Finally. “What Happened to Judith”

September 9th, 2018 (9.9.18)

Greetings Beloved.  This is the celestial team.
We are in the midst of assisting our earth member with sharing the revelations that we’ve thus far referred to only vaguely as “what happened to Judith.”   And “finally,” indeed, many of You are thinking.  We know, we can hear You!

The wait will not be much longer, however, and in the meantime–
a collective among us has come forward with a strong desire to also have a word with You.  (Yes, we CAN do many things simultaneously– just as YOU can and do, believe it yet or not.) 

Because this is a collective with whom You are intimately entwined in a very special way, no introduction will be necessary.  And besides, You all have so many names for this collective that we suggest You recognize him/her/them by FEEL rather than by the name, anyway.
So without further ado–

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Hello, Beloved.  This is Yeshuwah.
We wish to share a few words with You while the celestial team assists your Judith in the formidable task of arranging what SHE needs to share with You into some sort of cohesive linear format that will enable You to receive each aspect, yet i
ntegrate ALL of them as ONE. 

Do not underestimate the complexity of this task, Beloved, for there are an infinite number of strings involved!

In truth, it is OUR involvement with the intricacies of this process that has made us sharply aware that there are some among You who might benefit from having the straightforward  words we wish to share with You right upfront– rather like “cutting to the chase,” as You might say– or “getting to the nitty-gritty” with confirmation of what You already know without knowing how You know.

Of the two, we personally prefer the latter.

Of course, there are also those among You who have not yet arrived at this knowing… or more accurately, haven’t yet felt READY to know what You know, and so would rather arrive at the knowing in your own “time.”

Which could be within an hour.

Either way, WE feel the call to share the following words with You NOW.   As to whether You read them immediately, save them to read later, or even not read them at all, that is your own sovereign choice.  WE are simply offering them, Beloved.

As we said, what You will be reading forthwith from Judith
has many threads–

One will be the anatomy of a spiritual attack.

Such attacks are used to prolong a spiritual battle that began over two thousand of your years ago– a battle that has seeded every other one since then, from physical warfare to the emotional violence done in the name of “love.”

Another thread will reveal the current state of your human collective’s involvement in this spiritual battle— and this of course means your OWN involvement.

Paradoxical as it may still seem to many among You, it is the extent of  involvement in such battles that maintain’s the very bondage of enslavement that one is fighting to be free of.

It is therefore extremely fortunate that all of the threads together will form into a blueprint of the entire enslavement dynamic— and with that You will see the way OUT. 


Lastly, we wish to disclose that this latest attack on your Judith was plotted primarily to stop her from continuing to offer a TEMPLATE of the way OUT– which she fathomed on her own and accurately called COALESCENCE — by destroying her, and then contaminating the fruits of what she had begun with it. 

Seemingly, that was done quite effectively.
However… not quite.

Your Judith still lives, and the template lives within her.

Further, she lives to share all that she has SEEN through the attack– things that MUST be seen in order to be free– with YOU. 

We will end this transmission with that good news, as well as three other things to keep in mind until she begins her sharing:  

There are many ways to fulfill a sacred mission.
Even destruction can be used  to create the miracle of
New Life through LOVE.
Regardless of  how it may seem, 
NOTHING is more powerful
than L


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Ah, Beloved.  Your Yeshuwah did well, indeed.   And it is quite true, it won’t be long until the “what happened” story begins to unfold in a way You can receive it.  We’ve been working very hard!  Although the word “work” is not an accurate one, and will soon be seen as obsolete for You as well, we hope– yet until then it is the only one You have for the joy of concentrated effort, and so we use it with our OWN encoding embedded within it.  Perhaps you can FEEL it? 


We— ALL of us in the celestial team– we love You so!  (And ALL includes our earth member, too, of course… includes” to say the least!)  

White Heart in pink sky

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Copyright 2018, Judith Dagley-all rights reserved.
