NEW VIDEO– The Transformational Alchemy of Integration: Cracking the Codes!


Hi, this is Judith, bringing you a very important video! In June, 2014, the celestial team and I released “The Human Wound–The Truth That Will Set You Free,” in which we cracked the codes of separation (alchemically speaking). I understood there was a crucial second half to it that would be coming, but only after the required “period of digestion” needed in order to thoroughly take in the alchemy released through those codes.

Well, I/we are excited to say that NOW is the “time,” and so we bring you this NEW video, which cracks the codes of integration— or more accurately, RE-integration!

Through my spoken words combined with the celestial team’s frequencies, we share with you:
* the sequential stages of the tranformational alchemy involved;
* the energy alignments that will elevate your own frequency signature to the “3rd
power point;”
* a working game plan through which to USE this alchemy;
* the nurturing teacher of Unity Consciousness that you’ve been part of all along;
*** and a whole lot MORE!

That this information is priceless, I can personally attest to. Yet we offer it to you freely because YOU are priceless, and you DESERVE. So, use it thoroughly and well, freely and often, whenever you like. It can take you everywhere.
And PLEASE SHARE! Because every one of us is priceless. Every one of us DESERVES.
For your inclusion of the ALL, we thank you.

AND… to each of you who “donates” to support our continuing mission to serve you, the celestial team showers you with grateful Love/Light! Please understand that it is only because of your reciprocal energy exchange that we keep going, month to month. I, Judith, will add  that it definitely keeps me living in the NOW, trusting the reciprocal nature of giving/receiving as one gestalt! I’ll also admit that there have been months when I wondered how that was possibly going to hold true… but somehow, it always has. For that, I thank you from my heart. Without you, I could not continue to devote my life to being the “earth member,” bringing it all through–for YOU. And that is MY greatest joy.

Newcomers, we welcome you! Please join the energy circuit of reciprocity by pressing the “donate tab” in the right sidebar. From the fruits of your own generosity, so YOU shall reap. (I  can personally attest to that, too!

Much Love/Light to Each and ALL of You! Always and in All Ways– the celestial team

 And FINALLY…  here’s the VIDEO!

The Transformational Alchemy of Integration: Cracking the Codes! 


Copyright(c) 2014, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

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