Guidance Through The Storm; #21 ~ ~ ~ Swirling the Energies! Part One

A most engaged hello to You, Beloved!

Above all, we want You to know that You are all stirring up the energies beautifully for one another now. Know this, deep within your wholeness; know that You are “on the job,” as You say!

We also feel your confusion at times as You practice staying in balance in the midst of these swirling energies. We especially reach out with great compassion and support to those among You who feel that the energies are more powerful than YOU are, and so try to “cope” with them from the frequencies of “survival mode” that You have been so entrained to.

Dearest Master in Human Form, the energies are LIGHT, and nothing more!

Although they are of higher frequency than You have ever settled into as yet, they carry in them only love and information from the center of your own galaxy–your own “galactic neighborhood!”

Your sun, Helios, works in tandem with your galactic center to assure that these waves of Love/Light are delivered to You according to the precise rhythms of your dimension of “time/space.” In other words, Helios gathers the information, then beams it out to You in perfect timing with your particular rhythms within the orchestra of the great universal design.

Do You see how well You are taken care of? Beautiful, is it not?

Now. We wish to clear up any confusion that causes You to feel otherwise! To that end, we remind You of what we began with–which is that You are doing a beautiful job of stirring up the energies. Yes. YOU.

Dearest Creator Being, YOU are the force that swirls the frequencies of this Love/Light amongst your human collective!

We are understanding that it is the way this process feels that is confusing You, and that we can also clear up quickly. It is simply a matter of physics!

Higher frequencies stir up lower frequencies.

Therefore, as You receive these high frequencies, You may think of it as very much like what happens when pure water flows into a glass with sediment at the bottom. As the water stirs up the sediment, it looks dirty at first, does it not? But as the water continues to swirl up the sediment, eventually it is flushed away. Voila!

We want You to take this information into your beings, and find within it the resonance of your own steady Love/Light. There is your calm authority, and your inner peace!

Indeed, all is “of a piece,” and You are part of that. Nothing, NOTHING, is occurring that is more than You can handle. Not anymore, not now. Indeed, You can handle FAR more than what You are currently experiencing with a mere raise of an eyebrow when You are centered in your own sovereign presence! Centered within the ALL that You are, You can orchestrate beautiful concertos of energy that tremble through galaxies, creating intergalactic symphonies! And when this occurs, Beloved, the entire universe bends to listen.
Take that in, please! Say it aloud–

When centered in all that I AM, I can orchestrate beautiful concertos of energy that tremble through galaxies, creating intergalactic symphonies, and the entire universe bends to listen!

How does THAT feel??! We ask that You keep the vastness and the power of this image in mind. Get comfortable with the way it FEELS, as well, because it is TRUE. So anchor it! We will guide You–

Let it fill your imagination and expand it. Then, feel a silver thread anchoring the feeling of the image into your third chakra. That is your I AM center. Then, feel another silver thread go down through you from there, anchoring your brilliantly glowing I AM center deep in the earth of Gaia. Yes!

YES!!! And now, we ask You to overlay that with another image that we have already presented–

your own white light as ignited by the balanced spin of your third dimensional chakra system.

— and if You think holding both of these images sounds “too complicated,” please discard that thinking at once, for it is obsolete. You are a multidimensional being! Simply allow yourSelf to experience what we are telling You that You can do. (

We want deeply that You do so because– take a deep breathe, Beloved!– You have yet another chakra system now, in alignment with your 5th dimensional frequencies, that is ready and operational! You will enjoy it very much!

Therefore, we want to “leave no stone unturned” (as our Judith says) in assisting You with the integration of your 3rd dimensional system, for it is from that foundation that the vast energy beings that You are will, in turn, ignite and expand in a most wonderful energetic flow!

And yet… we have already given You quite a lot to digest, we realize… All right, then, we will leave You with a plate that is quite full enough, and then continue with the rest next time, when You are ready to take in more! We only wish to remind You of one more thing (our Judith is laughing at us right now, “trying to be disciplined enough to stop in ‘right timing,'” she says. She know us very well!). Because it is important for You to remember–

The technical expertise that is required to integrate all of this is already hard-wired into You energetically, and You are already using it. ( Don’t forget! You know what You are doing even as You are learning what You know!

We will offer a few more creative ideas from our perspective next time. In the meantime, we reiterate that each of You are unique, and not one of your processes is alike. We stress, therefore, that nothing we transmit should ever be considered a “generic rule,” or “expert advice!” We are simply responding to some frequencies that request the suggestions we offer. If they resonate, USE them by all means. Or, use them as stepping stones to make your own discoveries!

YOU are the expert on aligning your choices with your courses. YOU are the master of yourSelf!

Do not ever give your sovereignty away again to any being by believing that You depend upon their guidance. That would only keep You trapped in the paradigm of need. Of powerlessness!

It is important that You know this as You proceed through the swirl of energies You are all co-creating, You see, for your planet does not exist in isolation, after all! You are as “out there” in the galaxy as every star You see. You are among them, as You are among humanity, as your organs are among your human body, as your cells are among your organs. On and on. One energy.

You see the picture? There are an infinite number of perspectives, both on your planet and from your galactic neighborhood. None are precisely yours. In that, each of You are gods.

There! The very best place to leave You in ‘right timing’ until we continue! Each of you are gods. And so, until next time… REMEMBER THAT, BELOVED!


Attention to our precious newcomers– Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of our transmissions! To learn more about receiving the frequencies of the transmissions, press “Reading The Frequencies“ in the top side bar.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And please do not hold back! I, Judith, promise you that no matter how “silly” you think your question is, by asking it you will be doing a service for others who have the same question but are not asking. On behalf of the all, I thank you. Namaste.

Copyright(c) Judith Dagley 2021-All Rights Reserved.


12.1.13 Re-membering the Future– Just Imagine!

Love/Light Message for Navigating NOW from the celestial team

Fond greetings to You, Beloved!
We return, arrive, and yet have never left, to transmit our Love/Light to You through words in this moment. And, within this moment is your past, your future, and every other moment of NOW You ever have, will, might choose, or may have chosen. What is, has already been. What will be, already is. Within this moment is every possible experience You could dream of, yours for the entering.

Do You think we speak in riddles? We do not. We speak what to us is merely plain and obvious truth. We also know that You might find our words to be “quite a stretch” to even imagine, let alone make sense of! That is why we suggest that You read them again, forego stretching altogether, and simply leap into them. You can do so quite easily, You know! You just never “saw” yourSelf doing so before, at least not in this lifetime. But we tell You that we have seen You do it, many times. We are not what You call “recent acquaintances,” You know!

We tell You this as well: Anything You can imagine is already as real as the chair You are sitting on. In truth, the frequencies of the word “choose” are more fitting than those of “can,” because there are no limits to what is possible for You to imagine. Take that to heart, Beloved, for we mean it in the most absolute way. You see– or if You don’t, it is “time” for You to see– that your imagination is the marvelous technology You use to see beyond the tunnel vision programming of third dimensional perception. And, we re-mind You that this programmed limitation of your vision was only a temporary installation!

Very much like software, it was designed and used to assist You in staying within the parameters of the third dimensional octave. Without it, You would have flown out in a nanosecond! However, exactly like software, it can be easily uninstalled whenever You choose. Until then, your imagination is your ingeniously clever method of seeing beyond that limited, narrow, range of vision, while staying within it, at the same “time.” Brilliant You are, indeed, Beloved!

NOW, however your planet, itself, is moving out of the third dimension—in truth, has already left it. YOU, as part of your planet, are NOW moving through NEW, higher frequencies at an increasingly rapid speed. Or, that is how it feels to You, does it not? If so, that is a wonderful sign, for what it actually means is that your own frequencies are expanding beyond those of the third dimension! In other words, it is YOU that is “speeding up,” You might say, because higher frequencies vibrate at a higher rate than lower ones.

You see? Isn’t it wonder-full? Yet we also know that many in your human collective are feeling quite uncomfortable in the process of acclimating to these NEW high frequencies. We assure you that it is not the NEW energies that are causing such discomfort! It is the old software of programmed limitations. Like outgrown clothing, it does not “fit” any longer. The ”time” has come  to uninstall what is NOW obsolete, at last, Beloved.

It is “time” to reclaim your vision. As You do, You will “see” that there are no limits to what you can envision, and whatever You can envision, You can step into. Do not worry about “how!” Trying to “figure it out” will only keep You within the very programming You have outgrown. Instead, simply allow yourself to believe that what we are telling You is your truth. Entertain yourSelf!

Enjoy your imagination! Just imagine that You can imagine yourSelf into whatever You choose to envision. Just imagine that the past is no more “reality” than your dreams for the future are. That is all You need do for NOW. Your marvelous imagination will do the rest. Soon enough, its “fantasies,” as some might call them, will begin to “re-mind You,” quite literally, of what You have always known deep in your heart to be true. Your dreams for the future are as “real” as your memories. Why is this true? Because imagination is simply another form of memory.

And to excite your “memory’s memory” of this, we wish to leave you with a quote that our Judith “happened upon” several days ago. It excited her memory so much that it excited us, as well! So, we are asking her to share it here with You, because we wish to see You have as much fun playing with it as she has—and still is! We don’t know that she will ever stop playing, she is having such fun… and we dearly hope she never will. We also hope that You will join her, and play yourSelf into a NEW way of being, as the divinely playful, human celestial being You truly are. Here then, is the divinely multidimensional quote we speak of–

“It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards!”
— White Queen to Alice in Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll

Isn’t that wonder-full? Have fun, with it, Beloved, and your fun will be our own as well, for  we so delight in seeing You play! Never do You radiate your joy through our universe more than when You set yourSelf free to play… and never are You more powerful.
How we love You! Always and in All Ways—the celestial team


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