way FAST!

Greetings.  We are are the Frequency Technicians of Sirius transmitting from within the grand orchestra you know as the celestial team.

We wish to be brief and succinct.  There is no time for meandering.
Time has collapsed 
in on itself.
Meandering has become an anachronism. 

This is a call to arms.

In our frequency bandwidth, “arms” does not mean weaponry of attack or defense.  We have no need for either of those.  We know that our power is within us.  

In our frequency bandwidth– and soon to be yours consciously, we hope–   “a call to arms” is a call to gather yourselves both internally and externally; to focus and USE your power.

Six of your planets as well as the south node of your moon are gathered in Capricorn– Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn, and Pluto.  Capricorn rules structures, government, and laws.  The lunar south node holds what is past and needs to be outgrown.  In a few of your days, Pluto will conjunct Saturn.  Not only is that conjunction a significant one that happens only every 35 of your years, but this conjunction is also conjunct the Sun, Mercury, and Ceres.  Massive structural change is in process.  And if you don’t “believe in astrology,” then simply look at what is happening around you. 

What might occur in these days leading up to the conjunctions is anybody’s guess.  Including ours.  Metaphorically speaking, there are too many brush fires sparking with the potential to feed one another to allow any predictions of what will happen.  Only your human collective has the power to influence the outcome.

And THIS is why we came “barreling through” your Judith, as she quite accurately put it.  Because what happens is UP TO YOU.

You are not helpless. 

 For over seven of your years, the celestial team has been telling you about your power and how to use it– and every one of our collective words is archived on this very website, should you care to review.

Your power is LOVE, just as ours is.
Your modus operandus
is FREQUENCY, just as ours is.

However, the transformative aspect of love that your collective is bringing to the universe is COMPASSION.

Blake, you in me, I in you

Use that power NOW!!!

Never again think that because you’re only one, it does not matter what you think or feel or believe!  It MATTERS. That sort of thinking is what got you into this mess.  Everyone else is only one, too.  And NONE of you is only one!

LOVE. Feel love for all you have, and more of what you love will come to everyone.  Emit love to everyone around you, and you will start brush fires of love.  Light a candle with the intention of spreading COMPASSION, and every other candle lit anywhere on the globe with the same intention will AMPLIFY compassion.  Exponentially. 

On the other hand, if you feel compassion for one of your own yet have fury attached to another as the cause, you transmit FURY into your collective.  If you wish someone were dead (for any reason!), you transmit the WISH TO KILL into your collective.

Believe us or don’t, but do believe us when we tell you that now is not the time to take any chances. 

Together, your human collective can work miracles that make moving a mountain seem like child’s play.



We are the Frequency Technicians of Sirius, at your service as always.

❤ ❤ ❤

P.S. from Judith: This is an excellent “time” to review the teachings of the celestial team about the power of your internal technology and the importance of using it CONSCIOUSLY and with AUTHORITY.  The archives are categorized, so scroll down the column on the right to “Categories,” and peruse the ones that call to you.  (Which they will, no worries.)

P.P.S. from Judith!  Both The Frequency Technicians AND Yeshuwah are prodding me to send you to THIS particular category to peruse, as well– “The Story of Your Light.

❤ ❤ ❤


Copyright©2020, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.





Finally. “What Happened to Judith”

September 9th, 2018 (9.9.18)

Greetings Beloved.  This is the celestial team.
We are in the midst of assisting our earth member with sharing the revelations that we’ve thus far referred to only vaguely as “what happened to Judith.”   And “finally,” indeed, many of You are thinking.  We know, we can hear You!

The wait will not be much longer, however, and in the meantime–
a collective among us has come forward with a strong desire to also have a word with You.  (Yes, we CAN do many things simultaneously– just as YOU can and do, believe it yet or not.) 

Because this is a collective with whom You are intimately entwined in a very special way, no introduction will be necessary.  And besides, You all have so many names for this collective that we suggest You recognize him/her/them by FEEL rather than by the name, anyway.
So without further ado–

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Hello, Beloved.  This is Yeshuwah.
We wish to share a few words with You while the celestial team assists your Judith in the formidable task of arranging what SHE needs to share with You into some sort of cohesive linear format that will enable You to receive each aspect, yet i
ntegrate ALL of them as ONE. 

Do not underestimate the complexity of this task, Beloved, for there are an infinite number of strings involved!

In truth, it is OUR involvement with the intricacies of this process that has made us sharply aware that there are some among You who might benefit from having the straightforward  words we wish to share with You right upfront– rather like “cutting to the chase,” as You might say– or “getting to the nitty-gritty” with confirmation of what You already know without knowing how You know.

Of the two, we personally prefer the latter.

Of course, there are also those among You who have not yet arrived at this knowing… or more accurately, haven’t yet felt READY to know what You know, and so would rather arrive at the knowing in your own “time.”

Which could be within an hour.

Either way, WE feel the call to share the following words with You NOW.   As to whether You read them immediately, save them to read later, or even not read them at all, that is your own sovereign choice.  WE are simply offering them, Beloved.

As we said, what You will be reading forthwith from Judith
has many threads–

One will be the anatomy of a spiritual attack.

Such attacks are used to prolong a spiritual battle that began over two thousand of your years ago– a battle that has seeded every other one since then, from physical warfare to the emotional violence done in the name of “love.”

Another thread will reveal the current state of your human collective’s involvement in this spiritual battle— and this of course means your OWN involvement.

Paradoxical as it may still seem to many among You, it is the extent of  involvement in such battles that maintain’s the very bondage of enslavement that one is fighting to be free of.

It is therefore extremely fortunate that all of the threads together will form into a blueprint of the entire enslavement dynamic— and with that You will see the way OUT. 


Lastly, we wish to disclose that this latest attack on your Judith was plotted primarily to stop her from continuing to offer a TEMPLATE of the way OUT– which she fathomed on her own and accurately called COALESCENCE — by destroying her, and then contaminating the fruits of what she had begun with it. 

Seemingly, that was done quite effectively.
However… not quite.

Your Judith still lives, and the template lives within her.

Further, she lives to share all that she has SEEN through the attack– things that MUST be seen in order to be free– with YOU. 

We will end this transmission with that good news, as well as three other things to keep in mind until she begins her sharing:  

There are many ways to fulfill a sacred mission.
Even destruction can be used  to create the miracle of
New Life through LOVE.
Regardless of  how it may seem, 
NOTHING is more powerful
than L


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Ah, Beloved.  Your Yeshuwah did well, indeed.   And it is quite true, it won’t be long until the “what happened” story begins to unfold in a way You can receive it.  We’ve been working very hard!  Although the word “work” is not an accurate one, and will soon be seen as obsolete for You as well, we hope– yet until then it is the only one You have for the joy of concentrated effort, and so we use it with our OWN encoding embedded within it.  Perhaps you can FEEL it? 


We— ALL of us in the celestial team– we love You so!  (And ALL includes our earth member, too, of course… includes” to say the least!)  

White Heart in pink sky

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Copyright 2018, Judith Dagley-all rights reserved.
