We Interrupt This Program With A Special Message!

This is Judith. On this the first day of the first month of 2021, I am, indeed, interrupting our “Guidance Through the Storm” series to bring you a special message!

It is actually a response to a request that was made by a specific individual to a specific collective within the celestial team for “a statement about the virus and the vaccine.” That is quite a general request! Even though the answer given was honed for the individual who made the request, I soon realized it was meant to be shared with all of you, as well. So without further ado, here is what the Ninth Dimensional Pleiadian Collective had to say:

Hello dear, we are delighted with the privilege to commune with you in this way!

We think there is something in this pandemic scenario that you have all co-created together that would be interesting to look at in this moment of your linear time construct. 

First of all, you can already see that “the virus” is a collective entity, and there are many, many, of them within it, indeed! 

Humanity is also a collective. 

However, the virus has what you might call “unity consciousness” because all of the individuals within it are working together as one, so it is very effective at staying alive and even thriving. 

Of course, the corona collective has neither your free will nor your brains, so it does not have the responsibility that comes with choice! But that is also what makes it such a pure example of a united consciousness. Were it an internally divided one, it would certainly not be the force to be reckoned with that it has become.

For a collective to thrive, it cannot be internally divisive. That is simply physics. It is also a deep spiritual truth for you all. 

With many well wishes to you! ~ The Ninth Dimensional Pleiadian Collective 

Me again. This surprised me, kind of. Thinking about the corona virus as a collective! But the feeling was that the 9DPs had zeroed in on something and were cutting to the chase.

Oh yeah, I kept asking about the vaccines. They seemed to think that their statement covered it, lol, but finally just said to… well, here— 

… do not play into using them as another tool of divisiveness against yourselves, and do not put anything into your body that you are afraid of. Do not put frequencies of fear into your vehicle!!

There you have it. To me, they did cut to the chase. But that’s just me. As the 9DPs always say, take what resonates for YOU, and leave the rest behind!

On this first day of a new year, I say namaste to you. Deeply. NAMASTE!


Attention to our precious newcomers! Be sure to press the “follow the Love/Light” tab in the right sidebar to receive all of the transmissions of Guidance Through the Storm.   If you have questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. And one more time, much Love/Light to you!


Copyright(c)Judith Dagley 2020-All Rights Reserved   www.thecelestialteam.com


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  1. Eliza Ayres

     /  January 2, 2021

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.


  2. Laura Yergan

     /  January 2, 2021

    Nice that you posted their message for all to see. Makes sense to do. Especially since you went to the trouble of getting it! And your little tweaks do make it clearer for the general public. Nice!

    On Fri, Jan 1, 2021 at 10:27 PM the celestial team wrote:

    > judithdagley posted: ” This is Judith. On this the first day of the first > month of 2021, I am, indeed, interrupting our “Guidance Through the Storm” > series to bring you a special message! It is actually a response to a > request that was made by a specific individual to a ” >


    • Thank you, Laura.
      I can’t really take credit for it, though– I was very intently involved in “the program” they interrupted, lol!
      I just wonder if the individual in question has any idea of what a service to others her request was!
      Or if ANY of us yet realize how interconnected we are!
      Now, THAT would be nice, wouldn’t it?
      Much Love/Light to you!


  3. Laura Yergan

     /  January 2, 2021

    Oh, and I like the title; attention getting!


  4. Reblogged this on Judith Dagley Flaherty, mft and commented:

    I get a lot of questions. I take the time to answer every one of them. Some people ask me why I spend so much time on them! My answer is always, “Why NOT? Is there a better way to spend one’s time than in responding to others?”
    Interestingly, no one has provided me with one yet. Besides, the answers that I come up with often surprise ME! Sometimes, I can feel that they need to be shared. This is one of them.


  5. Carol

     /  January 8, 2021

    I sure miss you on youtube, Judith. Your whole presence and voice are so comforting.


  1. We Interrupt This Program With A Special Message! - English Despertando.me Global Awakening Portal

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