Welcome to the Love/Light frequencies. Welcome Home.


You are entering a portal.
This website holds within it a vortex of Love/Light frequencies that has been gathering momentum since they were first transmitted by the celestial team during the solstice of December, 2010.

The celestial team welcomes You! 

new c team pic

    All  Love/Light Messages for Navigating NOW are archived here, and can be accessed by month or category in the sidebar. Each new message is added immediately. As there is no linear time beyond the 3rd dimension, every one of them is personally relevant for YOU in whatever current NOW you choose to receive it.

The same is true of our Love/Light Videos. Also archived here, they can be viewed whenever and as often as you choose, by clicking their links on the Love/Light Videos Page.

RECEIVE and RECHARGE as you settle into the celestial team’s nurturing, “fizzy with Love” energy!

 Judith, the earthly member of the celestial team

Judith, the earthly member of the celestial team

I’m Judith, the earthly member of the celestial team. I invite you to browse the titles in the archives, let your heart guide you as to which to take in, how many times, and in what order. Trust that it will be exactly what you need in that moment. No matter how many times you have taken in the same video or message before NOW, you will receive NEW information and energetic alignments that are personally attuned to YOU in every NEW moment. Sound like magic? It is, and the more you open to the celestial team’s frequencies, the more you allow them to awaken you to your OWN magic.

To amplify your magic–  Schedule a private session. Or a group session with NEW/ancient friends, or with colleague,, or to create coalescence in your “work” place… whatever YOUR heart desires. A “sliding scale” is a given.

Last but far from least.
Every message and video in this website is offered to you FREELY.
What is NEW.
ALL is offered through the energies of ONE humanly embodied woman.
WHY would the celestial team ask their beloved Judith to devote her physical life to giving these transmissions…  with NO “safety net” of financial support to rely on for her own clothing, shelter, or care in any way?
The celestial team believes in YOU.

And so, I, Judith, believe in you. The “donate” tab is in the right side bar.
Bless you. Thank you for your Sovereignty!
Namaste. ❤ ❤ ❤

Love what you love




Copyright(c) 2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited.  Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Judith Dagley and www.thecelestialteam.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Leave a comment


  1. Monika Mosimann, Switzerland

     /  November 27, 2011

    Hi dear ones,

    I need to be with you emazing energyconnections thank you for this))))))))))))))))))))


  2. You are welcome, welcome, welcome! Always and in all ways.
    — Judith and the celestial team


  3. liz

     /  March 29, 2012

    Hy I love your site.kind regards liz


    • Hi, Liz,,
      We’re glad you love it here! Thank you for sharing that with us.
      Much Love/Light to you always,
      Judith and the celestial team


  4. Tom

     /  April 3, 2012

    loved your chill segment , found it on GFP website resonates so strongly , came to your website immediately . I will be watching you from NOW on .


    • Thank you, for your comment, Tom, and thank you for connecting. If you want to receive the messages and videos via email as they are posted, just press the “Follow the Love/Light” button near the bottom of the right sidebar. You are most welcome here! (By the way, I didn’t even know the “Chill” message had been reposted on GFP, so thank you for telling me that, too!)
      Much Love/Light to you!


  5. Dear Judith,
    Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with the world! I am grateful to have found
    Your site and to have read your messages.
    I am experiencing and have been experiencing all that you are talking about. My life as I knew it to be has shifted considerably and I’ve been graced with a blessed teacher who has been guiding me and helping me each week with all of the transitions and transformations. I am committed to being fully present in every now. Sometimes I get it and sometimes I fall back into old patterned ways. Sometimes I feel my sovereign self and I’m aware and conscious of the times when I don’t but those are the times I realize when I still have more work to do – more expansion – more letting go of all those strings I’ve held
    Onto for so long. I am grateful for this time and this opportunity. I am also trying to stay light in every way – not taking myself too seriously, seeing the humor in life situations and the part I play. Being kinder to myself in this process of embodying all that I am in all that there is. Patience and letting go of expectations, controll and judgements in order to be truly free to choose.
    Thank you for providing confirmation. I send you lots of love and gratitude for being who you are.


    • Thank you for sharing, Liizabeth!
      It sounds like your are right in the midst of your ascension/expansion process, all right! And it IS a process, so DO be kind to yourself. We are learning, practicing, expanding,into our New Paradigm…falling back, resetting again…that’s exactly how gaining mastery is done! So be patient with yourself, and enjoy you own amazing, miraculous process!
      We’re so glad (both the celestial team and I!) that you have found us and joined us here!
      Much Love/Light to you!


  6. Hi Judith and the Celestial Team! I just discovered you recently! You guys are teaching me to stay in my body! (Power tools for navigation tape.) I have had lots of intuitive type people tell me that I “think” too much and I could never understand what the problem was with that. But when the celestial team thru Judith were saying how the brain is just a tape rerunning and rerunning and if you stay in that spot, then you are OUT OF YOUR BODY! I never looked at it that way, but now I realize it’s TRUE! What a great lesson I have learned. Now I am constantly “checking” to see if Im “pugged in” with Source, instead of letting my mind rattle on! Thankyou ! Much Love! Victory of the Light! Suzanne


  7. oops typo ~~ ****plugged in Thanks again


  8. noureddine zouari

     /  January 25, 2013

    Hy I love your site and I love you


  9. SovereignJon

     /  May 31, 2013

    Dearest Judith,

    You are so Lovely, and I Thank You
    for ALL that you ARE and DO…In ALL
    my many years on this Joyful Journey
    towards Unity of Oneness I have yet
    witness such a Lovely Light as You.
    The platform you use in Channeling
    IS by far the most Revealing method
    in delivering directly to Ones Soul. I
    actually BELIEVE You and The Celestial
    Team are Speaking Directly to me, which
    I personally Believe is what I needed,
    to guide and assist me with my Journey
    into the Power of my Sovereignty and Now,
    as well as, into this New Unity Community.

    Thank You
    Peace, Light and Love : )


    • Sovereignjon–
      it is with much warnth, emanating from my human heart, that I thank you for sharing frequencies from your own heart with me in your comment. Know that I RECEIVED them, and most joyfully. Know as well that a response such as that– one that carries frequencies that let me know that mine have been received and valued, is no small thing–for it is what replenishes my ability to continue to pour out my own, in service to our beloved human collective. So, at the human level, I feel deep gratitude for that replenishment.
      At the same “time,” the celestial aspects of me are also fizzing around and within me as I write! They say, “Well, of course our Judith is grateful! This is physics, after all! How can an energy circuit be run full throttle THROUGH her, unless it is charged on “both ends,” as you say? It can’t, and this is not even a new awareness. Even your classical scientists “figured that out” centuries ago. But, alas, the illusion of separation has kept you ALL from responding to one another’s offerings…and so starving yourSelves.
      We are delighted with you, Jon, for the actions you contribute to breaking that old template of starvation! We rejoice, in particular, that you did so with our Judith, who dearly needs such resonance NOW. Continue to follow your heart! And…be prepared to be amazed…”
      Much Love Light to you– the celestial team (including ME, Judith, of course!)


      • SovereignJon

         /  June 2, 2013

        Beloved Judith and The Celestial TEAM,


        Your reply was so Authentic and Profound.
        I AM left with so much to say. In fact, more
        then what my Simple words could transmit,
        so I AM in Absolute faith that my HEART
        frequencies will BE and have been warmly

        However, I can say this Judith, that I personally
        and truly BELIEVE that YOU are Obviously by
        your own Willingness, in being an Open Conduit
        to Serve the Light and LOVE, that you are for sure
        among the chosen, to deliver such Masterful Heart
        filled messages such as The Celestial TEAMs which
        Will and DO Serve and Assist ALL of us whom have
        Surrendered to LOVEs Collective aim, from the OLD
        3D Energy Paradigm POWERS back to reclaiming our
        EVER Present Sovereign Authority and “POWERS” to
        Navigating our “NOW” via our own Heart/Mind Unity
        Resonant Frequencies EXPOSING us to the Hidden
        Secrets of Secrets of Quantum Timeline Jumping…

        DO YOU FEEL IT?

        Thank You
        Peace, Light and Love : )


      • Inded I do, SovereignJon. Thank you for transmitting your recognition, appreciation, and Love. I received every bit of it with
        with equal Loving gratitude and appreciation. Your faith that we communicate far more through our frequencies than through words is well-founded, you see! Even more, I encourage you to recognize that faith as a sign of your own expansion, because navigating, creating, and communicating through frequency are the “modus operandi” in our NEW Fifth Dimensional Paradigm of Being. That’s why the celestial team began to introduce us to reading their frequencies through the words in their messages almost three years ago–the words are but carries of far more information than words can express! That is also why a single message is read or heard by each who receives it as uniquely personal–because it IS. The frequencies of the receiver “find” the message that is meant especially for him/her, and everytime he/she reads/hears it anew, the message will also be NEW. Such is the amazing alchemy of internal and interconnected technology we share as energetic beings!
        We are so glad you receive us, and that your heart inspires you to respond. Please share our messages with others as your heart inpires you, as well–in that way, you will be part of our “earth team,” spreading the NEW energetic template of Unity Consciousness among tbe ALL that we are!
        Much Love/Light to You, and to others through You. Always and in All Ways–Judith (with the celestial team)


  10. SovereignJon

     /  June 2, 2013

    Beloved Judith and The Celestial TEAM,

    Thank You for that Truly Insightful and AMAZING Reply.

    I DO accept and ALLOW the transmission that has and IS taking
    place, and it is my Intent henceforth to HOLD and SHARE this NEW
    energetic template of Unity Consciousness NOW and FOREVER.

    In Gratitude,

    Thank You
    Peace, Light and Love : )


  11. Juana Varnado

     /  June 20, 2013

    I have donated and for some reason I cannot make connection with the information.


    • Thanks for letting me know, Juana. And, by the time I read your comment, you already HAD made the connection, and the link was sent to you! Bravo, and welcome to the Power Tookit adventure!
      ♥♥♥ Judith


  12. noureddine zouari

     /  September 22, 2013

    You are so Lovely, and I Thank You


  13. Cutie1

     /  October 23, 2013

    Hi Judith;
    I connect with every word you say…..I have known I am claircognisant,an energy sesitive, empathic all wraped in one, but you words of explanation make me feel so comforted. It is definetely not an easy path, for no master would choose any easy path though, but connecting with you seems to be the correct path for me st this time. I look forward to the gathering call on Oct 29. Much love light joy and laughter .
    ~ Natalie


  14. julee

     /  October 29, 2013

    what a perfect day for me to discover you…i know spirit lead me here. i too have all that stuff, and feel for the collective. it is a very lonely path much of the time, and can feel like a burden. i am misunderstood by people i love, and it hurts. but, if i am here to help then i know it is a fine thing. thank you, judith for your wisdom and courage and LOVE! xo


    • Bless your heart, Julee. I so hope you will join us in the “Tele-Gathering for Energy Sensitives” tomorrow! ♥♥♥


    • Dearest Julee- How wonder-full for all that you have discovered us! The more we find one another, the sweeter the shared burden becomes. The more we Light the path for one another, the more the word “lonliness” gades from memory.
      Welcome to the Love/Light! And thank you for sharing your own. — Judith


  15. john

     /  March 20, 2014

    Beloved Judith,

    About a year ago i had my first encounter through a reading with celestial team.It is wonderfull that you are sending words of love to the world.john


  16. Every weekend i used to pay a visit this website, for the reason that i want enjoyment, as this this site
    conations really fastidious funny data too.


  17. I resonate on all Levels, and appreciate the awareness with the understanding of this New dimensional consciousness. I project this totally in my daily endeavors.
    With love and support to all that is to be, I walk in this light with you.
    Blessings and much love always


    • Thank you for your LOVE-ly comment, Ellen, and we are absolutely de-LIGHTED to have you with us! (Actually, that’s a strange word, “de-lighted,” isn’t it?) But you know what we mean… we mean ALL LIT UP! –Judith


  18. Katherine

     /  May 21, 2015

    Just listened to you on BBS radio thus leading me here… Happy to have heard your broadcast and excited to explore your page! Thanks for spreading the Good News!!!
    Love, Kate


    • Thank YOU, Kate! For listening, for receiving, for resonating, and so spreading the Good News through your own frequencies. Bless your shining heart.
      ❤ Judith


  19. tre

     /  June 3, 2015

    Need part of my team all players bless peace and love


  20. Sam

     /  August 7, 2017

    Thank you for such a lovely website!


  21. Jennifer Christine DeRooy

     /  April 4, 2021

    was wondering of any meditation videos hz. music you suggest?


    • Hello Jennifer!
      What immediately came to my mind when I read your question is “h’oponopono.” That immediacy usually indicates a frequency match, so I would definitely check it out. You can find lots of h’oponono videos on youtube. It’s really a wonderful meditation!
      By the way, you know about OUR youtube channel, too, don’t you? It’s “fromthecelestialteam.”
      Much Love/Light to you, Jennifer!



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