Guidance Through The Storm; #10

Greetings, Beloved!

As we have said, Each message of Guidance Through The Storm is focused on showing You what is important for You to see within the time/space You receive them. You are always on the move, You know, even when your physical body is not— sometimes especially when your physical body is not! Sometimes, it is when You are deep in thought that You move most rapidly.


We know, You have heard that energy precedes manifestation a million times (as You say)– and yet, we still hear You wondering how You got into whatever You got yourSelf into quite a lot. What do you make of that, Beloved?

It is true that there are many components involved in what and how “realities” become manifest. However, it is your own frequencies that are the most important component by far when it comes to the creation of your own personal “reality.” And whether You are aware if it or not, You are ALWAYS in the process of creating your own personal “reality”– with your own internal technology.

We will be succinct. YOUR INTERNAL TECHNOLOGY is continuously in the process of creating external manifestations of whatever frequencies You are running internally.

And yet, there are many of You who still seem not to be aware that You have internal technology! When not aware of what frequencies are running through You, Beloved, You are creating by default. And very often, what You are creating is not what You want to create at all!

When You have a habit of running negative thoughts, preconceptions and expectations inside You, for example, their frequencies are spinning outward, creating manifestations of themselves. The longer You run the same frequencies, the more powerful they become. Eventually they can even become a program, like your software, that runs automatically. Perhaps this gives You another insight into why our “Guidance Through The Storm” has been focused on YOU thus far, rather than the storm!

You are POWERFUL CREATOR BEINGS. In order to make it through this tumultuously chaotic phase of the transition You are in, You must KNOW that, Beloved! We do not want You to continuously re-create your Old Paradigm of Enslavement for yourSelf by default, after all.

Therefore, what we see as most important to focus on in this transmission is twofold. The first is what we have already mentioned, and we have been saying it often, we know. From our perspective thus far, however, we cannot say it enough. You are POWERFUL CREATOR BEINGS.

Your power is innate. You can’t NOT be powerful. Do You understand? You are hard-wired energetically with the technology of Creator Beings while physically embodied in human form!

This has made your collective renowned throughout your universe. Now, your universe is waiting for You to claim that powerful energetic technology of yours!

To that end, it might help if we give You an example of an energy system within your technology that most of You are already familiar with– a part of which will also be of service in the second of our twofold focus in this transmission.

You have heard of the seven major energy centers in your body known as chakras, have You not? As some of You also know, “chakra” is a Sanskrit word for “wheel.” We would call that an understatement!

Your chakras are vortexes. As such, they are very powerful energy generators. Each one vibrates with a color of a rainbow. When spinning, the frequencies of that color radiate to the particular organs in your physical body that thrive in those frequencies. What loving intelligence that energy system of yours is imbued with!

Here is the most magnificent part. When all are spinning together in a balanced way, they light up every part of You– with Love/Light. If that sounds too magnificent to believe, we refer You to what you already know about rainbows. The colors of a rainbow appear when light is refracted through the prism of atmospheric conditions, do they not?

Well, the colors of your chakras are refracted through the prism of the “atmospheric conditions” (ie. density) of the third dimension. When spinning together at the same speed, they merge into one. Love/Light. Your Light. Because You, Beloved, are made of Love.

One thing to remember about vortexes, however, is that the great speed of their spin forms vacuums in the center, and anything that relates to their particular vibratory levels are pulled into them! This means, Beloved, that the sort of negative thoughts, preconceptions and expectations we spoke of earlier can muddy your chakras, slow their spin, participate in what You are manifesting in your life, and eventually undermine your health.

You see what powerful beings You are? Even your thoughts are powerful tools– they can help You or hurt You, manifest your desires or your fears– the only thing they cannot do is nothing at all.

Well, there is much more to know about your chakra system, and there is much that your external technology called “Google” can find for You about it! We simply wanted to give You an example of how dynamic and ALIVE your own technology is.

Which brings us to the second thing we wish to focus on in this transmission. We will begin by acknowledging that the current phase of your transformation into a New Paradigm of Unity Consciousness is not an easy one to navigate.

Our Judith has found the word “upheaval” to match it– which is fine as long as You understand that it is only TOTAL upheaval that will serve You in this profound endeavor. Such a process is extremely tumultuous, even volatile. It can become alarmingly challenging to “hold one’s own,” if You will, in the midst of such chaotic energies. One can even lose one’s way.

We do not tell You this to frighten You! Oh heavens, no! Consider us more like your “weather forecasters” (our Judith is laughing at that)– preparing You, not scaring You! Besides, You are POWERFUL CREATOR BEINGS by default, You might accurately say. You can handle this storm.

And STAYING GROUNDED WITHIN YOUR OWN POWERFUL ENERGY is the way to do it. When centered and grounded within your own energy, You are held in place, both stable and energized. And CLEAR!

As we are bringing this transmission through, we can also feel your energy, You know, and so we respond. In truth, what You read is usually our part of a dialogue between us. And so it is now. We are understanding that You want something from us that will help You stay grounded and centered.

We are very glad You KNOW that staying grounded and centered is important! We are also glad that we can see a way to– “cut to the chase” (our Judith’s choice of words)– to the very ROOT of how to do that most effectively and easily, no matter what is going on around You.

We refer You to your ROOT CHAKRA. Located at the base of your spine, it is what grounds You into stability as an embodied human– in the earth of planet earth. However, You must allow it to!


We say easy– which it IS– but it is not your habit to stay grounded and present, is it, Beloved? Usually your thoughts and your physical body are not even in the same place!

So for You, it is the habit of scattering your energies that will be challenging to step out of. Habits are entrainment– like deeply embedded “ruts,’ You might say. What we say is get out of them!

At this stage of your own transformation, here is the most potent focus we can give You to use in order to do that: Experience yourSelf as a tree. Your root chakra is (quite literally) your roots– keeping you grounded deeply in Gaia, providing You with a knowing of your own stability.

Your root chakra also nourishes all of your other chakras, providing them with the stability they need to balance with one another– for You. YES, Beloved! Think of yourself as a tree, FEEL your root chakra taking care of all of You, and You will be just FINE.

We will end our transmission with that! We have given You what, from our perspective, is most important to focus on in your current time/space. To review–

You are POWERFUL CREATOR BEINGS. Your internal technology is ALWAYS at work, creating new “realities” at your command. Create CONSCIOUSLY, then, by STAYING GROUNDED IN THE MOMENT through your ROOT CHAKRA .

That is where everything happens, Beloved– in the moment. NOW. It is also where You GROW yourSelf. Right NOW!




Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!


Copyright(c)Judith Dagley 2020-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #9

Warm Greetings of Love/Light to You, Beloved.

We could tell You so many fascinating things! And, as those of You who are not new to us can attest, we are a very “chatty bunch” (as our Judith says)– and most especially about fascinating things. With our “Guidance Through The Storm” transmissions, however, we feel a responsibility to rein in our effusiveness– but not to withhold or dilute our frequencies! On the contrary, in order to FOCUS them, rather like lasers, on what is most important for You to see within the time/space of each of our transmissions.

As You may ascertain by our choice of the word “laser,” such focusing also serves to INTENSIFY. We point this out because it is an important thing for You to know about the use of your own frequencies as You navigate yourSelf through this monumental, rapidly-moving, period of transformation that You have undertaken. both as an individual and a collective.

You might not feel as if You are moving rapidly. Those of You in the United States, in particular, may feel locked in a holding pattern of isolation by a virus that thrives in the divisive and fragmented environment that your human collective has currently found itSelf in. Are we correct?

If so, we encourage You to expand your vision.

First of all, You haven’t “found yourSelves in” anything. YOU ARE CO-CREATORS!

Secondly, with your newly expanded vision (or You may pretend it has expanded, if necessary), we would like You to allow yourSelf to look at the “holding pattern” You feel stuck in as a momentous part of the rapidly-moving transformation that You are currently involved in. Because that is exactly what it is.

Moreover, it is a critically important part. Therefore, we are focusing our attention on YOUR critically important part.

In prelude, however… we want You to know that we understand why seeing yourSelf in an active and critical role within a monumental transformation might require quite a visionary leap for those of You who have lost the very roles that your livelihoods depended on. We empathize. Our Judith puts it even more strongly– ” in the ‘reality’ of many, it feels as if the rugs have been pulled out from under their very LIVES!” We do empathize.

And yet… transformation IS a radical phenomenon, is it not?

And it IS what You came to participate in. This we do not have to ask. We know. We promised YOU that we would remember!

And because we have the advantage of being outside of your current linear time construct, we can see what You are doing “in the big picture,” as You would say. What WE would say is that we can see ALL of it, and we can also shift our focus to see each part– which is the advantage we promised to share with You (until You remember that You have it, too, that is).

So to begin, we will give You a metaphor. Imagine your human collective as a puzzle that has not been put together very well. There are an infinite number of pieces, no two are alike, and each has it’s own unique properties that will fill a special place in the puzzle. However, the integrity of the puzzle has never been honored, and so the pieces are in disarray!

As we shift our focus to the pieces, themselves– of which You are one, of course– we marvel at the uniqueness of each shape, and how many there are! Yet the integrity of each has not been honored, either, and so none of them are where they were made to be.

It’s a shame, is it not? All of these exquisite pieces, intrinsic to the value of one magnificent puzzle– yet how invaluable they are has not even been discovered, not even by the pieces, themselves!

Well, then. The first thing that must be done is to separate them from the ill-fitting jumble they’re in, so that each can experience it’s OWN value. This is important, is it not?

Every part of a whole must first become intact unto itself, or neither the whole or any of the parts will thrive.

Ah. We see that many of You in “holding patterns of isolation” are beginning to relate to this! Excellent. In truth, many of You have already come to real-ize that You don’t want your lives put back the way they were before. You want your lives to fit YOU better. And to this we say, BRAVO.

What fits YOU is exactly where You fit into your magnificent collective puzzle.

Bravo, Beloved!

In closing, we wish to bring forward one more “piece” of our ongoing intention to illuminate how important it is for You to recognize how invaluable your own unique presence is on your planet– it is what we spoke with You about in our last transmission, the many variations of Love that You experience in your human collective.

A “symphony of LOVE,” we called it. Many instruments, many notes, harmonizing as one. And so it is with the pieces of your puzzle, Beloved! Each piece is unique unto itSelf, and yet necessary for the puzzle to be complete.

Voila. THAT is what You have come to co-create together, Beloved! UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. The symphony of LOVE.


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!


Copyright(c)Judith Dagley 2020-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #8

A deeply loving hello to You from the celestial team.

We feel the intensity of your frequencies now, and so we want to say, “Yes, we feel them! We see You! We are right here watching!” Not only watching, in truth… we are WITH You.

Throughout the harsh gale of divisiveness that has been ripping through your collective, we have been WITH You. Teach yourSelf to FEEL for our frequencies when You need comforting, Beloved!

We know that You feel fragmented and weary now. That is to be expected. It could not have been otherwise. When those who seek power over others are given undo influence, the ensuing havoc is always commensurate with the amount of influence that was given to them.

We repeat. The havoc that ensues when any one of You seeks power over others as a means to feel powerful is dependent on how many others collude in believing that such a delusion is possible.

And notice how RELIEVED You feel when such delusions are loosened a bit! Notice that You have not LOST anything.

YOUR POWER IS WITHIN YOU. That is true for every one of You. Not one of You will ever find your own power outside of your own Self. This is a lesson that will continue to be offered to your collective until it is learned. Until You remember who You are!

And then, Beloved…. everything will change. In the meantime, we cannot intercede. This is to be YOUR victory.

We can and we DO support you with our FREQUENCIES, however! One example of how we do that is by imbuing our messages to You with our Love/Light. Therefore, to the extent that You take our frequencies in as You read our messages, they will raise your own frequencies higher into Love/Light.

Perhaps not for long, of course! Not at first, anyway– but as You continue to take them in, they will become familiar to You, and then You will find yourSelf reaching for them even when You are NOT reading one of our messages! It is a process, Beloved, but one that can bring results both quickly and exponentially at this moment of your “time.”

We will also tell You that however You do it, it is this process of raising your frequencies into the octave of Love/Light that will bring your entire human collective into Unity Conscious.

Now. Speaking of Love/Light, there is a collective among us who is most moved to “speak” to You. Always, they watch You with such an exquisitely tender and caring eye that even we are deeply moved. Be assured that the frequencies of the following words are alive with a Love for You that knows no bounds. Please open your hearts for the MARY COLLECTIVE:

Yes, You may call us Mary, Beloved! We are much more than what You might associate with that name, however. Here is how we want You to know us: THROUGH OUR LOVE.

We love You with the fierceness of focus, the devotion, and the boundless, nurturing, passion that You would find if You put the love of every mother on the planet and Divine Source together into one energy frequency. THAT is what we shower You with, Beloved. Always.

You are all so tired, Precious One! But never fear, You will recover yourSelves very nicely after a period of rest, with your power intact right where it always will be– WITHIN You.

We weep for those who have forgotten that! Imagine how hard it must be, Beloved, to live clawing for power from outside one’s Self. Such a desperate hunger that can never be satiated, like a virus that never feels it is enough poor things.

Our great hope is in YOU, Beloved!

As the power of Love/Light grows brighter in your own heart, it will spread like a wildfire of Love through your entire collective. We will tell You a secret. This is not a hope. It is a knowing.

We watch You as with the heart of a mother, our attentive, adoring, gaze never wavering as You rise shakily to your feet, lose your balance, rise again, take tentative steps, begin to walk, grow taller, transform yourSelves, and begin to fly, all within an instant. That is what we see, even though as You yourSelves go through each process, it feels as if it takes forever sometimes.

Ah, Beloved! While You experience each tiny fragment of the continuous flow of learning to walk, for example, as repetition, constant practice, exhilarating moments of success, and the particularly potent lessons of bruises and skinned knees, we see it all happen in a flash of brilliance, and are overcome at the miracle that You all are!

Never forget that we are always with You, among You, caring for You, loving You, and ready to hold your spirits close to us when You feel weary.

And never forget how our mighty collective heart leaps with every gesture of love that one of You makes towards any of your siblings!

You are CREATOR BEINGS, your power is LOVE, and You are teaching yourSelves to REMEMBER that now!

This is the celestial team again.
We deeply wish for You to always remember Mary’s words. You are loved more than You can even begin to imagine as yet.

You do have many kinds of love on your planet, however, and it is most remarkable. It is one of the gifts of the duality that You created for yourSelves, and there are many in your universe who would very much love to experience such variations!

Stop now for a moment to remember as many of these love variations as You can. You have romantic love, motherly love, fatherly love, brotherly love, sisterly love, the child’s love for a mother, for a father, the love of friendship, and on and on, and with many nuances to each! It is a symphony of love that plays on your planet without end. Just listen. You hear it? If you listen, You will always hear it.

LISTEN, Beloveds! Attune your ears to the symphony of LOVE, not the clatter of petty divisiveness.

Listen to the LOVE!



Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!


Copyright(c)Judith Dagley 2020-All Rights Reserved.


Guidance Through The Storm; #7

Fond greetings of Love/Light to You, Beloved!

We wish to assist You in this moment by sharing our perspective of the particular opportunity that You are now immersed in. We do so because the most powerful support we can give You is to convey that, through our “birds eye view” as You might say, we can clearly observe how it is through your conscious participation in engaging with energy that You create your own pathways.

We know You have heard “You create your own reality” often enough, and it makes sense to You conceptually. You are not accustomed to actually LIVING it yet, however.

Quite the opposite, in truth. We see that the general consensus among You on a FEELING level is that your paths are carved out by a force that is greater than your own — and what You FEEL is still the most accurate barometer of your experience of “reality.” (As You expand into Unity Consciousness, however, there will be no difference between “perspective,” “feel,” and “reality!”)

You are not completely wrong about the “force that is greater than your own.” It is your perspective of this force that is problematic, for it implies a sense of powerless– and any ideation that limits your awareness of how powerful You are will, indeed, be problematic for You now.

This “force that is greater than your own” chose the terrain that you will explore during your lifetime, not your pathway— and this “greater force” is YOU. Do you understand? The humanly embodied You is a projection from the “force greater than your own,” which is YOU.

To be succinct: YOU chose the terrain. You choose the pathways. And always, You have guidance in the doing from YOU. Through intuition, synchronicities, and many other ways, YOU is ALWAYS wanting to stay in contact with You.

Again, we persist because we wish to make this very, very, clear–

1.) There is no external force that puts You anywhere You do not want to be.

2.) Your own tremendous internal force of focus is what keeps your projected Self in physical form, exactly where You are.

As You see, we are once again wanting to show You how powerful You are, and how much control You have over the paths You choose to take– and MAKE. Truly, we want very much for You to understand.

Energy is potential. The way it is used determines how powerful it becomes and what it creates. Oh, we hear some of You! “We already know how to use power for our own means!”

“We all know how to use a light switch, for example, and we know how to use light bulb wattage to control the power of the light, too. And look how much power we release when we start the ignition in our vehicles– that’s a LOT of power in our hands, and we sure know how to use it! We even control it’s speed!”

Yes, You do know how to turn power on and use it. But do YOU provide the power? Or the circuitry that determines how that power can be USED?

No, You do not. You are dependent on others who decide that FOR You. What we are talking about is something entirely different.

We are telling You that You are a POWERHOUSE! That each and every one of You is a POWERHOUSE!

We will give You an example: In Atlantis, there was no need for “switches” to turn on lights. People generated their OWN power, from WITHIN them, to do things like that. And, if You believe such stories from Atlantis are “nothing but myths,” we assure You that You are wrong! We also assure You that not one of the Atlanteans had any more power than any one of You living on your planet today.

Speaking of myths, however, there are many that your human collective has been programmed to believe in, many of which are very, very, far from true. They are lies, in fact, and some of them are “whoppers” (to use one of your colloquialisms that is the best frequency match)– and they do not serve You. Instead, they have enslaved You.

There are still some among You who are shocked by that disclosure, we know, but we must tell You anyway. Especially if You are shocked, we must tell You!

The biggest and most deadly “whopper myth,” we’ll call it, that your human collective has been programmed to believe is that You must look OUTSIDE of yourSelf for power.

And what is the purpose of this “whopper myth?” To render You dependent and easily controlled by a very few who have NOT had your best interests at heart.

All right. We wish to say no more about this programming at this moment. We do not wish to give your third dimensional brain such toxic fodder to waste your energy on. Instead, we merely wish to enlighten You– You are POWERHOUSES. And it has never been more important to be aware of the power of your own internal technology, Beloved!

You are the power that directs the unbounded potential of energy. And together as ONE, You are the circuitry as well.

Be conscious then, of what You choose and from whence your choices spring! Use the reflections of your choices as they create manifestations in your daily life, to see yourself clearly. Adjust them anew in every moment until they are in alignment with your deepest truth– which is LOVE, of course. You are carving your destiny with your choices, Beloved, and only YOU have that power!

Ah, there is so much more we wish to tell You about YOU! We will save it for other transmissions, however, for the revelation that You are a POWERHOUSE is what we wish to leave You with today.

Well, and one more thing as well… know that your tremendous power is already well established in your universe. The alchemical power of your human collective to manifest physical reality through the focus of your energies is glorious, indeed. You are known to all as Masters of Co-creation, and your own remembering of who You are will be a cause of great celebration in your universe.


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!


copyright Judith Dagley 2020-all rights reserved
