Guidance Through The Storm; #14

Seasons Greetings from the celestial team, Beloved!

‘Tis the season of awakenings, is it not? Indeed it is, and there is a collective among us who feels the frequencies of the word “awakening” most profoundly. This collective’s love for You is so profoundly passionate, and so personal, that there are no words to hold it. We can only stand aside in awe.

This is Yeshuwah. This is our season, Beloved!

OURS, Beloved… heed these words! We did not say “This is Yeshuwah’s season.” We said it is OURS. Truly, without You there would not be such a season as this at all.

We understand that your celebrations have been curtailed. We understand that You cannot physically be together without fear for one anthers’ safety. It is almost inconceivable, is it not?

Yet it is true. This is the “reality” that You have currently co-created together. Ah. We see that it is hard for some of You to conceive that You had a part in this particular creation… the “pandemic scenario,” we will broadly call it.

We smile. It is hard for many in your galaxy to conceive of how creative You are when You play as One!

We DO ask that You not attempt to place limitations on your creativity. That is when creativity backfires. Or, is harnessed and used to divide You, and that is the very opposite of what You are here to do.

You are a collective of Creator Beings in the midst of co-creating something magnificent.

There are stages to such a process! You are not finished yet, Beloved. Remember that. Every stage has a purpose. This brings us to the message we wish to share with You in our season of awakenings

You are in isolation TOGETHER.

Yes. Energetically, You are each deeply involved in doing your part in what can only be called alchemy of the highest order. You are in the process of co-creating a Community of a kind that has not been known on your planet for thousands of years. It is the community of your future, seeded over two thousand years ago and now germinating within You. THIS is the purpose of the VOID our Frequency Technicians have prepared You for


You may therefore call the VOID a cocoon, if that suits You better, for it serves a similar purpose. Within it, each one of You has the perfect conditions for your own transformation. Whatever those conditions are, their purpose is to support You, personally, in becoming who YOU truly are. So forget how You were “programed” to be in order to please and be accepted! That is NOT WHAT YOU CAME HERE FOR.

You came because You are UNIQUE. You came because You have something to offer to your human collective that no one else CAN. No one else can tell You how You are “supposed to be” in order to be loved. You are bringing something NEW to them! Let yourSelf RECLAIM your Self in your isolation, then! LOVE THYSELF WHOLE. Only THEN can You do what you are here to do


Yes. Commensurate with your growing SELF-Love, a need for others is also growing in your collective awareness. It is NEW. It is not based on a need for “things” or “money.” That is not need for one another! LOVE THYSELF WHOLE and the need for one another will be a genuine one, born of COMPASSION. This need is healthy for the all of You, for all of You are One. When it is strong enough, it will break through your cocoon and shatter the VOID. Compassion is a mighty force indeed, and it will always be yours


Love one another as You are loved, Beloved! MAKE safety. No template is more important now, for it is all there is. All is YOU and all is ONE. Live that, and your joy will be as boundless as our LOVE for You.

Take care of one another!

This is the celestial team. We are moved. How we love You!


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!


Copyright(c)Judith Dagley 2020-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; # 17

Warm greetings to You, Beloved!

We are aware that our last transmission “packed a wallop,” as our Judith says! However, are You aware that it was the emotional volatility within your own human collective that brought our “wallop” forward? Beloved, You are Creator Beings, remember? ( )

To begin this transmission, we therefore wish to shine our focus on three fundamental truths. They are physics, actually, and very important for Creator Beings to be en-LIGHT-ened about— just as gravity was when You embodied into human form:

  • As Creator Beings, You are Beings of FREQUENCY. This is not news. It has already been proven many times by your physicists that your “reality” is created by your frequencies. Yet it was not included in your education… quite the opposite! That is remarkably strange, is it not, when this fundamental truth is foundational to understanding everything about how You operate in your world? You are Beings of Frequency!!!
  • EVERYTHING happens on the energetic level before it manifests– from FREQUENCY into form. Once You truly real-ize that the medium You use to create with is FREQUENCY, You will finally have control over your “realities” before they manifest into form!
  • Everything is INTERCONNECTED through FREQUENCY. Beloveds, wait until You SEE the great web of frequencies that we are all a part of! It is so exquisitely alive with currents that the limitation of vision You have been living with will seem like blindness by comparison… oh, You have so much to look forward to!

Now. With all if that in mind, we return to the emotional volatility within your own human collective that recently erupted into VIOLENCE. We have already explained the alchemy of that occurrence fairly clearly, we believe (see above link/wallop). If You can now envision the eruption as occurring within the great web of interconnected frequency waves that You cannot see with your eyes, You will understand what we now wish to share with You:

As the changes of 2021 began to solidify into a new “reality,” You could have experienced even more violent eruptions than You did. Many more, in truth! Every one of You were feeling some level of emotional volatility within yourSelves. That is to be expected. Your year of 2020 was an emotional pressure cooker. Therefore, to each one of You who has been practicing our sequence of guidance– centering in your own Love/Light, and allowing emotions to run through You and out into the transitional VOID point— we bow to You in reverence.

Each and all of You who were able to maintain that loving equilibrium pulsed your frequencies into the electromagnetic web of your human collective. Because the frequencies of LOVE are the most powerful frequencies of all, many potential explosions were calmed by them.

We echo ourSelves: How divine, when entering a critical transition! Beloved, the very KEY to maintaining your unconditionally loving equilibrium under any circumstances is to be in the OBSERVER position! ( )

Divine” is exactly what we meant. When You radiate love from your own neutral observing Love/Light, You are a god, indeed.

Which brings us back to where all roads lead us– the power of your internal technology! What You think of as your thoughts, emotions, and intentions are all elements of it. When You use them together consciously in the way they were meant to serve You, nothing and no one can interfere with your creations.

Thus, we harp and nag and repeat ourSelves endlessly and with great determination about your power as Creator Beings, and if that makes us a nuisance, then it is being a NUISANCE that is our service to You, for we will not stop! We PROMISED You we wouldn’t!

Even now, we have one more topic to say a little more about– and yes we will be repeating ourselves about some of it (“get used to it!” our Judith says… how she makes us laugh sometimes!).

“Connecting some dots” (as she says) is what we wish to do before we go. We simply wish for You to see how supported You are by your universe. We simply wish for You to see a glimpse of the DESIGN in all of your stages and phases:

1.) As already pointed out, your year of 2020 was an emotional pressure cooker. By design. All of the pains of separation, betrayal, abuses of power (in personal relationships as well as by the patriarchy in control, for it was all the same energy)– all of it condensed and simmering in preparation for the VOID.

2.) The VOID was given to You as a place to let them all BLOW. Safely. It is not comfortable to feel them all run through You, we know! But it is far better and far less painful, we promise You, then to not let them. Otherwise, You bring them with You, continue to play them out, and there would be no New Paradigm. Not yet, anyway.

“Whew!” our Judith says, and we agree. This is enough for now. We do not wish to overwhelm You with more information that You can hold. We do, however wish to say that it is not too late! It is not too late to USE your emotional technology rather than continue to allow it to pull You all over the place (“jerk You around,” our Judith says)– or be used against You by default! And so, Beloved, that is where we will begin in our next transmission.

In closing, we bow once more in reverence to each and all of You who interjected your frequencies of Love/Light into the volatility of divisiveness that churned among You throughout your month of January. Namaste, Beloved.


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!


Note from Judith! The celestial team wants me to remind you that, as always, take what resonates for YOU in their transmissions, and leave the rest behind!


Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #13

Greetings Beloved!

We have important news for You. As You may recall, the transitional energies You have been going through–that we are calling “The Storm”– is usually referred to as a Chaotic Node.

You are now in a VOID POINT of the Chaotic Node.

A VOID is a transition between an old paradigm of “reality” and a new one.

This is what our Frequency Technicians have been preparing You for with their guidance. The very best of guides know exactly how far to go and precisely where to stop before proceeding. Thus, our Frequency Technicians ended their last transmission just after guiding You into the profound experience of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Or rather, they offered You the opportunity to have that experience, we should say, for the choice as to whether to follow guidance or not is yours. Always, You are in charge of your own experiences. That is very important for You to remember. You are a CREATOR Being, after all!

And so. Before we continue, we would like to have a brief word with those who chose not to play along with the Frequency Technicians’ guidance. First of all, we do not doubt that You had good reasons for choosing not to, and that is true whether You know what those reasons are or not. “Timing” is important, and You all have your own rhythms. That said, our Judith wants to put the link to the last transmission of guidance right here (“Just in case someone feels inspired,” she says!), and we think that is a fine idea. We welcome You use it in your own “right timing”– Guidance Through The Storm; #12

Now! We see that those of You who have been playing with staying centered while observing the colors spinning outward from your own Love/Light are learning a LOT about maintaining your balance in Unconditional Love! You are learning more than You yet know, in truth, because You are learning experientially, and energy is very subtle. We are very pleased that You have this experience to play with! How divine, when entering a critical transition– because, Beloved, the very KEY to maintaining your unconditionally loving equilibrium under any circumstances is to be in the OBSERVER position.

All right… this leads us to expose a falsity, which will simplify things considerably for You as You continue through your transition out of your Old Paradigm of Enslavement:

There is no such thing as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE There is only LOVE.

How could there be such a thing as conditional love?! You have been entrained to equate love with attachment. Attachments create the idea of need, and so the fear of loss. Yet loss is inevitable where attachments are concerned! How many people do You know, Beloved, who have become afraid to love for that very reason? Besides, if love is only given to the few You are attached to… what about the many?


Love does not attach. It does not need. Love simply LOVES. You have now experienced that for yourSelf, when sitting on the throne in the center of your own Love/Light, watching the colors spin and loving each one of them exactly the same. To that we say, Hallelujah! And taking that spirit of celebration with us, we continue–


As we said, this is where transition happens. ACCEPT and ALLOW!

  • Old perceptual markers have disappeared. Do not try to get them back! Consider the void to be your free space. Paradoxically, your mandatory “lockdowns” have been helping You a great deal to become unfettered!
  • Allow emotions to run THROUGH You. Without your old daily routine, You no longer have your “busyness” to distract You from the ones You haven’t wanted to feel. LET yourSelf feel them, but let them run THROUGH You. They have nothing to do with the present– You are in a void! So BREATHE them through You, Beloved, out into the void.


  • Your next challenge will be to pay attention to what NEW perceptual markers You put into place! Can You now see why the Frequency Technicians so strongly suggested that You get used to being in your own center of Love/Light? From there, You will make new choices– “by default,” You might say– that are in alignment with the frequencies You feel there— of loving all the colors that spin outward from your Light equally–

— because that, Beloved, is not only how genuine Love feels, it is Unity Conscious.

We will now follow our Frequency Technicians’ example of knowing when and where to stop, and there could be no better place than Unity Conscious.

(Oh, dear! We only want to add that the energies of your solstice will help You enormously as You ground yourSelf in your new perceptual “reality.” Open to them Beloved!)


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!


Copyright(c)Judith Dagley 2020-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #12

Fond Greetings to You, Beloved!

We are still excited by the guidance our Frequency Technicians gave You in our last transmission! Indeed, they have a way of focusing their frequencies that thrills us. Yet what thrills us even more is watching the many among You who are USING the guidance! So many breakthroughs into a higher frequency are occurring as a result!

Not only your own, You know. When You break through perceptual limitations and find your centered white Light, You radiate. Others who are ready to feel that frequency resonance can then easily decode them and have their own breakthroughs, too. And they have! Because of YOU. Do You understand? This is the way of frequency. This is the way of your frequencies as Creator Beings.

What we have just told You is very important for You to remember.

You are always radiating your frequencies outward to others.

And now, the Frequency Technicians–

We, the Frequency Technicians, are very pleased that You are discovering how well the meditation we suggested in our last transmission can help You find your balance in your center of Light! There are also other experiments You can play with to amplify that ability. Many of them will simply come to You. We will suggest one shortly to “get You going” (as You say).

First, we want to emphasize that we use the word “play” rather than “work” because it is important that You enjoy yourSelf in this process! Because it is FUN by design! Because play brings INSPIRATION! Because You LIKE to play! Because, because, because… we could go on and on.

Because there is simply no reason for You to engage in “work!” You are CREATORS!

Well, we hope You felt the frequencies encoded in that little “outburst” of ours! We believe they may be of service to You in our next suggestion. We will begin where we left off, however, grounded in the foundation You have already created for yourSelf– and that is important guidance for You, as well.

In order to expand, one must be grounded.

Be as a tree

And so, we continue. Please re-create your vision of your whole, integrated perfection as the dazzling white center of a wheel. The spokes are spinning outward from the Light in the rainbow colors of your chakra system.

When You feel your vision, feel yourSelf in that center of Light. Take all the time You need or want. Continue with us only when You feel ready.

Fully feel it. Fully feel yourSelf centered in your Light. Joyful, loving, complete… and so much lighter! That is what happens when You are well-rooted in your own Light! Notice that You are aware of the colors and their diversity, but not pulled into any of them. You can feel the spin, but while immersed in your own white Light, You cannot really see the spinning.

Good. Now we will play! What if You could see the colors spinning all around You? Would You be able to maintain your centered equilibrium, or would You lose your balance? Let’s find out.

We will create a high throne in your center for You to sit on (however it appears for You is fine, as long as it is very tall). From there, your vision is expanded, and You can SEE all of the colors spinning around your feet. So much ENERGY! So many COLORS!

So, the GAME is to keep from falling INTO one of them! And of course You will fall! Many times. You will fall into whatever color corresponds with your thinking! Some don’t feel so good. Some do. You may even get caught up in the spin and feel as if You are in one of your clothes drying machines! But You will not get hurt. Remember, it is JUST A GAME!

Eventually, You will see that You can direct yourSelf into the colors You LIKE the feel of with your thoughts. It’s FUN, isn’t it? You can play as long as You like in the colors. As long as it is PLAY, You are gaining MASTERY.

When You are ready, please go back to your perch above the spinning colors in your centered Light. It is a bit easier to maintain your balance there now, is it not? You have learned a lot with your play!

Now. With your new equilibrium and expanded vision, WATCH the colors! SEE how each is part of the all of them, how they work together, how beautiful they are all together!

How do You FEEL? It is a new kind of feeling. Appreciation, gratitude, joy altogether, You might say– and awareness. If you cannot find WORDS for it, but You simply LOVE– all of the colors just the same!– as if You are IN LOVE except you’re not!– Stop and enjoy. We will tell You that You ARE IN LOVE.

Bravo. You did it. That is what UNCONDITIONAL LOVE feels like.

Stay there as long as You can as often as You can until we return!

We, the celestial team, are back and together as one again, Beloved, and what powerfully playful guidance You have just received! Indeed, we are thrilled once more, for PLAY is the only way to break through the limitations of your decaying old Paradigm of Enslavement. We rejoice as well that the Frequency Technicians want to leave You IN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE until our next transmission! You are not very familiar with unconditional love on your planet, we know. Yet we tell You in truth that nothing could be more important than becoming at home in it NOW!


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!


Copyright(c)Judith Dagley 2020-All Rights Reserved


Guidance Through The Storm; #11

A Warm Hello from the celestial team.

We communicate now to offer our support in adjusting to your new perceptual environment. We do not mean the turbulence of the energies around You! Nor do we mean the forced isolation that many of You are undergoing– which is a catalyst of the turbulence within You. We mean something else entirely. A breakthrough, if You will.

But first, we want to inform You that we of the celestial team often braid our frequencies together to communicate with You. Those among us whom You might call the “spirit nurturers” have carried the tune of our transmissions thus far. In this one, however, those who are more like “frequency technicians” will do so, for we feel that they might be of particular service to You at this time.

We inform You of this because we do not want You to be confused by the subtle differences in our melodies. We sense that it might be like talking to a familiar friend who did not seem quite like him/herSelf, and so we stress that in spite of our different styles, we are all one in our desire to be of service to You.

In sum: We are each unique and yet joined as one, as You on the planet are as well. You are one collective in the process of remembering ItSelf. We, on the other hand, are a group of many collectives, each of which is already joined as one, braiding together through our mutual love for You into an even greater whole—which You know as the celestial team. We hope that is clear.

Now we proceed. In prior transmissions, there was discussion of the importance of integration within the Self. The analogy of the colors of your third dimensional chakra system as being refractions of your wholeness through the prism of the third dimension was used. The importance of finding balance in the center of your integrated wholeness was stressed.

Then, in order to assist You in maintaining the equilibrium necessary to proceed through the inevitable chaos that accompanies transformation, the metaphor of “being as a tree” was used…

We interrupt ourselves for a moment to respond to some among You who are questioning why frequency technicians would use metaphors to discuss what seems far more like physics than poetry. Very good. We like questions.

The answer is that metaphors are by far the most effective tools we have to inspire your understanding of the physics that WE wish to convey. It is inspiration that is required. That is because You have been corralled into believing in limitations, such as the “facts” You rely on as your source of knowledge.

We will tell You this: There are no such thing as “facts.” There are only perceptions.

Fortunately, our earth member is able to encode our frequencies into her English language, but the only way it is possible to do so is with metaphors. This is because there are no words for them. Not in any of your human languages.

Metaphors, however, can be used as perceptual gateways.

Sometimes, with enough inspiration, they can even lead to bridges into multidimensional awareness. We would now like to use a metaphor from our last transmission for exactly that purpose. Stay with us, please!

Please recall the rainbow metaphor for the colors of your third dimensional chakra system as aspects of your wholeness. We would like You to now envision them as a wheel. Your whole, integrated perfection is a dazzling white in the center, and the spokes are the colors. As they spin in perfect balance, You can see gradations of the colors as they blend from one into the other. You can also see gradations of each color from dark at the outer rims, to the palest pastel at the point of merging into center.

Please see that now: the wheel, the rapidly spinning colors, and the brilliant white center. Please close your eyes and take a moment to create that image for yourSelves.

It is beautiful, is it not? And in the center of the dazzling spin– in the white light that is ALL of the colors merged into ONE– there is perfect stillness. It is the integrated ALL. Silent, untroubled, complete. It is the beginning and the end of the spinning colors. Their creator, and their ultimate creation.

Please close your eyes and go into that center now.

Feel the calmness there. Breathe in the feeling of being that center, and allow each breath to amplify the light. Feel the light ignite within You as it also surrounds You.

Please take five long slow breaths to breathe in the light as You amplify it within You. Please do this now, before reading further.

It is from within this center, your divine wholeness, that You will want to now begin to live your life.

To those who are reading this and feel the resonance, You have arrived. To those who are reading this and do not feel the resonance, continue to do the meditations we have just given You and You WILL arrive. It is important that You understand it that way. When You feel resonance with the light within You– to use your current linear construct, You have crossed a line.

Ah! Such confusion we have stirred among so many of You! “How can we have crossed into a higher vibration,” you ask, “when we are in the midst of such chaos and divisiveness?”

What a perfect question for invoking questions of revelation!
How could such a radical shift occur without CHAOS? How could You “cross a line” without a DIVISION?

Are rainbows not born when the sun shines through a STORM?

All storms have their purpose. And yet, amidst the turbulence, the line that emerges within it is extremely subtle, at first.

You have to FEEL it before You can see it.

To use an analogy, imagine that You are walking through the countryside in Switzerland, and suddenly You are in France. There are no road signs to tell You that You had crossed into a different country, but there You are, nonetheless.

Now, leaving those particular countries aside, imagine that crossing this line makes the way You perceive reality feel subtly different, and our analogy becomes even more accurate. And so You retrace your steps. You want to find out what happened!

Yet all You can discover is that at a certain point, there is an energy shift. The energy You crossed into feels lighter and freer. Because You like it much better, You decide to stay in it. However, You left many things on the other side! And so You keep running back to either try to fetch them, or at least spend a little more time with them.

For awhile, many of You have been doing just that, playing right “on the line,” so to speak.

That is fine! You needed to do that to hone your discernment, for one thing. And the increasing turbulence on the side of the line You have been wanting to move out of is actually helping You with that.

And yet– You would be moving from a house You have lived in all of your life! Can the life You have been envisioning on the other side actually be “REAL?”

Eventually, the visions You continue to have while in the new, lighter energy MAKE themselves “real.”

And so You buy a dream house there to live in. That is a big step! It is an energetic COMMITMENT. (Money IS a form of energy, You know). As the sale is being finalized, You continue to move back and forth between the old and the new, but this time You are acclimating, planning, preparing. Finally, the day comes when You do move into your dreamhouse.

The old house is suddenly “in the past.” Perhaps others have even moved into it already. Perhaps for them, it was a move up around the spiral of ascension, too. Perhaps it is their dream house for now. Either way, the new home You chose and prepared for is the one You must learn to be at home in (for now).

There. We have offered these metaphors to aid You in understanding strongly that the major feat You have accomplished is a PROCESS. First it happens energetically, and then the manifestations appear. It cannot be otherwise. In this universe, EVERYTHING is born of energy.


We hope we have sufficiently grounded the shift that You have made into your awareness. CONTINUE THE PROCESS!

We also understand that we have given You quite a lot to take in and begin to use. Trust us when we tell You that it is not more than enough for You. We know YOU, remember? CONTINUE THE PROCESS!

And never fear, we are with You in this magnificent process of yours, and will soon offer You tools that will assist You in maintaining your budding new equilibrium! However, as in all alchemical processes, each stage is foundational to the one that follows, so it is with the content of this transmission. Therefore, until our next one…


This is the celestial team, all of us together, again, Beloved! We know that for some of You, our “frequency technician’s” guidance may not seem to be meant for You— especially some of You who feel isolated in sorrow, or whose attention is caught up in the chaotic energies around You all. What WE say is DO NOT BE SO SURE! Use the meditations to amplify the Light within You, and the metaphors to inspire You, and WE believe You will find a surprising little breakthrough through your storm.

Farewell for now Beloved, but always we remain completely attentive in our care and love for You!


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!



Copyright(c)Judith Dagley 2020-All Rights Reserved
